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核与粒子物理学术报告会 42

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 Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium 41

Time: 14:00-16:00, November 22, 2017

Place: Room 513(大), Main Building, Beihang University

Title: Advances in nuclear reaction calculations by incorporating information from nuclear mean-field theories

Speaker: Prof. Toshihiko Kawano, Los Alamos National Laboratory in US


Calculations of the statistical Hauser-Feshbach theory with the pre-equilibrium process require a lot of model inputs such as optical potentials, level densities, photon strength functions, fission barriers, and so on. In the nuclear data evaluations, we often employ model parameters that are estimated phenomenologically, or sometimes we derive them semi-microscopically with nuclear structure theories. We envision combining nuclear structure models with the nuclear reaction calculations will be very attractive for further development of nuclear reaction codes. An example is the mean-field model calculation for the neutron direct/semi-direct capture model developed at Los Alamos, where the Hartree-Fock (HF) BCS theory is used for calculating bound-neutron wave-functions. Recently this technique was extended to the Finite-Range Droplet Model (FRDM) and the model was unified with the statistical Hauser-Feshbach code CoH3 at LANL. In this paper we discuss possible connections between the nuclear reaction and structure models. Since fully-microscopic calculations still have some issues in practical applications, we limit ourselves to a semi-microscopic approach so that we can perform calculations of the nuclear structure and reaction models simultaneously. For example, the single-particle states calculated with FRDM or HF-BCS are the basis for nuclear level density calculations. We apply the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) to average the particle-hole level density, from which local fluctuation in the parity distribution can be inferred. Since these calculations are reasonably fast, we are able to fine-tune the calculation to available observables in a particular mass region of interest.
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