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核与粒子物理学术报告会 45

Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium 45
Place: Room 513, Main Building, Beihang University
Time: 14:00-15:30, December 13, 2017
Title: Chiral effective theory on the lightfront
Speaker: Xing-Bo Zhao, Institute of Modern Physics
Place: Room 513, Main Building, Beihang University
Time: 14:00-15:30, December 13, 2017
Title: Chiral effective theory on the lightfront
Speaker: Xing-Bo Zhao, Institute of Modern Physics
My talk consists of three parts. In the first part I will introduce the basic ideas of lightfront quantization and its advantages compared to the conventional “equal-time” quantization when applied to quantum field theory. In the second part I will illustrate how lightfront quantum field theory is employed to solve relativistic bound states through three examples: 1) physical electron in QED; 2) positronium in QED; 3) baryon in QCD. In the third part I will explain the motivation of applying lightfront quantization to chiral effective theory and then discuss a tentative roadmap of such applications.