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  • 物理系:陈勇

    姓名: 陈勇
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1972
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2010
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 理论物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 统计物理与复杂性系统、软物质与生物物理
    电子信箱: ychen.ch@gmail.com
    办公电话: 010-82339659
    1994年6月兰州大学理论物理本科学士毕业,2000年6月兰州大学博士毕业,获理论物理专业博士学位。2000-2013年在兰州大学理论物理研究所工作,历任讲师、副教授、教授,曾担任兰州大学理论物理研究所所长(2004-2013),目前为北航物理学院卓越百人教授(2013.3-)。已经培养毕业博士生10人,硕士生13名,在读博士生6名,硕士生2名。曾先后在德国Konstanz大学物理系、英国伦敦国王学院数学系从事软物质方面的研究工作。目前主要从事统计物理与复杂性系统、软物质与生物物理等研究。2007年有关神经网络中复杂网络结构效应的工作在南京举行的国际神经网络大会(ISNN 2007)上被选为Journal special issue paper(一共从1975篇投稿中评选出49篇论文);2008年的有关离子通道噪声效应的工作被致力于宣传中国大陆和香港地区最新优秀科研成果的“nature CHINA”网站作为研究亮点进行报道。主持完成国家自然科学青年基金1项、面上项目1项,在研面上项目1项,入选2011年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,发表SCI期刊论文50余篇。

  • 物理系:陈强

    姓名: 陈强
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1956
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2008
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 纳米薄膜材料、计算机模拟
    电子信箱: qchen@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 82316286
    办公地点: 主楼222

    近五年代表性学术论文:First principle study of the cation vacancy in anatase TiO2,N dopant induced antiferromagnetism in anatase TiO2 : First principle study,(SCI)。

  • 物理系:崔怀洋

    姓名: 崔怀洋
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1963
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2004
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
  • 物理系:崔益民

    姓名: 崔益民
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1970
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2007
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 表面界面物理特性,薄膜物理,材料物理
    电子信箱: cuiym@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 北航主楼主225
    通信地址: 北京航空航天大学物理系


    崔益民,1994年毕业于合肥工业大学材料科学与工程系,获学士学位;2003年在中国科学院等离子体物理研究所获博士学位;2003年进入清华大学物理系从事博士后研究工作;2005年来北京航空航天大学物理系工作。近年来,主要从事等氧化物功能薄膜的制备和物性研究。负责和参加国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑计划、“973”、“863”等课题10余项。在Appl. Phys. Lett.,ACS Appl.-Mater.-Interfaces等刊物发表SCI论文50余篇,申请国家发明专利10项,已授权发明专利7项。
    [1] Yimin Cui, C.C Wang, G.L Xie, et al, “TbMnO3 Epitaxial Thin Films by Pulsed-LaserDeposition”, Solid. State. Commun. 133, 641(2005).
    [2] Yimin Cui, L.W Zhang,C.C Wang, et al, “Strain assisted tunneling current through TbMnO3/Nb-1 wt%-doped SrTiO3 p-n junctions ”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86,203501 (2005).
    [3] C.C Wang, Yimin Cui, L.W Zhang,et al, “Phase separation in La2CuO4+y ceramics probed by dielectric measurements”, Phys. Rew. B.. 72, 064513(2005).
    [4] Yimin Cui, W Cai, Y LI, et al, “Microstructure-dependent dielectric properties of TbMnO3 in Au/TbMnO3 /YBa2Cu3O7-x capacitors” , J. Appl. Phys. 100, 034101 (2006).
    [5] Yimin Cui, L.W Zhang,C.C Wang, et al, “Hydrogen annealing effects on polycrystalline La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 compound”, J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 297 (2006) 21
    [6] Yimin Cui, L.W Zhang,R.M Wang, et al, “Magnetic and transport and Dielectric Properties of Polycrystalline TbMnO3”, Solid. State. Commun. 138, 481 (2006).
    [7] Yimin Cui, L.W Zhang, R.M Wang, et al, “Dielectric properties of polycrystalline MgB2”, Physica C. 442 (2006) 29.
    [8] Zhiyuan Yao,L.W. Zhang , Yimin. Cui , “Effects of the surface layer of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 thin films ”, Solid.State. Commun. 139, 465(2006).
    [9] C.C. Wang, Y.J. Yan, L.W. Zhang , Yimin. Cui , et al, “Maxwell–Wagner relaxation in CaCu3Ti4O12/Ag composites”, Scripta Materialia,54 (2006) 1501–1504.
    [10] Yimin Cui, R.M Wang, et al,“Effect of cation addition on dielectric properties of TbMnO3”,Physica B.392,147 (2007) .
    [11] Yimin Cui, R.M Wang,“Investigation of metal contacts to Nb-1.0 wt.%-doped SrTiO3”,Mater.Sci.Eng.B,138 (2007) 214. 164ZQ
    [12] C.C Wang, Yimin Cui, L.W Zhang,“Dielectric properties of TbMnO3 ceramics”,Appl. Phys. Lett .90 (2007) 012904.
    [13] Yimin Cui, L.W Zhang, R.M Wang, et al, “Quenching-Promoted Anomalous Electromagnetic Behaviors of Polycrystalline La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 compound by Hydrogen Annealing”, J. Alloys . Compd.428 (2007), 40-43.
    [14] Yimin Cui, “Schottky behavior at Ag / Nb-1.0 wt.%-doped SrTiO3 interface”,Physica B. 399 (2007) 47.
    [15] C.C Wang, W.Liu, Yimin Cui, L.W Zhang,“Effect of sintering temperature on magneto-transport properties of La0.67Ba0.33MnO3/Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 composites”,Mater Res Bull, 42 (2007)633 .
    [16] Jin Fang, Yimin Cui , Yong Zhang, Ming Qiu,“Rectifying properties of the La2CuO4 / Nb-0.7 wt%-doped SrTiO3 heterojunction”, Physica C,458 (2007) 51.
    [17] Jin Fang,Yimin. Cui*,“Magnetic and transport properties of samples of the approximate composition La0.9Ba0.1MnO3 with different cation deficiencies ” J. Alloys. Compd. 432 (2007)15.
    [18] Yimin Cui, R.M Wang,“Backward rectifying and forward Schottky behavior at
    Au/Nb-1.0 wt%-doped SrTiO3 interface” Appl. Phys. Lett .91 (2007) 233513. 238MA
    [19] Yimin Cui, Rongming Wang,Liuwan Zhang,“Delamination and magnetism softening of polycrystalline La0.9Ba0.1MnO3” J. Appl. Phys. 103 (2008) 073907. 289GO
    [20] Yimin Cui, Liuwan Zhang, Rongming Wang,Guanlin Xie, “thickness-dependent rectifying behavior in heterojunctions of TbMnO3/Nb-1.0wt%-doped SrTiO3”, Thin Solid Films. 516 (2008) 2292. 272PQ
    [21] Yimin Cui, “Decrease of loss in dielectric properties of TbMnO3 by adding TiO2” Physica B. 403 (2008) 2963. 354GI
    [22] Yimin Cui, “Abnormalrectifying behavior of In/SrTiO3/SrTiO3:Nbcapacitor” Solid. State. Commun. 147, 350 (2008). 343IH
    [23] J.Q. Qian,Yimin Cui,P. Xu,“The study for measuring rotor speed and direction with quadrant photoelectric detector”,Measurement,41,626(2008). 316WU
    [24] Yimin Cui, Rongming Wang,“Superposed forward current-voltage characteristics in TbMnO3/n-Si and TbMnO3/p-Si heterostructures”, Thin Solid Films. 517 (2009) 5872. 467GB
    [25] Yimin Cui, Rongming Wang, “The changes of capacitance-loss and current-voltage characteristics of LaMnO3+δ /SrTiO3:Nb heterojunctions exposed to ambient air”, Phys. Lett. A. 374 (2010) 625–627. 555CO
    [26] Yimin Cui, Sheng Yin, Dandan Wang, Guozhong Xing, SengHwee Leng, and Rongming Wang, “Electrical characteristics of Au and Ag Schottky contacts on Nb-1.0 wt.%-doped SrTiO3”, J. Appl. Phys. 108 (2010) 104506. 690KZ
    [27] Pengwei Li, Yimin Cui, Gavin Behan, Hongzhou Zhang and RongmingWang,“Room temperature synthesis and one-dimensional self-assembly of interlaced Ni nanodiscs under magnetic field”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 (2010) 275002.
    [28] Pengwei Li, Weimeng Chen, Wei Liu, Zi’an Li, Yimin Cui, Anping Huang, Rongming Wang, and Chinping Chen, “Thermodynamic Phase Formation of Morphology and Size Controlled Ni Nanochains by Temperature and Magnetic Field”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114 (17), pp 7721–7726,588FO.
    [29] Hu Luo, Ran Jing, Yimin Cui, Hailong Wang, Rongming Wang, “Improvement of fabrication precision of focused ion beam by introducing simultaneous electron beam”, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 20 (2010) 111.
    [30] Yimin Cui, Yufeng Tian, Wei Liu, Yongfeng Li, Rongming Wang, and Tom Wu, “Interface-dependent rectifying TbMnO3-based heterojunctions”, AIP Advances 1, 042129 (2011). 916ZG
    [31] Yimin Cui, Wei Liu, Hui Pan “Nonlinear current-voltage characteristics originated from phase segregation and micro-cracks in polycrystalline La0.67Ba0.33MnO3”,J. Rare Earths, 29 (2011) 716.
    [32] Hui Pan, Yimin Cui, Hailong Wang, Rongming Wang, “Spin-polarized Andreev reflection and spin accumulation in a quantum-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer with spin-orbit interaction effects”, J. Appl. Phys. 110 (2011) 033706.
    [33] Yimin Cui, Yufeng Tian, Aixian Shan, Chinping Chen, Rongming Wang,“Magnetic anisotropy and anomalous transitions in TbMnO3 thin films”,Appl. Phys. Lett .101 (2012) 122406.
    [34] Y. M. Cui, J. X. Xu, H. Pan, R. M. Wang, “Temperature independent leakage current in Au/TbMnO3/YBa2Cu3O7-x capacitors”, Solid. State. Commun. 152, 123 (2012). 889MJ
    [35] Cong Lu, Yimin Cui*, “Dielectric characteristics of cation deficient TbMnO3”, Physica B, 407 (2012) 3856–3860.
    [36] C. Chen, K.B.Xu, Y.M.Cui, C.C.Wang, “Polaronic relaxationinLaFeO3”, Materials Letters 89 (2012) 153–155.
    [37] Hu Luo, Hailong Wang, Yimin Cui, Rongming Wang, “Focused ion beam built-up on scanning electron microscopy with increased milling precision”, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55, 625-630 (2012).
    [38] K.B. Xu, C.C. Wang, M.N. Zhang, G.J. Wang, Y.M. Cui, “Polaronic relaxation in La0.8Bi0.2Fe0.7Mn0.3O3”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 134 (2012) 499–502.
    [39] X. H. Sun, C. C. Wang, G. J. Wang, C. M. Lei, T. Li, J. Y. Mei, Y. M. Cui, “Relationship between the dielectric properties and the conductivity of Ba2FeNbO6”, J. Electroceram 29 (2012) 187–191.
    [40] Yimin Cui, Haiyang Peng, Shuxiang Wu, Rongming Wang, Tom Wu, “Complementary charge trapping and ionic migration in resistive switching of rare-earth manganite TbMnO3”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5 (2013)1213-1217.
    [41] Yimin Cui, Wei Liu, Rongming Wang, “Visible light initiated and collapsed resistive switching in TbMnO3/Nb:SrTiO3 heterojunctions”,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (2013). 2013, 15 (18), 6804 – 6808.
    [42] Jianxun Xu, Yimin Cui*, “Dielectric characteristics of Ga doped TbMnO3”, Mater. Sci. Eng. B,178 (2013) 316-320.
    [43] Shuai Zhong, Yimin Cui*, “Metal and annealing atmospheres dependence of resistive switching in metal/Nb0.7wt%-SrTiO3 interfaces”, Current Appl. Phys. 13(5), (2013) 913-918.
    [44]Yimin Cui, Yunlong Wu, “Activationless percolating transport of charge carriers in TbMnO3 films at low temperature with low electric field”, J. Rare Earths, 31(2), 149-152 (2013)
    [45] Peikai Zhang, Yimin Cui*, “SiOx nanostructures grown under atmospheric pressure”, CrystEngComm, 15(46) (2013) 9963–9967.
    [46] Haifeng Feng,Weichang Hao, Changzheng Zhao, Xiandong Xin, Jinyang Cheng, Yimin Cui, Yan Chen, and Wenjun Wang, “Fabrication and UV-sensing properties of one-dimensional b-Ga2O3 nanomaterials”, Phys. Status Solidi A 210, 9, 1861–1865 (2013).
    [47] Cong Lu, Yimin Cui*, “Dielectric characteristics of Si-added and Si-doped TbMnO3”, Physica B, 432 (2014) 58–63.
    [48] Jianxun Xu, Yimin Cui*, Huaizhe Xu, “Improvements of dielectric properties of Fe doped TbMnO3”, Ceramic Inter.40 (2014)12193-12198. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.04.060.
    [49] Shuai Zhong,Sibin Duan, Yimin Cui*, “Electrode dependence of resistive switching in
    Au/Ni–Au nanoparticle devices”, RSC Advances. 4, (2014) 40924.

  • 物理系:苟成玲

    姓名: 苟成玲
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1961
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2006
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 1. 凝聚态物理 : 等离子体与材料表面相互作用,核聚变反应第一壁材料研究 2. 复杂系统研究: 金融物理,金融系统复杂性及其它
    电子信箱: gouchengling@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 北航学院路校区主楼341室


    工作经历 :
    单位名称: 北京航空航天大学
    职 位: 副教授
    工作日期: 从 1995. 3 至今

    单位名称: 英国牛津大学
    职 位: 访问博士后
    工作日期: 2004.10至2005.9


    本人还做过金融物理方面的研究,提出基于多主体的混合博弈模型(mix-game models),研究了mix-game模型的动力学行为及其对股票市场的应用,研究了进化的mix-game模型动力学行为及其对股票市场的应用,用mix-game模型和进化的mix-game模型对股票市场作预测。用探索性数据分析方法对股票市场数据的实证分析应用;研究了Z-积分信用风险管理模型对中国上市公司的适应性分析。发表了SCI和SSCI收录的论文多篇。



    1. Chengling Gou, Xiaoqian Guo, Fang Chen, Study on System Dynamics of Evolutionary Mix-game Models,Physica A 387 (2008) 6353-6359。
    2. Fang Chen, Chengling Gou, Xiaoqian Guo, Jieping Gao, Prediction of Stock Markets by Evolutionary Mix-game Models, Physica A (SCI收录) 387 (2008) 3594–3604,
    3. Chengling Gou, The Relations between Agent Performances and Their Intellective Abilities in Competing Systems, Physica A 378 (2007) 459–464,
    4. Chengling Gou, Dynamic Behaviors of Mix-game model and Its Application,Chinese Physics (SCI收录),Vol. 15, N0.6, 2006.6,p1239。
    5. Chengling Gou, Deduction of Initial Strategy Distributions of Agents in Mix-game model,Physica A, Vol. 371, No. 2, 15 November 2006, Pages 633-640
    6. Chengling Gou, Simulation of Financial Markets by Agent-based Mix-game Models,Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation vol. 9, no. 3,(2006.6) http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/9/3/6.html (SSCI收录)。
    7. Chengling Gou, Predictability of Shanghai Stock Market by Agent-based Mix-game Model,Proceeding of IEEE ICNN&B'05,2005.10,IEEE Press,p1651。
    8. Chengling Gou, Agents Play Mix-games, (Invited lecture at the International workshop on Econophysics of Stock Markets and Minority games, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India, 14~17 Feb. 2006. 会议文集近期将由Springer-Verlag Italia 出版在其“新经济窗口丛书”系列中。)
    9. Gou Chengling, Wang Peixuan et al., A Microscopic Mechanism of Low Temperature Helium Release, Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition). 1997,6(10): 771~779。
    10. Gou Chengling, Wang Peixuan et al., A Study of Thermal Desorption of Helium from High-pure α-Ti and Hydrogenated Ti Samples, Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition). 1995,4(5): 380~388,
    11. Wang Peixuan, Gou chengling et al., The Influence of He Ion Implantation on the Dissociation of TiH2 and Thermal Release of Hydrogen, Proc. Of The 3rd Sino-Japanese Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy System and Fission and Fusion Engineering---SJSMAES’95. Chengdu, 29 Oct. ~3 Nov.1995,162。

  • 物理系:邓胜华

    姓名: 邓胜华
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1959
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2009
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 新型半导体光电材料性能研究、 计算物理、 相对论多粒子系统中的场论
    电子信箱: shdeng@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 教学区主楼226
    先后承担和参加国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目子课题、北京正负电子对撞机国家实验室课题及省部级科研项目等12项。在“Phys. Lett. B”、“Phys. Rev. B”、“Appl. Phys. Lett. ”和《中国科学》等国内外重要学术刊物和国际学术会议发表学术论文50余篇。

  • 物理系:刁训刚

    姓名: 刁训刚
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1965
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2008
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    聘任在自主设置学科培养博士生专业名称: 新能源技术
    主要研究方向及特色: 纳米多功能光电薄膜及红外/可见智能调控器件(1)高性能透明导电薄膜(2)全固态电致变色器件
    电子信箱: diaoxg@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 18101082112
    办公地点: 北京航空航天大学凝聚态物理与材料物理中心113房间


    现在:本科教学:留学生大学物理(全英文授课),国家级精品课http://jiaohu.buaa.edu.cn/GeneralPhysics; 新能源技术,校级选修课。研究生教学:红外物理学;太阳能物理。
    经过十多年的努力,我们在365娱乐场体育投注正式建立了“太阳能物理实验室Solar Energy Physics Laboratory”,主要从事太阳能材料和技术、红外与节能薄膜、红外隐身技术、太阳能与建筑节能一体化技术、卫星表面智能温控技术等研究。实验室现有教授1人,副教授1人,讲师1人,博士后1人,高级工程师1人,博士生5人,硕士生4人。现有实验设备有:磁控溅射镀膜机4台,紫外/可见/近红外分光光度计1台,红外傅里叶光谱仪1台,高温烧结炉1台(1600°C),烘箱两台,台阶膜厚仪1台,划痕仪1台,红外热像仪1台(-40~1500°C),红外发射率测量仪1台,小型计算机工作站1台,其他小型仪器设备和工作平台若干。

  • 物理系:郭怀明

    姓名: 郭怀明
    性别: 男
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2012
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    办公地点: 北航主楼303


    北京师范大学物理系(1998-2002), 学士。

    2008年12月 - 2010年7月, The University of British Columbia, Canada, Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. M. Franz。
    2011年3-9月,The University of Hong Kong, Senior Research Associate with Prof. Shun-Qing Shen。
    • 强关联电子系统(高温超导理论)
    • 拓扑绝缘体和拓扑超导体
    • 量子蒙特卡罗、精确对角化
    目前主持国家自然科学基金两项。在Phys. Rev. Lett, Phys. Rev. B,Phys. Rev. A 等国际物理学期刊上发表学术论文三十余篇,SCI收录论文被引用四百多次。
    1:H.-M. Guo, G. Rosenberg, G. Refael, M. Franz, Topological Anderson insulator in three dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 216601 (2010).
    2:H.-M. Guo, M. Franz, Three-dimensional Topological Insulators on the Pyrochlore Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 206805 (2009).
    3: Huaiming Guo, Hard-core bosons in one-dimensional interacting topological bands, Phys. Rev. A, 86, 055604 (2012).
    4: Huaiming Guo, Shun-Qing Shen, and Shiping Feng, Fractional topological phase in one-dimensional flat bands with nontrivial topology, Phys. Rev. B 86, 085124 (2012).
    5: Huaiming Guo and Shun-Qing Shen, Topological phase in a one-dimensional interacting fermion system, Phys. Rev. B 84, 195107 (2011).
  • 物理系:黄安平

    姓名: 黄安平
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1974
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2013
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 1.半导体薄膜与器件物理,2.信息功能材料与仿生智能器件,3.半导体材料表面改性与生物物理
    电子信箱: aphuang@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 主楼436
    通信地址: 北京航空航天大学物理系


    黄安平:男,安徽安庆人,博士,教授,博士生导师,美国Stanford大学电子工程系访问学者,2008年度教育部新世纪优秀人才,北京航空航天大学“我爱我师”十佳教师(2011年),连续荣获北京航空航天大学优秀研究生指导教师称号(2011年、2010年),担任3rd IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference (INEC-2010)纳米电子学分会主席等。长期从事新型半导体薄膜物理与器件研究,在电子薄膜材料的合成制备、物性分析与电子器件的性能研究等方面积累了一定的工作经验。目前承担两门北京市精品课程的教学工作,已发表SCI检索学术论文50余篇,英文论著(Book Chapter)2篇,国际会议论文11篇,国际会议大会邀请报告多次。部分研究成果被全球最大的专业电信咨询公司之一Frost & Sullivan公司在其"Technical Insights"网站上以“新技术亮点”为题专门撰文评述。








    1. X. H. Zheng, A. P. Huang*, Z. S. Xiao, X. Y. Liu, M. Wang, Z. W. Wu, and Paul K. Chu, Diffusion Behavior of Dual Capping Layers in TiN/LaN/AlN/HfSiOx/Si Stack, Applied Physics Letters 99 (2011) 131914;

    2. A. P. Huang*, X. H. Zheng, Z. S. Xiao, Z. C. Yang, M. Wang, and Paul K. Chu Flat Band Voltage Shift in P-Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors, Chinese Physics B 20 (2011) 097303;

    3. Z. C. Yang, A. P. Huang*, X. H. Zheng, Z. S. Xiao, X. Y. Liu, X. W. Zhang, Paul K. Chu and W. W. Wang, Fermi-level pinning at metal/high-k interface influenced by electron state density of metal gate: IEEE Electron Device Letters 31 (2010) 1101-1103;

    4. X. H. Zheng, A. P. Huang*, Z. S. Xiao, Z. C. Yang, M. Wang, X. W. Zhang, W. W. Wang and Paul K. Chu, Origin of flat-band voltage sharp roll-off in metal gate/high-k/ultrathin SiO2/Si pMOS stacks: Applied Physics Letters 97 (2010) 132908;

    5. Z. C. Yang, A. P. Huang*, L. Yan, Z. S. Xiao, X. W. Zhang, Paul K. Chu and W. W. Wang, Role of interface dipole in metal gate/high-k effective work function modulation by aluminum incorporation: Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 252905;

    6. A. P. Huang, Z. S. Xiao, X. Y. Liu, L. Wang and P. K. Chu, Role of fluorine in plasma nitridated ZrO2 thin films under irradiation, Applied Physics Letters, 93 (2008) 122907-1–122907-3;

    7. A. P. Huang and P. K. Chu, Interfacial Compound Suppression and Dielectric Properties Enhancement of F-N-codoped ZrO2 Thin Films, Applied Physics Letters, 90 (2007) 082906-1–082906-3;

    8. A. P. Huang, Paul K. Chu and X. L. Wu, Enhanced Electron Field Emission from Oriented Columnar AlN and Mechanism, Applied Physics Letters, 88(2006) 251103-1-251103-3;

    9. A. P. Huang, S. L. Xu, M. K. Zhu, B. Wang, H. Yan and T Liu, Crystallization control of sputtered Ta2O5 thin films by substrate bias, Applied Physics Letters, 83 (2003) 3278-3280;

    10. A. P. Huang, L. Wang, J. B. Xu and P. K. Chu, Plasma Nitridated High-k Polycrystalline Array Induced by Electron Irradiation, Nanotechnology, 17 (2006) 4379-4383;

    11. A. P. Huang and P. K. Chu, Improvement of Interfacial and Dielectric Properties of Sputtered Ta2O5 Thin Films by Substrate Biasing and the Underlying Mechanism, Journal of Applied Physics, 97 (2005) 114106-1–114106-5;

    12. A. P. Huang, S. L. Xu, M. K. Zhu, G.H. Li, T. Liu, B. Wang, and H. Yan “Oriented growth of Ta2O5 films induced by substrate bias” Journal of Crystal Growth 2003, 255: 145~149;

    13. A. P. Huang, G. J. Wang, S.L. Xu, M. K. Zhu, G. H. Li, B. Wang, H. Yan “Oriented AlN films prepared with solid AlCl3 source by bias assisted Cat-CVD” Materials Science and Engineering B 2004, 107:161~165;

    14. A. P. Huang, and Paul K. Chu “Crystallization Improvement of Ta2O5 Thin Films by Addition of Water Vapor” Journal of Crystal Growth 2005, 274: 73~77;

    15. A. P. Huang, Paul K. Chu, H. Yan, and M. K. Zhu “Dielectric Properties Enhancement of ZrO2 Thin Films Induced by Substrate Biasing” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 2005, 23(2): 566~569;

    16. A. P. Huang, Ricky K. Y. Fu, Paul K. Chu,L. Wang, W. Y. Cheung, J. B. Xu, and S. P. Wong “Plasma Nitridation and Microstructure of High-k ZrO2 Thin Films Fabricated by Cathodic Arc Deposition” J. Crystal Growth 2005, 277: 422~427;

    17. A. P. Huang, and Paul K. Chu “Microstructural Improvement of Sputtered ZrO2 Thin Films by Substrate biasing” Materials Science and Engineering B 2005, 121(3): 244~247;

    18. A. P. Huang, and Paul K. Chu “Characteristics of Interface between Ta2O5 Thin Film and Si (100) Substrate” Surface and Coatings Technology 2005, 200: 1714~1718;

    19. A. P. Huang, Paul K. Chu L. Wang, W. Y. Cheung, J. B. Xu, and S. P. Wong “Fabrication of Rutile TiO2 Thin Films by Low-Temperature, Bias-Assisted Cathodic Arc Deposition and Their Dielectric Properties” J. Mater. Res. 2006, 21(4):

    20. A. P. Huang, Z. F. Di, Paul K. Chu “Microstructure and Visible-Photoluminescence of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Fabricated by Dual Cathodic Arc and Nitrogen Plasma Deposition” Surface and Coatings Technology 2007, 201: 4897~4900;

    21. A. P. Huang, Z. F. Di, Ricky K. Y. Fu, Paul K. Chu “Improvement of Interfacial and Microstructure Properties of High-k ZrO2 Thin Films Fabricated by Filtered Cathodic Arc Deposition Using Nitrogen Incorporation” Surface and Coatings Technology 2007, 201:8282-8285;

    22. A. P. Huang and P. K. Chu, “Thermal Stability and Electrical Properties of High-k Gate Dielectric Materials”, Proceedings 6th International Workshop on Junction Technology (IWJT), Paper 5.4, 2006: 214~ 219(Invited talk).

  • 物理系:郝维昌

    姓名: 郝维昌
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1974
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2013
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 1.氧化物材料在能源转化中的应用 2.氧化物材料的电子结构 3.低维纳米结构与器件
    电子信箱: whao@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 86-10-82339306
    办公地点: 中心203
    通信地址: 北京航空航天大学材料物理与化学研究中心(100191)

    1997.7 东北大学材料与冶金学院 获工学学士学位
    2003.6 兰州大学材料科学系 获工学博士学位
    2003.7-2005.6 北京航空航天大学物理系博士后
    2005.6-至今 北京航空航天大学物理系任教
    2011.6-2012.5,2013.3-4 两次在澳大利亚卧龙岗大学超导与电子材料研究所访问学者

    J.Phys. Chem., J. Hazard. Mater., J. Mater. Res.,Catal Today,JAP,Chin. Phys. Lett.等杂志审稿人


    序号 姓 名 工作单位 毕业时间
    1 孙 猛 苏州金宏气体有限公司(高工) 2008.9
    2 祁洪飞 中国航空材料研究院(高工) 2008.12
    3 董 平 北京十一学校 2009.7
    4 李建军 安徽理工大学(副教授) 2009.11
    5 邓红艳 清华大学物理系(博士后) 2012.5
    6 程 岩 中国科学院长春应化所(博士后)2014.6
    7 尚 军 中国航天兰州空间技术物理所 2014.7

    1 王 峥 北航中法工程师学院(助教) 2007.3
    2 杜 轶 澳大利亚卧龙岗大学(Research fellow)2007.3
    3 俞有幸 北航材料科学与工程学院副教授 2008.1
    4 王 旭 中国商用飞机有限责任公司 2009.1
    5 崔正南 亿利资源 2009.1
    6 郗 杨 美国德州大学达拉斯分校(工程师)2009.1
    7 邹 文 武汉新芯集成电路制造有限公司 2010.1
    8 程晋阳 中国恩菲工程技术有限公司 2011.1
    9 翟亭亭 钢铁研究总院(博士生) 2011.1
    10 信会菊 西安微电子所(航天771所) 2012.1
    11 辛宪栋 京东方科技股份有限公司 2012.1
    12 赵长征 北京维信诺科技有限公司 2013.1
    13 井 溪 中航复合材料有限责任公司 2013.1
    14 冯海凤 澳大利亚卧龙岗大学(博士生) 2014.1
    15 高 远 北京瑞普电子集团 2014.1



    [1]Jun Shang,Weichang Hao*,et al. ACS Catal. 2014,4:954
    [2]Yan Cheng,Weichang Hao*,et al. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2014,16:4544
    [3]Jun Shang,Weichang Hao*,et al. Physica Status Solidi RRL 2013, 7: 1071
    [4]Yan Cheng,Weichang Hao* et al. ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 2012, 4: 4470
    [5]Weichang Hao* et al. J. Appl. Phys. 2012,111: 07B301
    [6]Hongyan Deng, Weichang Hao*, et al. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116: 1251
    [7]Weichang Hao*, et al. ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 2010,2: 2053
    [8]Jianjun Li, Weichang Hao*,et al. J. Appl. Phys. 2009, 106: 063915
    [9]Jianjun Li, Weichang Hao*,et al. J. Appl. Phys. 2009, 105: 053907
    [10]Meng Sun, Weichang Hao*, et al. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2007, 443: 342
  • 物理系:李进松

    姓名: 李进松
    性别: 男
    首次聘任导师时间: 2013
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
  • 物理系:金硕

    姓名: 金硕
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1976
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2006
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 理论物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 主要方向为量子物理中非线性问题和软凝聚态理论。具体研究方向为物理中的数学方法、基本量子力学、玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚、软凝聚态理论等。近期的研究内容主要为李代数以及Yangian代数的数学方法在物理模型中的具体应用;此外,在软凝聚态理论领域中,研究关于光格中带有自旋冷原子的超流-莫特相变问题。近期从事聚变用体心材料的第一原理计算和热力学模型研究。
    电子信箱: jinshuo@buaa.edu.cn
    通信地址: 北京航空航天大学理学院物理系


    2004.7-至今任北京航空航天大学物理系,讲师;2001.9-2004.7 南开大学数学所理论物理专业博士研究生,获理学博士学位; 2002.4-2004.7 法国Tours大学访学;1998.9-2001.7 东北师范大学物理系理论物理专业硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位;1994.9-1998.7 东北师范大学物理系本科生,获理学学士学位。


    1. Jing-Min Hou, Li-Jun Tian and Shuo Jin, Dark states and coherent control of spin states in molecular magnets, Physical Review D, 73 (2006) 134425.
    2. Feng Pan, Yu Zhang, Shuo Jin, J. P. Drayyer, Mo-Lin Ge and J. L. Birman, Quantum phase of transition in the U(3) boson system, Physics Letter A, 341 (2005) 291-296.
    3. Hong-Biao Zhang, Li-Jun Tian, Mo-Lin Ge and Shuo Jin, A model for the coexistence of the p-wave superconductivity and ferroelectricity, Chinese Journal of Physics, 43 (2005) 364-371.
    4. Shuo Jin, Bing-Hao Xie, Hong-Biao Zhang and Mo-Lin Ge, Squeezed number state solutions of generalized two-mode harmonic oscillators model: an algebraic approach, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 42 (2004) 681-688.
    5. Shuo Jin, Jing-Min Hou, Bing-Hao Xie, Li-Jun Tian and Mo-Lin Ge, Superfluid-Mott insulator transition of spin-2 cold bosons in an optical lattice in a magnetic field, Physical Review A, 70 (2004) 023605.
    6. Li-Jun Tian, Shuo Jin, Hong-Biao Zhang and Kang Xue, A realization and truncation of Yangian algebra in the generalized hydrogen atom with a U(1) monopole, Chinese Physics Letter, 21 (2004) 767-769.
    7. Li-Jun Tian, Hong-Biao Zhang, Shuo Jin and Kang Xue, Y(sl(2)) algebra application in the extended Hydrogen atom and monopole models, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 41 (2004) 641-644.
    8. Bing-Hao Xie, Shuo Jin, Wei-Xian Yan , Su-Qing Duan and Xian-Geng Zhao, Generalized two-mode harmonic oscillators model: squeezed number state solutions and nonadiabatic Berry's phase, The European Physical Journal D, 30(2004)411-415.
    9. Jian Jing, Zheng-Wen Long, Li-Jun Tian and Shuo Jin, Symplectic quantization of open strings in constant background B-field, The European Physical Journal C, 29 (2003) 447-451.
    10. Shuo Jin, Kang Xue and Bing-Hao Xie, A realization of Yangian and its applications to transition operators for a bi-spin system in external magnetic field, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 39 (2003) 1-5.
    11. Bing-Hao Xie, Hui Jing, Shuo Jin and Mo-Lin Ge, Analytical method for low angular momentum yrast states in two-component Bose-Einstein condensate, Physical Review A, 65 (2002) 055601.

  • 物理系:柳飞

    姓名: 柳飞
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1975
    职称: 副研究员
    首次聘任导师时间: 2011
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 理论物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 研究兴趣包括生物大分子和多生物分子体系生命功能的物理起源,非平衡统计基础理论,无序有机器件的瞬态物理学等。
    电子信箱: feiliu@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 北航旧主楼303室



    杭州电子工业大学(1993-1997), 无线电工程,工学学士,。
    兰州大学物理系 (1997-2000),理学硕士,导师杨孔庆教授,几何量子化。
    中国科学院理论物理研究所 (2000-2004),理学博士, 导师欧阳钟灿教授,理论生物物理。

    2004年1月 - 2005年6月,清华大学高等研究中心博士后。
    2005年9-12月,06.10-07.1,07.11-08.1,08.10-08.12,09.12-10.2,日本东京工业大学 GCOE (21st Global Centers of Excellence Program 日本文部科学省)访问研究员。
    2006年3-6月,受邀访问 Kavli Institute of theoretical Physics, UCSB。
    2010年11-2011年1月,JSPS (日本学术振兴会) invitation fellowship。

    研究问题主要包括单生物分子动态行为的随机建模和理论、单生物分子实验数据统计分析、涨落定理的统一和推广、有机场效应管的载流子动态输运、微悬臂纳米弯曲的物理起源等。2003-2011期间已发表接受科研论文35篇,其中国际SCI论文32篇,目前SCI他引一百多次,单篇他引最高25次,受邀国际报告共4次。目前已获资助包括中国国家自然科学基金二项 (10447117和10704045),清华大学骨干人才资助和基础研究基金各一项。曾指导北大、清华和科大物理系本科生共 7人完成毕业论文设计,协助指导博士生4人,其中2人已获得博士学位。

  • 物理系:刘发民

    姓名: 刘发民
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1961
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2004
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 1、纳米功能薄膜物理 2、半导体材料物理 3、电磁光智能材料及其应用 4、特种功能陶瓷与固体发光材料
    电子信箱: fmliu@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82338602

    联系:010-82338602(O), E-mail: fmliu@buaa.edu.cn
  • 物理系:罗瑞盈

    姓名: 罗瑞盈
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1963
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2004
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 材料科学与工程
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 材料物理与化学
    主要研究方向及特色: 01 先进复合材料 02 新型炭纳米材料 03 先进复合材料的修复与模拟
    电子信箱: ryluo@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82338267
    办公地点: 教学区非晶态楼104室
    通信地址: 北京航空航天大学物理学院材料物理与化学研究中心


    1995年获西工大材料学博士学位,1997年从西安交通大学博士后流动站出站,作为访问教授2002-2003年在日本九州大学访问研究。现为北航物理学院院长助理,教授,博士生导师,材料物理与化学学科学术带头人,教育部新世纪优秀人才入选者,国家科学技术奖评审专家,中国复合材料学会理事,中国铸造协会顾问,《新型炭材料》、《复合材料学报》等杂志编委。《Carbon》 等国际SCI杂志审稿人,作为第一主持人近5年来承担国防基础重大、国家重大专项、国家自然科学基金、北京市重大科技计划等国家和省部级课题20余项,其中500万元以上的项目5项,总经费4000余万元。作为第一获奖人,获国防科技进步二等等奖项5项。申请发明专利28项,已授权20项。发表论文150余篇,其中SCI 国际杂志60余篇,CARBON(影响因子5.378)13篇。培养博士后、博士、硕士和留学生61人,其中已出站博士后2人,已毕业博士生13人、硕士生27人、留学生1人,有多人已成为大型企业(公司)高管及领军人才。
    01 先进复合材料
    02 新型炭纳米材料
    03 先进复合材料的修复与模拟
    主讲过的本科生课程:《材料物理》 、《固体物理实验技术》、《基础物理实验》
    [1]Jiangsong zhang, Ruiying Luo, Caili Yang. A multi-wall carbon nanotube-reinforced high-temperature resistant adhesive
    for bonding carbon/carbon composites, Carbon, 2012, in press.
    [2]Jinsong Li, Ruiying Luo, Ying Yan. Densification kinetics and matrix microstructure of carbon fiber/carbon
    nanofiber/pyrocarbon composites prepared by electrophoresis and thermal gradient chemical vapor infiltration. Carbon,
    2011, 49 (1): 242-248.
    [3]Jincao Zhang, Ruiying Luo. An environmentally friendly route to prepare hierarchical carbon/carbon–SiC composites by
    carbothermal reduction, Carbon, 2011, 49 (1): 339-342.
    [4]Jincao Zhang, Ruiying Luo, Qiao Xiang, Caili Yang. Compressive fracture behavior of 3D needle-punched carbon/carbon
    composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011, 528: 5002-5006.
    [5]Jinsong Li, Ruiying Luo, Ying Yan. Effect of carbon nanofibers on the infiltration and thermal conductivity of
    carbon/carbon composites, Materials Research Bulletin, 2011, 46(9): 1437-1442.
    [6]Huijun Yang, Ruiying Luo. A novel bronze-impregnated carbon strip containing Al2O3 particles for subway current
    collectors, Wear, 2011, 270 (9-10): 675-681.
    [7]Xiaowen Wu, Ruiying Luo. Mechanical properties investigation of carbon/carbon composites fabricated by a fast
    densification process, Materials and Design, 2011, 32 (4): 2361-2364.
    [8]Huijun Yang, Ruiying Luo. Effect of coal tar pitch modified by sulfur as a binder on the mechanical and tribological
    properties of bronze-impregnated carbon-matrix composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011, 528 (6): 2929-
    [9]Jiangsong Zhang, Ruiying Luo, Min Jiang, Qiao Xiang, Jinsong Li. The preparation and performance of a novel room-
    temperature-cured heat-resistant adhesive for ceramic bonding, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011, 528 (6):
    [10]Ruiying Luo, Yongfeng Ni, Jinsong Li, Caili Yang, Shaobo Wang. The mechanical and thermal insulating properties of
    resin-derived carbon foams reinforced by K2Ti6O13 whiskers, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011, 528 (4-5):
    [11]Yunfeng Zhang, Ruiying Luo, Jiangsong Zhang, Qiao Xiang. The reinforcing mechanism of carbon fiber in composite
    adhesive for bonding carbon/carbon composites, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2011, 211(2): 167-173.
    [12]Jincao Zhang, Ruiying Luo, Yunfeng Zhang, Yongfeng Ni, Jinsong Li, Caili Yang. Effect of isotropic interlayers on
    the mechanical and thermal properties of carbon/carbon composites, Materials Letters, 2010, 64 (13): 1536-1538.
    [13]Shaobo Wang, Ruiying Luo, Yongfeng Ni. Preparation and characterization of resin-derived carbon foams reinforced by
    hollow ceramic microspheres, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2010, 527 (15): 3392-3395.
    [14]Huijun Yang, Ruiying Luo, Suyi Han, Midan Li. Effect of the ratio of graphite/pitch coke on the mechanical and
    tribological properties of copper–carbon composites, Wear, 2010, 268 (11-12): 1337-1341.
    [15]Tao Liu, Ruiying Luo, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida. Anode performance of boron-doped graphites prepared from shot and
    sponge cokes, Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195 (6): 1714-1719.
    [16]Tao Liu, Ruiying Luo, Wenming Qiao, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida. Microstructure of carbon derived from mangrove
    charcoal and its application in Li-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55 (5): 1696-1700.
    [17]Tao Liu, Ruiying Luo, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao Mochida. Effect of vacuum carbonization treatment on the irreversible
    capacity of hard carbon prepared from biomass material, Materials Letters, 2010, 64 (1): 74-76.
    [18]Yujie Hu, Ruiying Luo, Yunfeng Zhang, Jincao Zhang, Jinsong Li. Effect of preform density on densification rate and
    mechanical properties of carbon/carbon composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2010, 527 (3): 797-801.
    [19]Gamal Manmoud, Ruiying Luo, Lin Guo. Oxidation resistance of carbon composites by silica solution impregnation.
    Journal of iron and steel research international, 2010, 1(17): 101-105.
    [20]Xiaowen Wu, Ruiying Luo, Jincao Zhang, Qiang Li, Yongfeng Ni. Kinetics of thermal gradient chemical vapor
    infiltration of large-size carbon/carbon composites with vaporized kerosene, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009,
    113 (2-3): 616-621.
    [21]Xiaowen Wu, Ruiying Luo, Yongfeng Ni, Qiao Xiang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon foams and
    fibers reinforced carbon composites densified by CLVI and pitch impregnation, Composites Part A: Applied Science and
    Manufacturing, 2009, 40 (2): 225-231.
    [22]Xia Wang, Ruiying Luo, Yongfeng Ni, Renqin Zhang, Shaobo Wang. Properties of chopped carbon fiber reinforced carbon
    foam composites, Materials Letters, 2009, 63 (1): 25-27.
    [23]Jincao Zhang, Ruiying Luo, Xiaowen Wu, Qiang Li. Fabrication and Characteristics of Carbon Nanofiber-Reinforced
    Carbon/Carbon Composites by Fast Catalytic Infiltration Processes, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2009, 5 (1-3): 33-38.
    [24]Jinsong Li, Ruiying Luo. Kinetics of chemical vapor infiltration of carbon nanofiber-reinforced carbon/carbon
    composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2009, 480 (1-2): 253-258.
    [25]Xiaowen Wu, Ruiying Luo, Jincao Zhang, Qiao Xiang, Yongfeng Ni. Deposition mechanism and microstructure of
    pyrocarbon prepared by chemical vapor infiltration with kerosene as precursor, Carbon, 2009, 47 (6): 1429-1435.
    [26]Jun Li, Ruiying Luo, Yanhong Bi, Qiao Xiang, Chen Lin, Yunfeng Zhang, Na An. The preparation and performance of
    short carbon fiber reinforced adhesive for bonding carbon/carbon composites, Carbon, 2008, 46 (14): 1957-65.
    [27]Jun Li, Ruiying Luo, Yaping Chen, Qiao Xiang, Chen Lin, Peng Ding, Na An, Jiwei Cheng. Oxidation behavior and
    kinetics of SiC/alumina–borosilicate coating for carbon–carbon composites, Applied Surface Science, 2008, 255 (5):
    [28]Jinsong Li, Ruiying Luo. Study of the mechanical properties of carbon nanofiber reinforced carbon/carbon composites,
    Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2008, 39 (11): 1700-1704.
    [29]Yanhong Bi, Ruiying Luo, Jinsong Li, Zhihua Feng, Zhihao Jin. The effects of the hydraulic oil on mechanical and
    tribological properties of C/C composites, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2008, 483-484: 274-276.
    [30]Jinsong Li, Ruiying Luo, Qiang Li, Tianmin Wang. Study of the infiltration and mechanical behavior of C/C composites
    prepared by ECVI, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2008, 480 (1-2): 278-282.
    [31]Xiaowen Wu, Weijia Zhang, Lanqin Yan, Ruiying Luo. The deposition and optical properties of Ge1-xCx thin film
    and infrared multilayer antireflection coatings, Thin Solid Films, 2008, 516 (10): 3189-3195.
    [32]Jing Ma, Weichang Hao, Ruiying Luo, Huaizhe Xu. Effect of crystallization quality on ferromagnetism in Zn1-xCoxO
    nanopowders, Materials Letters, 2008, 62 (3): 403-406.
    [33]Xiaowen Wu, Weijia Zhang, Ruiying Luo, Lanqin Yan. Mechanical and environmental properties of Ge1-xCx thin
    film, Vacuum, 2008, 82 (5): 448-454.
    [34]Jun Li, Ruiying Luo, Chen Lin, Yanhong Bi, Qiao Xiang. Oxidation resistance of a gradient self-healing coating for
    carbon/carbon composites, Carbon, 2007, 45 (13): 2471-2478.
    [35]Jinghua Luo, Ruiying Luo, Weigang Zhang. Atmospheric pressure MOCVD of thin Fe films on carbon fibers, Chemical
    Vapor Deposition. 2007, 13: 574-580.
    [36]Yidong Yuan, Ruiying Luo, Fukuan Zhang, Jinsong Li, Tao Liu, Wancheng Zhou. Influence of high temperature heat
    treatment on the friction properties of carbon/carbon composites under wet conditions, Materials Science and
    Engineering: A, 2005, 402( 1-2): 203-207.
    [37]Ruiying Luo, Qiang Li. Brake characteristics of 2D carbon/carbon composites prepared by rapid direction diffused CVI
    technology, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2004, 379( 1-2): 33-38.
    [38]Ruiying Luo, Jianwei Qu, Haiying Ding, Songhua Xu. Static friction properties of carbon/carbon composites, Materials
    Letters, 2004, 58(7-8): 1251-1254.
    [39]Ruiying Luo, Tao Liu, Jinsong Li, Hongbo Zhang, Zhijun Chen, Guanglai Tian. Thermophysical properties of
    carbon/carbon composites and physical mechanism of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity, Carbon, 2004, 42(14):
    [40]Ruiying Luo, Xiulan Huai, Jianwei Qu, Haiying Ding, Songhua Xu. Effect of heat treatment on the tribological
    behavior of 2D carbon/carbon composites, Carbon, 2003, 41(14): 2693-2701.
    [41]Ruiying Luo, Caili Yang, Jiwei Cheng. Effect of preform architecture on the mechanical properties of 2D C/C
    composites prepared using rapid directional diffused CVI processes, Carbon, 2002, 40(12): 2221-2228.
    [42]Ruiying Luo. Friction performance of C/C composites prepared using rapid directional diffused chemical vapor
    infiltration processes, Carbon, 2002, 40(8): 1279-1285.
    [43]Ruiying Luo, Jiwei Cheng, Tianmin Wang. Oxidation behavior and protection of carbon/carbon composites prepared using
    rapid directional diffused CVI techniques, Carbon, 2002, 40(11): 1965-1972.
    [44]Ruiying Luo. Fabrication of carbon/carbon composites by an electrified preform heating CVI method, Carbon, 2002, 40
    (11): 1957-1963.
    [45]Ruiying Luo, Zheng Yang, Liefeng Li. Effect of additives on mechanical properties of oxidation-resistant
    carbon/carbon composite fabricated by rapid CVD method, Carbon, 2000, 38( 15): 2109-2115.

  • 物理系:满兴坤

    姓名: 满兴坤
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1982
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2014
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 理论物理
    电子信箱: manxk@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82339659
    办公地点: 新主楼H1007室
    通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路37号,北京航空航天大学,新主楼H1007室


    2004 - 2009 博士,中国科学院化学研究所。研究方向:高分子物理理论模拟
    2000 - 2004 学士,北京科技大学,应用物理系
    2013 – Present 副教授,北京航空航天大学,物理科学与核能工程学院
    2011 - 2013 博士后,美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校,化工学院。研究方向:相干态高分子场论
    2009 - 2011 博士后,以色列特拉维夫大学,物理与天文学院。研究方向:高分子在薄膜中的自组装

    1.相干态高分子场论 (正与法国CEA理论物理所Prof. Henri Orland合作)
    2.嵌段共聚物在薄膜中的自组装(与以色列特拉维夫大学Prof. David Andelman合作)

    1.X. K. Man, K. Delaney, M. Villet, H. Orland, and G. H. Fredrickson, Coherent States Formulation of Polymer Field Theory, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 024905 (2014).
    2.X. K. Man, D. Andelman, and H. Orland, Block Copolymer on Nano-patterned Surfaces with Free Interface. Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications 86, 010801 (2012).
    3.P. Thebault, S. Niedermayer, S. Landis, P. Guenoun*, J. Daillant, X. K. Man*, D. Andelman, and H. Orland, Tailoring Diblock Coplymer Orientation using NanoImprint Lithography. Adv. Mater. 24, 1952-1955 (2012). Corresponding Author.
    4.X. K. Man, D. Andelman, H. Orland, P. Thebault, P.-H. Liu, P. Guenoun, J. Daillant, and S. Landis, Organization of Block Copolymers using NanoImprint Lithography: Comparison of Theory and Experiments, Macromolecules 44, 2206-2211 (2011).
    5.X. K. Man, D. Andelman, and H. Orland, Block Copolymer at Nano-Patterned Surfaces, Macromolecules 43, 7261-7268 (2010).
    6.X. K. Man, and D. D. Yan, Charge Inversion by Flexible Polyelectrolytes Adsorbed onto Charged Cylindric Surfaces within Self-Consistent-Field Theory, Macromolecules 43, 2582-2588 (2010).
    7.X. K. Man, S. Yang, D. D. Yan, and A.-C. Shi, Adsorption and Depletion of Polyelectrolytes in Charged Cylindrical System within Self-Consistent-Field Theory, Macromolecules 41, 5451-5456 (2008).
    8.W. Li, X. K. Man, D. Qiu, X. H. Zhang, and D. D. Yan, Structures and Interfaces between Two Colloidal Particles in Adsorptive Polymer Solutions, Polymer 53, 3409-3415 (2012).
    9.L.-J. Qu, X. K. Man, C. C. Han, D. Qiu, and D. D. Yan, Responsive Behaviors of Diblock Polyampholyte Brushes within Self-Consistent Field Theory, J. Phys. Chem. B 116, 743-750 (2012).
    10.X. H. Zhang, X. K. Man, C. C. Han, and D. D. Yan, Nucleation Induced by Phase Separation in the Interface of Polyolefin Blend, Polymer 49, 2368-2372 (2008).
    11.D. D. Yan, T. C. Suo, X. H. Zhang, X. K. Man, and B. Miao, Self-Consistent Field Theory and Its Applications in Polymer Systems, Front. Chem. China 6, 310-331 (2011).

  • 物理系:潘晖

    姓名: 潘晖
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1976
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2006
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 研究领域为凝聚态理论,主要针对低维受限量子体系开展量子调控和量子输运等方面的研究。
    电子信箱: hpan@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 北航主楼主518


    1994.9-1998.6 清华大学物理系,学士。
    1998.9-2003.6 清华大学物理系,博士(直博)。

    2003.7-2005.6 北京大学物理系,博士后。
    2005.7-现在 北京航空航天大学物理系。
    2008.10-2009.10 美国德州大学奥斯汀分校物理系,Research Fellow.


    主要从事低维受限量子体系中量子调控和量子输运等方面的研究。近年来针对量子点、量子环、碳纳米管、石墨烯等新兴低维受限量子体系,研究了外场、电子关联、自旋-轨道耦合等相互作用下系统中稳态及非平衡态的量子输运特性,探讨了新奇量子输运现象的物理本质,并阐明了相应的量子调控机制。目前已在Phys.Rev.B, J.Phys:Conden.Matter,J.Appl.Phys等国际物理学期刊上发表数十篇SCI收录论文。2007年入选北京市科技新星计划,2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。先后主持和参加多项国家自然科学基金和“863”计划等科研项目。是Phys.Rev.B,Appl.Phys.Lett.等期刊的审稿人。


  • 物理系:谢勇

  • 物理系:舒小林

    姓名: 舒小林
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1964
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2004
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 凝聚态物理计算物理学计算材料学
    电子信箱: shuxlin@buaa.edu.cn



  • 物理系:土井正男

    姓名: 土井正男
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1948
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 1989
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: *薄膜的结构演化和软物质的微构造,图案的形成; *软物质的接触线动力学,浸润,附着,脱附着。 *材料和电荷在软/固界面的传输:电-化反应,机电耦合。 *多尺度建模,理论分析和模拟。 *弹性软质:凝胶。 *膜和囊泡:囊泡结构变化,跨膜运输。
    电子信箱: masao.doi@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82336034
    办公地点: 北航新主楼H1114

    1. 现任职务:

    “外专千人计划”高层次人才引进项目重点专家,北航物理科学与核能工程学院 “千人计划”博导教授,北航软物质物理及其应用国际研究中心主任。

    2. 个人荣誉:


    3. 研究方向:

  • 物理系:孙莹

    姓名: 孙莹
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1983
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2014
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: (1) 新型智能材料奇特物性研究: 零(负)膨胀、零电阻温度系数等; (2) 新能源材料物性及应用研究: 太阳能热利用关键材料-光热转换涂层、光催化等; (3) 磁性金属材料物性及应用研究: 磁致伸缩、巨磁阻(信息记录)、磁制冷等。
    电子信箱: sunying@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82338346
    办公地点: 凝聚态物理与材料物理研究中心
    通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路37号北航凝聚态物理与材料物理中心


    2010年7月获得北京航空航天大学凝聚态物理专业博士学位,2010年9月至2013年5月在日本国立材料研究院从事博士后研究工作,2013年6月经“海外人才引进”直聘副教授进入北航物理学院工作。目前与美国国家标准局中子衍射中心、日本国立材料研究院、日本北海道大学、法国克莱蒙费朗第二大学等国际知名研究机构开展科研合作及访问交流等。近年来在Inorg. Chem., Appl. Phys. Lett., Phys. Rev. B等国际重要学术期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇, SCI他引100余次,已授权国家发明专利3项。

    项目批准号:51472017,项目名称:反钙钛矿Mn3AX异质结制备与电、磁物性研究 ,资助金额:80.00万元,项目起止年月:2015年01月至 2018年 12月
    中央高校基本科研业务费 (主持)
    项目批准号:YWF-14-WLXY-001,项目名称:未来空间站聚焦太阳能热利用关键技术研究,资助金额:10.00万元,项目起止年月:2014年01月至 2014年12月
    国家自然基金面上项目 (参与)
    项目批准号:51172012,项目名称:反钙钛矿结构化合物的磁结构解析及其”晶格-自旋”的相互作用机制,资助金额:60.00万元,项目起止年月:2012年01月至 2015年12月

    1. Y. S. Sun, Y. F. Guo, X. X. Wang et al., Applied Physics Letters, 100, 161907, 2012
    2. Ying Sun, Cong Wang, Yongchun Wen et al., Applied physics letters, 91, 231913, 2007
    3. Ying Sun, Yanfeng Guo, Yoshihiro Tsujimoto, et al., Inorganic chemistry, 52(2), 800-806, 2013
    4. Ying Sun, Cong Wang, Qingzhen Huang, et al., Inorganic Chemistry, 51(13), 7232-7236, 2012
    5. Jun Yan, Ying Sun, Yongchun Wen, et al., Inorganic chemistry, 53, 2317−2324, 2014.
    6. Jun Yan, Ying Sun*(通讯), Hui Wu, Qingzhen Huang, et al., Acta Materialia, 74, 58–65, 2014
    7. Ying Sun, Yanfeng Guo, Yoshihiro Tsujimoto, et al., Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 043509, 2014
    8. Ying Sun, Cong Wang, Yongchun Wen, et al., Scripta Materialia, 62, 686-689, 2010.
    9. Ying Sun, Cong Wang, Yongchun Wen et al., Journal of American Ceramic society, 93 [3], 2178–2181, 2010
    10. Ying Sun, Cong Wang, Lihua Chu, et al., Journal of American Ceramic society, 93 [3], 650–653, 2010
    11. Ying Sun, Cong Wang, Yongchun Wen, et al. Journal of American Ceramic society, 93 [3], 2178–2181, 2010
    12. Ying Sun, YanFeng Guo, Yoshihiro Tsujimoto, et al., Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, 286325, 2013

  • 物理系:王海龙

    姓名: 王海龙
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1974
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2011
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 强关联理论,量子相变,量子物理与复杂网络系统
    电子信箱: hlwang@buaa.edu.cn


    任现职:北航物理科学与核能工程学院 2007.4 至今
    博士后工作:北京大学重离子所 2005.1-2007.3
    博士毕业学校:北京大学物理系 2001.9-2005.1


    获得校级教学成果奖二等奖 一项

    一. 参加软件开发环境国家重点实验室自主研究课题
    二. 参加国家自然科学基金
    3.离子束-电子束作用下的TbMnO3 阻变效应研究
    三. 参加军口863项目
    xxxxxxxxxx关键技术的研究(已结题 )
    四. 参加973子课题


    1.WANG Hailong , WANG Rongming , WANG Yugang ,TIAN Guangshan. Phase transition in quarter- filled nanoclusters of Manganite induceed by element substitution at B site. SCIENCE CHINA Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy,54(2011):1277-1282 . Impact Factor: 1.195
    2.Guang-Hua Liu, Hai-Long Wang, Guang-Shan Tian. Existence of dimerized phases in frustrated spin ladder models. Phys. Rev. B 77 (2008), 214418 . Impact Factor: 3.772
    3.Jiang Xin, Wang Hailong,Tang Shaoting, Ma Lili, Zhang Zhanli, Zheng Zhiming. A new approach to shortest paths on networks based on the quantum bosonic mechanism. New J. Phys, 13(2011): 013022.Impact Factor: 3.849
    4. Xin Lin, Hailong Wang, Hui Pan, Huaizhe Xu. Gap opening at Dirac point in single-layer graphene with combined electric and magnetic fields modulation, Chin.Phys.B ,20(2011):047302. Impact Factor: 1.630
    5.Xin Jiang, Hailong Wang, Lili Ma, Zhanli Zhang, Shaoting Tang, Guangshan Tian,and Zhiming Zheng. Detecting structure of complex network by quantum bosonic dynamics. Physica A,389(2010):2465 . Impact Factor: 1.521
    6.Hu Luo, Ran Jing, Yimin Cui, Hailong Wang *, Rongming Wang. Improvement of fabrication precision of focused ion beam by introducing simultaneous electron beam. Progress in Natural Science-Materials International,20(2010):111-115. Impact Factor: 0.832
    7.Guang-Hua Liu, Hai-Long Wang, Guang-Shan Tian .Long-Range Electron Hopping and Ferromagnetism in Clusters.International Journal of Modern Physics B,25(2011):747-756. Impact Factor: 0.408

  • 物理系:王聪

    姓名: 王聪
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1966
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2004
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: (反)钙钛矿化合物负膨胀、磁、电输运性质研究;薄膜物理;太阳能热发电光谱选择性吸收涂层、光伏,储能材料的研究。
    电子信箱: congwang@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82338346
    办公地点: 理学院、凝聚态物理与材料物理研究中心

    科研方向:①太阳能聚焦热发电高温太阳光谱选择性吸收涂层(光-热转换多层膜);热控薄膜;空间太阳能热利用、固体导热与相变储热技术;半导体光催化纳米材料的研究; ②反钙钛矿化合物的反常(负、 低、零膨胀)热膨胀性质、及其关联的磁、电、热输运性质;磁致伸缩,磁卡效应等③新型II-V族半导体薄膜光伏电池材料探索。
    1995年中科院物理所获得博士学位,德国洪堡学者,2005年教育部新世纪优秀人才。现兼任中国晶体学会理事,中国能源学会理事,中国物理学会粉末衍射专业委员会副主任,中国材料学会环境材料委员会副主任,中国物理学会相图专业委员会委员,国际衍射数据中心(ICDD)委员;曾先后在德国、法国、英国、美国作为访问学者短期工作。在Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett.等刊物上发表论文140余篇, SCI收录100余篇,SCI他引超过700次;授权发明专利10项,在零膨胀功能材料和太阳光谱选择性吸收涂层研究方面具有特色与突出成果。2012年获得教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果(科学技术)自然科学二等奖(第四作者)。

  • 物理系:王玫

    姓名: 王玫
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1966
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2007
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 新型功能材料功能薄膜光电特性
    电子信箱: rose@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 北京航空航天大学主M楼519


    Family Name: WANG Given Name: Mei
    Gender: Female
    Institution: Department of Physics, School of Science
    Mailing address: Department of Physics, BeiHang University, No.37, XueYuan Road, HaiDian District, Beijing, China,100191
    Tel.: 13621064071
    Fax: +86 82317935
    E-mail: rose@buaa.edu.cn
    Oct.2007-Nov.2008: Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of British
    Columbia, Visiting Professor
    Jul. 2005-Now: Department of Physics,Beihang University, Associate Professor;
    Jul. 2002-Jun. 2005: Department of Physics, Beihang University, Lecturer;
    Jun. 1989-Sept. 1999: Lanzhou University, China, Instructor
    I am interested in development of electronic materials and functional film technology, and primarily in processes, properties, mechanisms and relationships between the composition, structure and electric performance. Besides, the novel devices with wide bandgap semiconductor films and corresponding theory are also attended.

    1. M. Wang, A. P. Huang, Paul K. Chu, B. Wang, and H. Yan, “Effects of plasma hydrogenation on low temperature growth of nanocrystalline cubic SiC thin films” Diamond & Related Materials 2007,16: 826;
    2. M. Wang, X. G. Diao, A. P. Huang, and Paul K. Chu, “Influence of substrate bias on the composition of SiC thin films fabricated by PECVD and underlying mechanism” Surface & Coatings Technology 2007, 201: 6777;
    3. M. Wang, A. P. Huang, B. Wang, H. Yan, Z. Y. Yao, A.Morimoto, and T. Shimizu, ”Bias effects on Structure of Sputtered SiC Films” Materials Science and Engineering B 2001, 85: 25;
    4. L. Zhang, M. Wang, and Y. Y. Xu “Substitution effect in Pr-doped YBCO” International Journal of Modern Physics B 2006, 20: 2899;
    5. Xuemei Song, Mei Wang, Bo Wang, Guanghua Chen, and Hui Yan, “Surface chemical reactions of diamond (100) by Cat-CVD” Thin Solid Films 2001, 395: 257;
    6. B. Wang, M. Wang, “The growth of AlN films composed of silkworm-shape grains and the orientation mechanism”, Materials Letters 2002, 53: 367;
    7. Liu W, Wang M, “Beta-SiC thin films grown by PECVD at low temperature” Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 2001, 30: 479;
    8. Zhou H.Wang R.Z.Wang, A.P.Huang, M.Wang “Dependence of oriented BN films on Si(100) substrate temperature” Journal of Crystal Growth 2002, 241: 261;
    9. Zhao Q,Wang B,Li J.C.,Wang M, “Nanocrystalline beta-SiC films grown on carbonized Si substrate by Cat-CVD” Diamond & Related Materials 2003,12 (9): 1505;
    10. Li J C, Zhao Q, Liu W, Wang M, “Nanocrystalline SiC films growth on Si by Cat-CVD method with negative bias” Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 2001, 30: 640;
    11.Zhao Q, Li JC, Liu W, Wang M, “Investigation of crystalline mechanism of beta-SiC thin films by Cat-CVD” Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 2001, 30: 646;
    12.Wang B,Zhao Q, Li JC, Wang BB, Song XM, Yang XD, Yan H, Wang M “Nanosized beta-SiC films prepared by a Cat-CVD with negative bias at low substrate temperature” Applied Surface Science 2003, 217: 314;
    13.B. Wang, M. Wang, S. J. Zhang, A. P. Huang, D. X. ZHang, H.Yan, “Growth mechanism of CVD oriented boron nitride films” International Symposium of Young Scholars on Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments 2001, 308;
    14.B.Wang R.Z.Wang, M.Wang, A.P.Huang, X.H.Li, M.K.Zhu, H.Yan, “Textured characteristic of aluminum nitride films prepared by magnetron sputtering” International Symposium of Young Scholars on Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments 2001, 304;
    15. Bo Wang, Mei Wang, Xue-mei Song, Yun-juan Zou, Hui Yan “Deposition of c-BN films on the substrates of Si wafer and WC alloy” The First Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium(CJCES) 2000, 588;
    16. D. X. Zhang, B. Wang, M. Wang, Y. J. Zou, H. Yan, T. Shimizu “BN films prepared by magnetron sputtering at low temperature” Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Technological Sciences 2000,Session 3 Advanced Materials 2000, 680;
    17. M. Wang, D. X. Zhang, A. P. Huang, J. C. Li, B. Wang, H. Yan, “Effect of Temperature on Oriented Growth of BN Thin Films”. Material Science and Engineering,2001, 9, 440 (in Chinese).
    18. M. Wang, D. X. Zhang, A. P. Huang, J. C. Li, B. Wang, H. Yan, “Oriented Growth of BN Thin Films induced by High Temperature”. Functional Material,2001, 10, 1515 (in Chinese).
    19. M. Wang, A. P. Huang, X. M. Song, H. Wang, M. K. Zhu, B. Wang, H. Yan , . Y. Yao, “Microstructure of SiC Thin Films deposited by Magnetron Sputtering”. Functional Material, 2001, 10, 1520 (in Chinese).
    20. M. Wang, L. W. Tan, B. Wang, Y. J. Zou, H. Yan and Z. Y. Yao, “Effect of Bias on Growth of SiC Thin Films”, Journal of Beijing University of Technology, 2002, 28, 107(in Chinese).
    21.M. Wang, X. M. Li, J. Z. Cui D. A. Da, “Microstructure of VO2 Thin Films by Magnetron Sputtering”,Journal of Lanzhou University 1999,1, 77 (in Chinese).

  • 物理系:王金良

    姓名: 王金良
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1964
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2008
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 1.功能材料及薄膜物理;2.低维结构物理与纳米技术;3.半导体发光材料物理
    电子信箱: wangjinliang@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 82316484 传真:010-82316484
    办公地点: 北航主楼524


    王金良,男, 1964.10生,理学博士,教授,博士生导师,凝聚态物理专业,功能材料及薄膜物理方向。
    主要研究方向:1.纳米硅薄膜的制备、微结构、力学特性、光电特性及其功能器件的研究;2.半导体硅化物薄膜的制备以及其光电特性的研究。3. 电磁波在复杂介质中传播的解的研究;4.超高密、超快速光信息存储基础研究。5. 稀土掺杂光放大宽带发光材料的制备与光致发光研究。

  • 物理系:王文文

    姓名: 王文文
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1980
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2009
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 透明导电氧化物薄膜的设计、制备及在太阳能电池、红外隐身和光催化领域的应用研究; •Thin film deposition and investigation: processing, structures, properties and applications •Transparent Conductive Oxides: fundamentals and applications in photovoltaic and photocatalysis fields •Surface modification of thin films: nano-particles and micro-grid synthesis , properties and applications
    电子信箱: wangww1016@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82316883
    办公地点: 北京航空航天大学办公楼东配楼401


    王文文(Wenwen Wang): 女,1980年10月出生,工学博士,北京航空航天大学物理学院教师,硕士生导师。现指导硕士研究生4名。

    [1] W.W. Wang, X.G. Diao, et al. Preparation and characterization of high-performance direct current magnetron sputtered ZnO:Al films. Thin Solid Films,491 (2005) 54 – 60. (SCI,目前被引46次)
    [2] 王文文,刁训刚,王峥,王天民. 直流反应磁控溅射ZnO:Al薄膜的光电和红外发射特性. 北京航空航天大学学报,2005(2): 236-241. (EI)
    [3] Wang Wenwen, Wang Tianmin. Effects of γ- ray Irradiation on Structure and Properties of ZnO:Al Thin Film. Materials Science Forum, 2007,546-549(Part 4) :2137-2142. (ISTP)
    [4] Wang Wenwen, Wang Tianmin. Effects of Atomic Oxygen Irradiation on Transparent Conductive Oxide Thin Films. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 20(2007), 464-468. (EI, SCIE)
    [5] Wang Wenwen, Wang Zheng, Hao Weichang. Effects of Ion Implantation on Electrical Properties of ITO thin film. 液晶与显示,2009(2):187-192. (核心期刊)
    [6] Chunzhi Li, Wenwen Wang, Junying Zhang , et al. Photocatalytic activity of ZnO films with micro-grid structure. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China, 3(2009) 289-293.(SCIE)
    [7] 孟超, 王文文, 顾宝霞等. 厚度对室温沉积ZnO:Al薄膜光电特性的影响.稀有金属(中文版),Vol 33. 2009(6)855-859. (核心期刊)
    [8] Wenwen Wang, Chunzhi Li, Junying Zhang, Xungang Diao.Effects of atomic oxygen treatment on structures, morphologies and electrical properties of ZnO:Al films. Applied Surface Science, 256(2010)4527-4532 (SCI)
    [9] Ji, SZ, Zhang, JY, Wang, WW, et al. Preparation and effects of Mg-doping on the electrochemical properties of spinel Li4Ti5O12 as anode material for lithium ion battery. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 123( 2010) 2-3: 510-515 (SCI)
    [10] 王文文,刁训刚. γ射线和原子氧辐照对ZnO:Al薄膜的影响.宇航材料工艺,2010(03) (核心期刊)
    [11] 李渊, 王文文, 张俊英.In2O3:W薄膜的制备及光电性能研究. 功能材料,2011(08)(EI)
    [12] 张远鹏, 王文文, 秦诗瑶,于蕾.氧分压对IWO薄膜表面形貌及光电性能的影响.大连理工大学学报.2011(S1) (EI)
    [13] Li Yuan, Wang Wenwen, et al. Preparation and properties of tungsten-doped indium oxide thin films. Rare Metals, 2012, Volume 31, Number 2, Pages 158-163, DOI:10.1007/S12598-012-0483-X. (SCI)
    [14] Zhan Yuanpeng, Wang Wenwen, et al. Effects of dopant content on optical and electrical properties of In2O3:W transparent conductive films. Rare Metals, 2012, Volume 31, Number 2, Pages 168-171, DOI:10.1007/s12598-012-0485-8. (SCI)
    [15] 吴东奇,王文文,马丁,李东亮,王聪.金属Ag微网格修饰ITO薄膜的制备及光电性能.功能材料.2012(24) (EI)
    [16] Jiaojiao Pan, Wenwen Wang, et al. Tungsten Doped Indium Oxide Thin Films Deposited at Room Temperature by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2014, 30(7), 644-648
    [17] Qiang Fu, Wenwen Wang, et al. Research on Surface Modification and Infrared Emissivity of In2O3: W Thin Films. Thin Solid Films, accepted.

    发表的教学研究论文如下:面向工科学生的“基础物理学”习题讨论课教学要点(第一作者) 大学物理 2010/01
    瑞利散射和米氏散射现象的实验演示(第三作者) 物理实验 2010/07
    法国工程师培养模式物理实验教学的特点与启示(第二作者) 实验室研究与探索 2009/04
    为工科学生开设理科模式“基础物理学”的探索与实践(第一作者) 物理与工程 2009/03

  • 物理系:王荣明

    姓名: 王荣明
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1969
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2006
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 1. 纳米结构与电子显微学 2. 固体微结构与缺陷 3. 微纳测控与低维物理
    电子信箱: rmwang@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82339567
    办公地点: 主楼520


    近年来,围绕控制生长和定量表征等材料研究的瓶颈和关键问题,突破透射电镜物镜强磁场对磁光功能材料干扰影响其定量表征的技术难点,开展磁光功能材料的微结构调控和特性研究,在原子、电子层次理解材料的结构和性能相互关系,推进其在信息、能源等领域的应用。发表SCI论文140余篇,其中以第一、通讯作者在包括NPG Asia Mater.、Phys. Rev. Lett.、Adv. Mater.、Nano Lett.、Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.、Nano Energy等刊物发表SCI论文约80篇,全部论文在SCI被引用超过3700次,论文引用H因子为34 [Researcher ID: B-2163-2010]。兼任Prog. Nat. Sci. Mater. Inter.等4个国际学术期刊编委,中国材料研究学会理事,首届纳米材料与器件分会常务理事兼秘书长,国际学术会议大会副主席、秘书长、分会主席等;在国际、全国学术会议做大会报告、Keynote报告和Invited报告30余次。

    1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,基于反常霍尔效应的新型自旋电子材料微结构调控和电磁性能
    2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,双元过渡金属纳米粒子的可控制备、原子排列和特性研究
    3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,铁系纳米粒子组装体系微结构和磁性质关系研究
    4. 北京市优秀博士学位论文指导教师科技项目,磁性金属纳米材料的微结构调控和特性研究
    5. 北京市自然科学基金项目,双元磁性金属纳米材料的设计合成、微结构和介观特性研究

    1. 磁性双元金属纳米粒子体系开发及定量电子显微学表征。
    2. 其他磁、光功能材料的体系开发和应用。


    (1) Sibin Duan, Rongming Wang*, Au@Ni12P5 core@shell nanocrystals from bimetallic heterostructure: In situ synthesis, evolution and supercapacitor property, NPG Asia Materials, 6 (2014) Accepted.
    (2) Dan Zhou, Xinruo Su, Markus Boese, Rongming Wang*, Hongzhou Zhang*, Ni(OH)2@Co(OH)2 bi-hexagonal nanonuts: controllable synthesis, facet-selected competitive growth and capacitance property, Nano Energy, 5 (2014) 52-59. (Cover)
    (3) Xianfu Wang, Bin Liu, Rong Liu, Qiufan Wang, Xiaojuan Hou, Di Chen,* Rongming Wang*, and Guozhen Shen*, Fiber-based flexible all-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors for integrated photodetecting systems, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53 (7) (2014) 1849-1853.
    (4) Jialong Liu, Wei Liu, Qian Sun, Shouguo Wang*, Kai Sun*, Johannes Schwank, Rongming Wang*, In situ tracing of atom migration in Pt/NiPt hollow spheres during catalysis of CO oxidation, Chemical Communications, 50 (15) (2014) 1804-1807. (Cover)
    (5) Aixian Shan, Ming Cheng, Hongsheng Fan, Zhichao Chen, Rongming Wang*, Chinping Chen*, NiPt hollow nanocatalyst: green synthesis, size control and electrocatalysis, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, Doi: 10.1016/j.pnsc.2014.03.013.
    (6) Yuanpeng Zhang, Wei Liu, Baodan Liu, Rongming Wang*, Morphology-structure diversity of ZnS nanostructures and their optical properties, Rare Metals, 33(1) (2014) 1-15. (Invited Review)
    (7) Hao Dong, Hailong Wang, Rongming Wang*, Structural Stability and Thermodynamic Behavior of FePt Nanoparticle with Anti-phase Boundary Structure, Journal of Nanoscience Letters, 4 (2014) 16.
    (8) Yujun Song*, Weiting Yin, Yinghui Wang, Jupei Zhang, Yan Wang, Rongming Wang, Junbo Han, Wu Wang, Selvakumar Nair, Harry Ruda, Magneto-Plasmons in Periodic Nanoporous Structures, Scientific Reports, 4 (2014) 4991.
    (9) Wei Liu, Kai Sun, Rongming Wang*, In-situ Atom-resolved Tracing of Element Diffusion in NiAu Nanospindles, Nanoscale, 5 (2013) 5067-5072.
    (10) Yimin Cui, Haiyang Peng, Shuxiang Wu, Rongming Wang*, Tom Wu*, Charge-trapping-related resistive switching of rare-earth manganite TbMnO3, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5 (4) (2013) 1213-1217.
    (11) Yujun Song,* Shaoxia Ji, Yuan-Jun Song, Runsheng Li, Jie Ding, Xiaomiao Shen, Rongming Wang,* Riwei Xu, and Xiaoyu Gu, In Situ Redox Microfluidic Synthesis of Core−Shell Nanoparticles and Their Long-Term Stability, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (33) (2013) 17274-17284.
    (12) Lingfeng Huang, Aixian Shan, Zhipeng Li, Chinping Chen, Rongming Wang*, Phase formation, magnetic and optical properties of epitaxially grown icosahedral Au@Ni nanoparticles with ultrathin shells, CrystEngComm, 15 (13) (2013) 2527-2531.
    (13) Ran Jing, Aixian Shan, Rongming Wang *, Chinpin Chen *, Phase formations, magnetic and catalytic properties of Co3O4 hexagonal micro-boxes with one-dimensional nanotubes, CrystEngComm, 15 (18) (2013) 3587-3592.
    (14) Hu Luo, Rongming Wang*, Yanhui Chen, Daniel Fox, Robert O’Connell, Jing Jing Wang, Hongzhou Zhang*, Enhanced Photoluminescence from SiOx-Au Nanostructures, CrystEngComm, 15 (46) (2013) 10116-10122.
    (15) Aixian Shan, Wei Liu, Rongming Wang*, Chinping Chen*, Magnetism in Undoped ZnS Nanotetropods, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15 (7) (2013) 2405-2410.
    (16) Yimin Cui, Wei Liu, Rongming Wang*, Visible light initiated and collapsed resistive switching in TbMnO3/Nb:SrTiO3 heterojunctions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15 (18) (2013) 6804 - 6808.
    (17) Sibin Duan, Rongming Wang*, Bimetallic nanostructures with magnetic and noble metals and their physicochemical applications, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 23 (2) (2013) 113-126. (Invited Review)
    (18) Xi Shen, Qian Sun, Jie Zhu, Yuan Yao, Jing Liu, Changqing Jin, Richeng Yu*, Rongming Wang*, Structural stability and Raman scattering of CoPt and NiPt hollow nanospheres under high pressure, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 23 (4) (2013) 382-387.

    (19) Yuanpeng Zhang, Wei Liu, Rongming Wang*, From ZnS nanoparticles, nanobelts, to nanotetrapods: the ethylenediamine modulated anisotropic growth of ZnS nanostructures, Nanoscale, 4 (7) (2012) 2394-2399.
    (20) Qian Sun, Shouguo Wang*, Rongming Wang*, Well-aligned CoPt hollow nanochains synthesized in water at room temperature, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (9) (2012) 5352-5357.
    (21) Yimin Cui*, Yufeng Tian, Aixian Shan, Chinping Chen, Rongming Wang*, Magnetic anisotropy and anomalous transitions in TbMnO3 thin films, Applied Physics Letters, 101 (2012) 122406.
    (22) Qian Sun, Wei Liu, Rongming Wang*, Double-layered NiPt nanobowls with ultrathin shell synthesized in water at room temperature, CrystEngComm, 14 (2012) 5151-5154.
    (23) Nan Zhang, Aixian Shan, Rongming Wang* and Chinping Chen*, Co2P Nanostructures by Thermal Decomposition: Phase Formations and Magnetic Properties, CrystEngComm, 14 (4) (2012) 1197-1200.
    (24) Rongming Wang*, Wei Liu, Synthesis and Characterization of ZnS Tetrapods and ZnO/ZnS Heterostructures, Thin Solid Films, 522 (2012) 40-44.
    (25) Hu Luo, Hailong Wang, Rongming Wang*, Focused ion beam built-up on scanning electron microscopy with increased milling precision-a novel tool for nanotechnology, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55 (4) (2012) 625-630.
    (26) Hailong Wang, Rongming Wang*, Quantum Heat Engine Cycle Working with Strongly Correlated Electron System, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55 (5) (2012) 792-797.
    (27) Weimeng Chen, Pengwei Li, Chinping Chen*, Rongming Wang*, Magnetization reversal and anisotropy with superparamagnetic Ni nanochains, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12 (2012) 1036-1039.
    (28) Yanglong Hou, Rongming Wang, and Shouguo Wang (Guest Editors), A Special Section on Magnetism at Nanoscale (IUMRS-ICA2010), Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12 (2012) 1004-1005.
    (29) Peter Wellmann, Mikael Syväjärvi, Michael Kneissel, Rongming Wang (Guest Editors), Preface to selected papers from EMRS 2011 Symposium Q: Engineering of wide bandgap semiconductor materials for energy saving, Thin Solid Films, 522 (2012) 1.
    (30) Y.M. Cui*, J.X. Xu, H. Pan, R.M. Wang, Temperature independent leakage current in Au/TbMnO3/YBa2Cu3O7-x capacitors, Solid State Communications, 152 (2) (2012) 123-126.
    (31) Hua Wang, Jian Gao, Tianqi Guo, Rongming Wang, Lin Guo*, Yang Liu and Jinghong Li*, Facile synthesis of AgBr nanoplates with exposed {111} facets and enhanced photocatalytic properties, Chemical Communications, 48 (2012) 275-277.
    (32) G. Behan, D. Zhou, M. Boese, R. M. Wang and H. Z. Zhang*, An Investigation of Nickel Cobalt Oxide Nanorings Using Transmission Electron, Scanning Electron and Helium Ion Microscopy, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12 (2012) 1094-1098.
    (33) Yuan Li, Wenwen Wang*, Junying Zhang, Rongming Wang, Preparation and properties of tungsten-doped indium oxide thin films, Rare Metals, 31(2) (2012) 168-171.
    (34) Zhang Yuanpeng, Li Yuan, Li Chunzhi, Wang Wenwen*, Zhang Junying, Wang Rongming, Effects of dopant content on the optical and electrical properties of In2O3: W transparent conductive films, Rare Metals, 31(2) (2012) 158-163.

    (35) Wei Liu, Ning Wang, Rongming Wang*, Shishir Kumar, Georg S. Duesberg, Hongzhou Zhang*, Kai Sun, Atom-resolved evidence of anisotropic growth in ZnS nanotetrapods, Nano Letters, 11 (7) (2011) 2983-2988.
    (36) Qian Sun, Zhen Ren, Rongming Wang*, Ning Wang*, Xia Cao*, Platinum Catalyzed Growth of NiPt Hollow Spheres with an Ultrathin Shell, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (6) (2011) 1925-1930 (Cover, Hot Article).
    (37) Heng Li, Jingxia Wang*, Zelin Pan, Liying Cui,a Liang Xu, Rongming Wang*, Yanlin Song* and Lei Jiang, Amplifying Fluorescence Sensing Based on Inverse Opal Photonic Crystal toward Trace TNT Detection, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (6) (2011) 1730-1735.
    (38) Qian Sun, Zhen Ren, Rongming Wang*, Weimeng Chen, Chinping Chen, Magnetite hollow spheres: solution synthesis, phase formation and magnetic property, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13 (1) (2011) 213-220.
    (39) Shi Xiong, Jing Xu, Di Chen, Rongming Wang*, Xianluo Hu, Guozhen Shen*, Zhong Lin Wang*, Controlled synthesis of monodispersed hematite microcubes and their properties, CrystEngComm, 13 (2011) 7114-7120.
    (40) Weimeng Chen, Wei Liu, Chinping Chen*, Rongming Wang*, Qingrong Feng, Single-crystal MgB2 hexagonal microprisms via hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition, CrystEngComm, 13 (2011) 3959-3961 (Hot Article).
    (41) Heng Li, Jingxia Wang, Feng Liu, Yanlin Song* and Rongming Wang*, Fluorescence Enhancement by Heterostructure Colloidal Photonic Crystals with Dual Stopbands, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 356 (2011) 63-68.
    (42) Yimin Cui, Yufeng Tian, Wei Liu, Yongfeng Li, Rongming Wang*, Tom Wu*, Interface-dependent rectifying TbMnO3-based heterojunctions, AIP Advances, 1 (2011) 042129.
    (43) Rongming Wang*, Pengwei Li, Chinping Chen, Template-Free Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Aligned Nickel Nanochains Under Magnetic Fields, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11 (2011) 11128-11132.
    (44) Dan Zhou, Rongming Wang*, Markus Boese, and Hongzhou Zhang*, Synthesis and Self-assembly of Ultrathin ?-Nickel Hydroxide Nanodisks via a Wet-chemistry Method, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11 (2011) 11028-11031.
    (45) Sufen Zhao, Qian Sun, Rongming Wang*, Yunan Han*, Growth and Micromagnetic Simulation of Magnetite Nanoparticles, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54 (7) (2011) 1208-1212 (Cover).
    (46) Hailong Wang, Rongming Wang*, Yugang Wang, Guangshan Tian, Quantum phase transition in Quarter-Filled Nanoclusters of Manganite Induced by Element Substitution at B site, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54 (7) (2011) 1277-1282.
    (47) Hao Dong, Xiaolin Shu*, Rongming Wang*, Point Defects in L10 FePt studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations based on an Analytic Bond-Order Potential, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54 (8) (2011) 1429-1432.
    (48) Ping Xu, Wei Cai and Rongming Wang*, Scanning Near-field Acoustic Microscope and its Application, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences (Science in China Series E) 54(1) (2011) 126-130.
    (49) 李珩,王京霞,王荣明*,宋延林*,三维胶体光子晶体对光的调控与应用研究,化学进展,23 (6) (2011) 19-27.
    Li Heng, Wang Jingxia, Wang Rongming*, Song Yanlin*, Optical Manipulation and Application by Three Dimensional Colloidal Photonic Crystals, Progress in Chemistry, 23 (6) (2011) 19-27.
    (50) Shouguo Wang, Rongming Wang, Yanglong Hou (Guest Editors), Special Topics: Magnetic Materials at Nano-scale, Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 54 (7) (2011) 1180.
    (51) Hui Pan*, Yimin Cui, Hailong Wang, Rongming Wang, Spin-polarized Andreev reflection and spin accumulation in a quantum-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer with spin-orbit interaction effects, Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (2011) 033706.
    (52) Yao, B.Y., Luo, H., Feng, L.S., Zhou, Z., Wang, R.M., Chi, Y., Fabrication of nano-grating by focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy dual-beam system, Key Engineering Materials, 483 (2011) 66-69.

    (53) Heng Li, Jingxia Wang, Liang Xu, Rongming Wang*, Yanlin Song*, Daoben Zhu, Amplification of Fluorescent Contrast by Photonic Crystal in Rewritable Optical Storage, Advanced Materials, 22 (11) (2010) 1237-1241. (Selected by NPG Asia Materials as Research Highlight, doi:10.1038/asiamat.2010.49).
    (54) Wei Liu, Rongming Wang*, Ning Wang*, From ZnS nanobelts to ZnO/ZnS heterostructures: microscopy analysis and their tunable optical properties, Applied Physics Letters, 97 (2010) 041916.
    (55) Pengwei Li, Weimeng Chen, Wei Liu, Zi’an Li, Yimin Cui, Anping Huang, Rongming Wang*, Chinping Chen*, Thermodynamic Phase Formation of Morphology and Size Controlled Ni Nanochains by Temperature and Magnetic Field, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (2010) 7721-7726.
    (56) Pengwei Li, Ning Wang*, Rongming Wang*, Flower-Like Nickel Nanocrystals: Facile Synthesis, Shape Evolution, and their Magnetic Property, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 15 (2010) 2261-2265.
    (57) Ning Wang, Xia Cao, Rongming Wang*, Synthesis of Mn3O4 Rings and their Magnetic Properties, Science of Advanced Materials, 2 (3) (2010) 428-431.
    (58) Pengwei Li, Rongming Wang*, Weimeng Chen, Chinping Chen*, Xingyu Gao and A. T. S. Wee, Well-aligned Nickel Nanochains Synthesized by a Template-free Route, Nanoscale Research Letters, 5 (2010) 597-602.
    (59) Pengwei Li, Yimin Cui, Gavin Behan, Hongzhou Zhang and Rongming Wang*, Room temperature synthesis and one-dimensional self-assembly of interlaced Ni nanodiscs under magnetic field, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 43 (2010) 275002.
    (60) Yimin Cui, Sheng Yin, Dandan Wang, Guozhong Xing, Seng Hwee Leng, Rongming Wang*, Electrical characteristics of Au and Ag Schottky contacts on Nb-1.0 wt.%-doped SrTiO3, Journal of Applied Physics, 108 (2010) 104506.
    (61) Hu Luo, Ran Jing, Yimin Cui, Hailong Wang*, Rongming Wang*, Improvement of fabrication precision of focused ion beam by introducing simultaneous electron beam, Progress in Natural Science-Materials International, 20 (1) (2010) 111-115.
    (62) Yimin Cui*, Rongming Wang, The changes of104506 capacitance-loss and current-voltage characteristics of LaMnO3+?/SrTiO3:Nb heterojunctions exposed to ambient air, Physics Letters A, 374 (4) (2010) 625-627.
    (63) Yuan Deng*, Zhiwei Zhang, Yao Wang, Meng Yang, Rongming Wang, Two-step synthesis of Bi2Te3-Te nanoarrays with sheet-rod multiple heterostructure, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 183 (11) (2010) 2631-2635.

    (64) Rongming Wang*, Olga Dmitrieva, Michael Farle, Günter Dumpich, Mehmet Acet, Sergio Mejia-Rosales, Eduardo Perez-Tijerina, Miguel Jose Yacaman, Christian Kisielowski, FePt Icosahedra with Magnetic Cores and Catalytic Shells, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (11) (2009) 4395-4400.
    (65) Rongming Wang*, Hongzhou Zhang, Michael Farle, Christian Kisielowski, Structural Stability of Icosahedral FePt Nanoparticles, Nanoscale, 1 (2009) 276-279.
    (66) Heng Li, Yongqiang Wen, Pengwei Li, Rongming Wang, Gang Li, Ying Ma, Lianming Yang, Yanlin Song*, Qinglin Yang*, and Daoben Zhu, A high ON/OFF ratio organic film for photo- and electro-dual-mode recording, Applied Physics Letters, 94 (2009) 163309.
    (67) Yimin Cui* and Rongming Wang, Superposed forward current–voltage characteristics in TbMnO3/n-Si and TbMnO3/p-Si heterostructures, Thin Solid Films, 517 (20) (2009) 5872-5875.

    (68) R. M. Wang*, O. Dmitrieva, M. Farle*, G. Dumpich, H. Q. Ye, H. Poppa, R. Kilaas, C. Kisielowski*, Layer resolved structural relaxation at the surface of magnetic FePt icosahedral nanoparticles, Physical Review Letters, 100 (2008) 017205. (Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17(3) (2008) Surface and Interface Properties.)
    (69) Hua Zhang, Dongfeng Zhang*, Lin Guo*, Rui Zhang, Penggang Yin, and Rongming Wang*, One-Pot Assembly of Cu2O Chain-Like Hollow Structures, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8 (12) (2008) 6332-6337.
    (70) Wei Zhou, Kun Zheng, Lin He, Rongming Wang, Lin Guo*, Chinping Chen*, Xiaodong Han*, and Ze Zhang, Ni/Ni3C Core-Shell Nanochains and Its Magnetic Properties: One-Step Synthesis at Low Temperature, Nano Letters, 8 (4) (2008) 1147-1152.
    (71) Yimin Cui*, Rongming Wang, Liuwan Zhang, Delamination and magnetism softening of polycrystalline La0.9Ba0.1MnO3, Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (2008) 073907.
    (72) Yimin Cui*, Liuwan Zhang, Rongming Wang, Guanlin Xie, Thickness-dependent rectifying behavior in heterojunctions of TbMnO3/Nb-1.0 wt.%-doped SrTiO3, Thin Solid Films, 516 (2008) 2292-2295.
    (73) Ning Wang, Xia Cao, Lin He, Wei Zhang, Lin Guo*, Chinping Chen, Rongming Wang, Shihe Yang, One-pot synthesis of highly crystallized ?-MnO2 nanodisks assembled from nanoparticles: Morphology evolutions and phase transitions, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (2) (2008) 365-369.
    (74) Yimin Cui*, Rongming Wang*, Backward rectifying and forward Schottky behavior at Au/Nb-1.0 wt.%-doped SrTiO3 interface, Applied Physics Letters, 91 (2007) 233513.
    (75) H Z Zhang*, R M Wang, L P You, J Yu, H Chen, D P Yu and Y Chen, Boron carbide nanowires with uniform CNx coatings, New Journal of Physics, 9 (2007) 13.
    (76) Yimin Cui*, Rongming Wang, Jianqiang Qian, Effect of cation addition on dielectric properties of TbMnO3, Physica B, 392 (2007) 147-150.
    (77) Yimin Cui*, Liuwan Zhang, Rongming Wang, Quenching-promoted anomalous electromagnetic behaviors of polycrystalline La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 compound by hydrogen annealing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 428 (1-2) (2007) 40-43.
    (78) Yimin Cui, Liuwan Zhang, Rongming Wang and Jianqiang Qian, Investigation of metal contacts to Nb-1.0wt.%-doped SrTiO3, Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, 138 (3): (2007) 214-218.
    (79) Ning Wang, Lin Guo*, Lin He, Xia Cao, Chinping Chen, Rongming Wang, Shihe Yang, Facile Synthesis of Monodisperse Mn3O4 Tetragonal Nanoparticles and Their Large-Scale Assembly into Highly Regular Walls by a Simple Solution Route, Small, 3 (4) (2007) 606-610.
    (80) Yimin Cui*, Wei Cai, Yuan Li, JianQiang Qian, Ping Xu, Rongming Wang*, Junen Yao, Liuwan Zhang*, Microstructure-dependent dielectric properties of TbMnO3 in Au/TbMnO3/YBa2Cu3O7−x capacitors, Journal of Applied Physics, 100 (2006) 034101.
    (81) Xiao Feng Zhang, Rongming Wang, Short-range order in nanoscale amorphous intergranular films in liquid-phase sintered silicon carbide, Applied Physics Letters, 89 (21) (2006) 211902.
    (82) Yimin Cui, Liuwan Zhang, Rongming Wang, Dielectric properties of polycrystalline MgB2, Physica C, 442 (2006) 29-32.
    (83) Wang Qingxiao, You Liping, Zhang Xinzheng, Wang Rongming, Lv Yuzhen, Guo Lin, Single-crystal star-like zinc oxide: synthesis, characterization and growth mechanism, Rare Metals, 25 (Spec. Issue) (2006) 193-199.
    (84) Q. Han, Y.Y. Xu, Y.Y. Fu, H. Zhang, R.M. Wang, T.M. Wang, Z.Y. Chen, Defects and growing mechanisms of ?-Fe2O3 nanowires, Chemical Physics Letters, 431 (2006) 100-103.
    (85) Yimin Cui, Liuwan Zhang, Guanlin Xie, Rongming Wang, Magnetic and transport and dielectric properties of polycrystalline TbMnO3, Solid State Communications, 138 (2006) 481-484.
    (86) R. M. Wang*, Y. F. Chen, Y. Y. Fu, H. Zhang, C. Kisielowski, Bicrystalline Hematite Nanowires, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (25) (2005) 12245-12249.
    (87) Wang RM*, Chen YF, Fu YY, Zhang H, Kisielowski C, Synthesis and microstructures of ?-Fe2O3 bicrystalline nanowires, Electron Microscopy of Molecular and Atom-Scale Mechanical Behavior, Chemistry And Structure, 839 (2005) 151-156.
    (88) Yuzhen Lv, Chunping Li, Lin Guo, Qingxiao Wang, Rongming Wang*, Huibin Xu, Shihe Yang, Xicheng AI and Jianping Zhang, Nanostructured stars of ZnO microcrystals with intense stimulated emission, Applied Physics Letters, 87 (16) (2005) 163103.
    (89) Dongning Yang, Rongming Wang, Maoshuai He, Jin Zhang, and Zhongfan Liu, Ribbon- and boardlike nanostructures of nickel hydroxide: Synthesis, characterization, and electrochemical properties, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (16) (2005) 7654-7658.
    (90) Shuaiping Ge, Kaili Jiang, Xiaoxiang Lu, Yaofeng Chen, Rongming Wang, Shoushan Fan, Orientation-controlled growth of single-crystal silicon-nanowire arrays, Advanced Materials, 17 (1) (2005) 56-61.
    (91) Dong-Feng Zhang, Ling-Dong Sun, Jia-Lu Yin, Chun-Hua Yan, and Rong-Ming Wang, Attachment-Driven Morphology Evolvement of Rectangular ZnO Nanowires, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (18) (2005) 8786-8790.
    (92) Y.J. Xing, Z.H. Xi, X.D. Zhang, J.H. Song, R.M. Wang, J. Xu, Z.Q. Xue, D.P. Yu, Thermal evaporation synthesis of zinc oxide nanowires, Applied Physics A-Materials, 80 (2005) 1527-1530.
    (93) R.M. Wang*, C.M. Liu, H.Z. Zhang, C.P. Chen, L. Guo, H.B. Xu, S.H. Yang, Porous Nanotubes of Co3O4: Synthesis, Characterization and Magnetic Properties, Applied Physics Letters, 85 (11) (2004) 2080-2082.
    (94) Chen-Min Liu, *Lin Guo, Rong-Ming Wang*, Yuan Deng, Hui-Bin Xu and Shihe Yang, Magnetic nanochains of metal formed by assembly of small nanoparticles, Chemical Communications, 2004 (23) 2726-2727.
    (95) R. M. Wang*, H. Z. Zhang, Analytical TEM investigations on boron carbonitride nanotubes grown via chemical vapour deposition, New Journal of Physics, 6 (2004) 78.
    (96) H. Z. Zhang, R. M. Wang*, Y. W. Zhu, Effect of adsorbates on field-electron emission from ZnO nanoneedle arrays, Journal of Applied Physics, 96 (1) (2004) 624-628.
    (97) Y.F. Chen, R.M. Wang*, H.Z. Zhang, X.C. Sun, Z.S. Zhang, Y. J. Xing, D.P. Yu, TEM investigations on ZnO Nanobelts Synthesized via a Vapor Phase Growth, Micron, 35 (6) (2004) 481-487.
    (98) X. H. Luo, R. M. Wang*, X. P. Zhang, H. Z. Zhang, D. P. Yu, M. C. Luo, Microstructural and Compositional Characteristics of GaN Films Grown on Sputtered ZnO-coated Si (111) Micron, 35 (6) (2004) 475-480.
    (99) Dongning Yang, Rongming Wang, Jin Zhang and Zhongfan Liu, Synthesis of Nickel Hydroxide Nanoribbons with a Novel Crystal Structure: a Solution Chemistry Approach, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108 (23) (2004) 7531-7533.
    (100) Xihong Chen, Rongming Wang, Jun Xu, Dapeng Yu, TEM investigation on the growth mechanism of carbon nanotubes synthesized by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition, Micron, 35 (6) (2004) 455-460.
    (101) Cheng Mu, Yuxiang Yu, Rongming Wang, Kai Wu, Dongsheng Xu*, Guolin Guo, Uniform metal nanotube arrays by multistep template replication and electrodeposition, Advanced Materials, 16 (17) (2004) 1550-1553.
    (102) Lin Guo*, Chenmin Liu, Rongming Wang, Huibin Xu, Ziyu Wu, and Shihe Yang, Large-scale synthesis of uniform nanotubes of a nickel complex by a solution chemical route, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126 (2004) 4530-4531.
    (103) Xihong Chen, Jun Xu, R. M. Wang, Dapeng Yu, High-Quality Ultra-Fine GaN Nanowires Synthesized via Chemical Vapor Deposition, Advanced Materials, 16 (12) (2004) 952.
    (104) Xuetong Zhang, Jin Zhang, Rongming Wang, Zhongfan Liu, Cationic Surfactant Directed Polyaniline/CNT Nanocables: Systhesis, Characterization, and Enhanced Electrical Properties, Carbon, 42 (8-9) (2004) 1455-1461.
    (105) Xuetong Zhang, Jin Zhang, Rongming Wang, Tao Zhu, Zhongfan Liu, Surfactant Directed Polypyrrole/CNT Nanocables: Synthesis, Characterization, and Enhanced Electrical Properties, ChemPhysChem, 5 (2004) 998-1002.
    (106) Dongning Yang, Jin Zhang, Rongming Wang, Zhongfan Liu, Solution phase synthesis of magnesium hydroxide sulfate hydrate nanoribbons, Nanotechnology, 15 (11) (2004) 1625-1627.
    (107) H. Z. Zhang, X. C. Sun, R. M. Wang, and D. P. Yu, Growth and Formation Mechanism of c-oriented ZnO Nanorod Arrays deposited on Glass, Journal of Crystal Growth, 269 (2-4) (2004) 464-471.
    (108) Y. Wang, J. Xu, R.M. Wang, D.P. Yu, Electron microscopy investigation of gallium oxide micro/nanowire structures synthesized via vapor phase growth, Micron, 35 (6) (2004) 447-453.
    (109) Xuan Wang, Qingwen Li, Zhibo Liu, Jin Zhang, Zhongfan Liu, and Rongming Wang, Low-temperature growth and properties of ZnO nanowires, Applied Physics Letters, 84 (24) (2004) 4941-4943.
    (110) Bojun Zuo, Yuan Wang, QL Wang, Nianzu Wu, Lidan Peng, Linlin Gui, Rongming Wang, and Dapeng Yu, An efficient ruthenium catalyst for selective hydrogenation of ortho-chloronitrobenzene prepared via assembling ruthenium and tin oxide nanoparticles, Journal of Catalysis, 222 (2) (2004) 493-498.
    (111) Y.J. Xing, Z.H. Xi, X.D. Zhang, J.H. Song, R.M. Wang, J. Xu, Z.Q. Xue, D.P. Yu, Nanotubular Structures of Zinc Oxide, Solid State Communications, 129 (2004) 671-675.
    (112) Xiaochen Sun, Hongzhou Zhang, Jun Xu, Qing Zhao, Rongming Wang, Dapeng Yu, Shape controllable synthesis of ZnO nanorod arrays via vapor, phase growth, Solid State Communications, 129 (2004) 803-807.
    (113) R. M. Wang*, Y. J. Xing, J. Xu, D. P. Yu, Fabrication and microstructure analysis on zinc oxide nanotubes, New Journal of Physics, 5 (2003) 115.
    (114) R. M. Wang*, A. Eliezer, E. M. Gutman, An Investigation on the Microstructure of an AM50 Magnesium Alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 355 (1-2) (2003) 201-207.
    (115) R. M. Wang*, A. Eliezer, E. Gutman, Microstructures and Dislocations in the Stressed AZ91D Magnesium Alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 344 (1-2) (2003) 279-287.
    (116) R. M. Wang*, D. Eliezer, Influence of Hydrogenation on the Microstructure and Crystallization of Zr-Cu-Ni-Al-Y Metallic Glass, Philosophical Magazine, 83 (22) (2003) 2545-2556.
    (117) Y. Y. Fu, R. M. Wang, J. Xu, J. Chen, Y. Yan, A.V. Narlikar, H. Zhang, Synthesis of Large Arrays of Aligned ?-Fe2O3 Nanowires, Chemical Physics Letters, 379 (3-4) (2003) 373-379.
    (118) Xihong Chen, Jun Xu, R. M. Wang, Dapeng Yu, High Quality Ultra -Fine GaN Nanowires Synthesized via CVD, Advanced Materials, 15 (5) (2003) 419-421.
    (119) Ye Zhang, Hongbo Jia, Rongming Wang, Chinping Chen, Xuhui Luo, and Dapeng Yu, Cheoljin Lee, Low-temperature growth and Raman scattering study of vertically aligned ZnO nanowires on Si substrate, Applied Physics Letters, 83 (22) (2003) 4631-4633.
    (120) Y. J. Xing, Z. H. Xi, Z. Q. Xue, X. D. Zhang, J. H. Song, R. M. Wang, J. Xu, Y. Song, S. L. Zhang, D. P. Yu, Optical Properties of the ZnO nanotubes synthesized via vapor phase growth, Applied Physics Letters, 83 (9) (2003) 1689-1691.
    (121) B. Xiang, H. Z. Zhang, G. H. Li, F. H. Yang, F. H. Su, R. M. Wang, J. Xu, G. W. Lu, X. C. Sun, Q. Zhao, D. P. Yu, Green light emitting ZnSe nanowires fabricated via vapor phase growth, Applied Physics Letters, 82 (19) (2003) 3330-3332.
    (122) Ye Zhang, Hongbo Jia, Xuhui Luo, Xihong Chen, Dapeng Yu, and Rongming Wang, Synthesis, Microstructure, and Growth Mechanism of Dendrite ZnO Nanowires, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B., (Communication) 107 (33) (2003) 8289-8293.
    (123) Y. W. Zhu, H. Z. Zhang, X. C. Sun, S. Q. Feng, J. Xu, Q. Zhao, B. Xiang, R. M. Wang, D. P. Yu, Efficient Field Emission from ZnO Nanoneedle Arrays, Applied Physics Letters, 83 (1) (2003) 144-146.
    (124) Y. Q. Chang, D. B. Wang, X. H. Luo, X. Y. Xu, L. Li, X. H. Chen, C. P. Chen, R. M. Wang, J. Xu, D. P. Yu, Synthesis, optical and magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconductor Zn1-xMnxO nanowires via vapor phase growth, Applied Physics Letters, 83 (19) (2003) 4020-4022.
    (125) CHANG Yong-Qin, LUO Xu-Hui, XU Xiang-Yu, LI Lin, CHEN Jin-Ping, WANG Rong-Ming, YU Da-Peng, Synthesis, characterization and magnetic property measurements of Zn1-xMnxO nanoparticles via vapour phase growth, Chinese Physics Letters, 20 (11) (2003) 2058-2060.
    (126) R. M. Wang*, Y.G. Song, Y F. Han, Effects of Rare Earth on the Microstructures and Properties of a Low Expansion Superalloy, Micron, 33 (6) (2002) 575-580.
    (127) QU Shi-yu, WANG Rong-ming, HAN Ya-fang, Microstructure of Nb/Nb5Si3 in-situ composites, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 12 (4) (2002) 691-694.
    (128) R. M. Wang*, Y F. Han, D. Eliezer, Effects of Yttrium on the Microstructures and Interfaces
    in a Low Expansion Superalloy, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 14 (3) (2001) 171-177.
    (129) Y.F. Han, S.Y. Qu, R.M. Wang, Research and development of refractory intermetallics for aeronautical and aerospace application, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 30 (2001) 77-80.
    (130) Qu, S. Y., Wang, R. M., Han, Y. F., The effect of heat-treatment on microstructures of Nb/Nb5Si3 in situ composite, Pricm 4: Forth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing, Vols I and II, (2001) 955-958.
    (131) R. M. Wang*, Y. G. Song, Y. F. Han,S. W. Zhang, Effect of Rare Earth Elements on the Microstructures and Properties of a Low Expansion Superalloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 311 (2000) 60-64.
    (132) R. M. Wang*, C. H. Tao, Y. F. Han,M. G. Yan,HREM Study of the NiAlFe-TiB2 Composites Fabricated by Reaction Compocasting, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 265 (1999) 95-99.
    (133) R. M. Wang*, C. H. Tao, L. Chen, Y. F. Han,Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of NiAlCo-TiB2 Composites, Materials Letters, 38 (1) (1999) 54-57.
    (134) Wang Rongming*, Song Yinggang, Zhang Shaowei, Li Chunzhi,Improvement and Micro-mechanism of a Low Expansion Superalloy, Rare Metals, 18 (2) (1999) 123-128.
    (135) C. H. Tao, Y. X. Lu, R. M. Wang, M. G. Yan, Mechanical behavior and strengthen-toughening mechanisms of NiAlFe matrix composites fabricated by reaction compocasting, Progress in Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM-8) Vol 3 - Advance Materials and Modeling of Mechanical Behaviors, Editors: Ellyin F, Provan JW, Victoria, Canada (1999) 868-873.
    (136) R. M. Wang*, M. K. Surappa, C. H. Tao, C. Z. Li, M. G. Yan, Microstructure and Interface Structure of SiC Particle Reinforced Al (6061) Metal-Matrix Composite, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 254 (1998) 219-226.
    (137) R. M. Wang*, C. Z. Li, D. H. Ping, M. G. Yan, Microanalytical Study of the Hexagonal Phase in an Yttrium-containing Low Expansion Superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 241 (1998) 83-89.
    (138) R. M. Wang*, Y. F. Han, C. Z. Li, S. W. Zhang, D. H. Ping, M. G. Yan,Precipitations in an Yttrium-containing Low Expansion Superalloy, Journal of Materials Science, 33 (20) (1998) 5069-5077.
    (139) R. M. Wang*, C. H. Tao, C. Z. Li, M. G. Yan, A New Phase in TiB2-Reinforced Ni-Al-Fe Matrix Composite, Journal of Materials Science, 33 (1998) 1183-1187.
    (140) R. M. Wang*, C. Z. Li, M. G. Yan, HREM Study of Grain Boundary Phases in Fe-Ni-Co-Nb-Ti Superalloy, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 9 (6) (1996) 595-600.
    (141) Wang X. Z.*, Chen C. J., Liu A.W., Wang R. M., Ma K. J., Effective interband g factors in diluted magnetic semiconductor Cd1-xFexTe, Journal of Applied Physics, 80 (8) (1996) 4421-4424.
    (142) Chenjia Chen*, Rongming Wang, Xuezhong Wang, Giant Faraday Rotation in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Cd1-XFexTe, Solid State Communications, 92 (9) (1994) 725-729.

  • 物理系:熊长健

    姓名: 熊常健
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1957
    职称: 高级工程师
    首次聘任导师时间: 2004
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 材料科学与工程
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 材料物理与化学
    主要研究方向及特色: ?1.材料在化学分离及电分离中的应用?2.材料的化学及电化学加工及改性工艺 3.天然绿色材料的深加工技术
    电子信箱: xchj@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 82317941
    通信地址: 北京航空航天大学理学院材料中心


    1.《高频高压油/水分离方法及其设备》专利号:ZL 02 1 58696.9
    2. 《油品介电场精制装置》 专利号:ZL 03 1 23391.0
    3. 《显微电化学分析仪》 专利号:ZL 02 1 59914.9

  • 物理系:于磊

    姓名: 于磊
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1969
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2006
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 半导体薄膜的真空制备及其光电性能研究
    电子信箱: lyu69@buaa.edu.cn


    简 历
    87.9 — 91.7 本科生 “吉林大学”物理系 “固体物理”专业;
    91.9 — 94.7 硕士研究生 “吉林大学”物理系 “光学•红外物理”专业;
    94.9 — 97.7 博士研究生 “中科院长春物理所” “凝聚态物理”专业;(与“天津理工学院”联合培养)
    97.7 — 99.7 博士后 “中科院半导体所” “凝聚态物理”专业;
    99.7 — 至今 工作 “北京航空航天大学” 物理系。



    本人长期进行 “凝聚态物理”的学习及科研工作,一直从事半导体薄膜光电研究的专业,接触掌握了多种真空镀膜技术: 在硕士研究生期间,利用热壁外延技术进行II-Vi族半导体超晶格的制备及其性能研究;攻读博士学位期间,利用电子束蒸发进行无机电致发光器件制备及其性能研究;在作博士后期间,利用分子束外延技术进行III-V族量子点制备及其性能研究;参加工作后利用射频溅射设备进行了科研、教学。其中,读博时所做的工作与本申请工作内容相似——采用高温焙烧法将不同配比的ZnS和ZnO合成为不同组分的三元化合物ZnSXO1-X,再将其制备成电致发光器件。

    1.”A Trail of p-ZnO Preparation by R.F. Sputtering”,Pang Xiaofeng Yu Lei Zhang Zhiyong,,Beijing,China,August 3-10,2005;P18
    2.”UV Detector of p-ZnO/Zn Schottky Barrier”,YuLei,OCPA2004,P26
    3.《光伏型InxGa1-XAs/GaAs QWIP的理论设计》,第一作者,《第十二届全国电子束•离子束•光子束学术年会论文集》(2003年),P418
    4.Influence of Heat Treatment on Intrasubband Absorption of InXGa1-XAs/GaAs QD,第一作者,ICSE2002, China(2002年)
    5.《热处理对InXGa1-XAs/GaAs QD子带吸收的影响》,第一作者,《中国物理学会2002年秋季会议暨中国物理学会成立70周年庆祝会》(论文摘要集),D组
    6.《衬底温度和生长速率对MBE自组织生长InXGa1-XAs/GaAs QD的影响》,第一作者,《半导体学报》,Vol.21(2000年),No.7,P652
    7.《In0.28Ga0.72As/GaAs MQWIP中的多垒共振隧穿》,第一作者,《第五届全国分子束外延学术会议论文集》(1999年),P.165
    10、“电致发光加速层二氧化硅的电子高场迁移率”,第四作者,《物理学报》,Vol.47 (1998年),No.1,P139;
    12、“寻找蓝色发光材料的新尝试:多元化合物ZnGa(S,O):Ce3+光致发光特性”,于磊 娄志东 徐春祥 滕枫 徐叙溶,《光电子•激光》 Vol.6(增刊)1995,P46;
    13、The New Trial for Brightness of Blue-green TFEL Device,Yu Lei, Lou Zhidong, Xu Chunxiang and Xu Xurong, The 8th International Workshop on Electroluminescence, Berlin 1996, P307;
    14、“Ce3+掺杂的多元硫化物的光致发光特性”,于磊 徐春祥 娄志东,中国科学院长春物理研究所研究生首届学术讨论会文集,1995年,P11;
    15、“Influence of Oxygen Concentration on the Brightness of ZnS1-xOx:Ce3+ TFEL Device”,Lei Yu, Zhidong Lou, Xurong Xu,Digest of 10th Intern. Conf. on Lum. and Optical Spectroscpy of Condensed Matter;
    16、“两种三元系基质中Ce3+的发光”,徐春祥 娄志东 于磊 滕枫 徐叙溶,《光电子•激光》,Vol.6(增刊)1995,P75;
    17、“Mn2+、Ce3+掺杂的三元化合物的光致发光特性”,徐春祥 娄志东 于磊 滕枫,中国科学院长春物理研究所研生首届学术讨论会文集,1995年,P9;
    18、“级联分层优化的薄膜电致发光”,娄志东 陈立春 徐征 于磊 徐叙溶,《发光学报》, Vol.17, No.4,(1996)321.;19、“高场下发光中心激发能级上电子的离化”,娄志东 徐春祥 徐征 于磊 徐叙溶,《功能材料》, Vol.28, No.2, (1996)133;20、“ZnGa2O4:Mn2+粉末材料的制备及其光学特性”,徐春祥 滕枫 于磊 娄志东 徐叙溶,《功能材料》 Vol.6(增刊)1995 ,P26。

  • 物理系:张俊英

    女,研究员,蓝天学者特聘教授,博士生导师。2002年清华大学博士毕业,获清华大学优秀毕业生称号;2002年入选北京市科技新星计划,2006年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,2008年获霍英东教育基金资助,2011年被评为北京航空航天大学蓝天学者特聘教授。主要从事光转换氧化物材料的设计、微观形貌与电子结构调控及性能的研究。研究方向包括:新型能源及环境材料物理; 功能材料计算机模拟;新型发光材料研究;功能氧化物制备与物理性能。
    主持国家自然科学基金、863计划等项目十余项,在Applied Physics Letters, Chemistry of Materials等刊物上合作发表SCI收录论文90余篇,SCI他引800余次,合作出版专著一部,已获批发明专利10项,研究成果获教育部自然科学奖二等奖。担任《功能材料》编委、《Journal of Spectroscopy and Dynamics》编委、中国稀土学会玻璃陶瓷专业委员会委员、中国感光学会光催化专业委员会委员。

  • 物理系:张颖

    姓名: 张颖
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1961
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2009
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 计算凝聚态物理/材料物理,主要从事核聚变能源材料辐照效应、金属间化合物等结构材料的结构与性质等方面的研究。
    电子信箱: zhyi@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 82338731
    办公地点: 主339

    现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项, 参加国家自然科学基金、航空科学基金、973项目等多项科研工作。2003年以来,在Al晶界的杂质效应方面进行了系统的研究。应用“第一原理拉伸试验”方法研究了杂质偏析对Al晶界结构和力学性能的影响,揭示了不同杂质(Na、Ca、S和Ga)偏析引起Al晶界脆化的物理机制。2007年至今,开展核聚变能源材料辐照效应方面的计算模拟研究,主要是Fe中的He效应和W中的H效应。近年来在Physical Review B、Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter等学术刊物发表论文20篇,其中已被SCI收录17篇。5篇代表性论文:
    1. Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, M.Kohyama, and Tianmin Wang, Investigating effects of a Ga layer on an Al grain boundary by a first-principles computational tensile test, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 17,015003 (2009)
    2.Ying Zhang., Guang-Hong Lu, S Deng., T. Wang, H. Xu., M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, Weakening of an aluminum grain boundary induced by sulfur segregation:A first-principles computational tensile test, Physical Review B, 75: 174101(2007)
    3. Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, X Hu., T.Wang, M.Kohyama, R Yamamoto., First-principles computational tensile test on a Na-segregated Al grain boundary with a Si additive and an intergranular embrittlement suppression mechanism,Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 19: 456225(2007)
    4. Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, S. Deng, Tianmin Wang, X. Shu, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, First-principles study of effects of segregated Ga on an Al grain boundary, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, 5121 (2006).
    5. Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, Tianmin Wang, S. Deng, M. Kohyama, and R. Yamamoto, Effects of segregated Ga on an Al grain boundary: a first-principles computational tensile test, Materials Transactions 47, 2678 (2006).

  • 物理系:赵素芬

    姓名: 赵素芬
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1968
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2002
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: Micromagnetic Simulation 1、Nanocrystalline permanent Magnets 2、High density magnetic storage and magnetoresistive read head
    电子信箱: susan@buaa.edu.cn



    1.“Micromanetic study of magnetic properties of melt-spun Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets”
    Jin Hanmin, Zhao Sufen, Wang Xuefeng
    Proc. 1st Int. Symp. On Magnetic Materials and Applications(Taejon, Korea), 67(1999).
    2.“Micromagnetic Simulation of Demagnetization Curves for Single-Phase Nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B magnet”
    Jin Hanmin, Zhao Sufen, Wang Xuefeng
    J. Mater. Sci. Technol. , 16(2): 107-108, Mar 2000
    3. “Inter-Grain Exchange Interaction for Single-Phase Nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B Magnets”
    Wang Xuefeng, Jin Hanmin, Zhao Sufen
    Chinese Physics, 10(6): 555-557, Jun 2001
    4. “Micromagnetic Study of Demagnetization Curves for Single-Phase Nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B Magnets”
    Jin Hanmin, Wang Xuefeng, Zhao Sufen
    Chinese Physics, 10(9): 862-868, Sep 2001
    5.“Demagnetization curves at different temperatures for single-phase nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B magnets studied
    Zhao Sufen, Jin Hanmin, Wang Xuefeng and Yan Yu
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13(17): 3865-3874, Apr 2001
    6. “Effect of ?-Fe surface layer on the magnetic reversion process for Nd2Fe14B  crystal”
    Zhao Sufen, Jin Hanmin, Wang Xuefeng and Yan Yu
    Chinese Physics, 10(2): 1157-1162, Dec 2001
    7. “Effects of Ga Precipitates in Nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-Ga-B Magnets Studied Micromagnetically”
    Zhao Sufen, Jin Hanmin, Wang Xuefeng and Yan Yu
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 247(1): 15-18, May 2002
    8. “Magnetization Reversal Process for Nd2Fe14B Crystal Covered by an ?-Fe Surface Layer ”
    Zhao Sufen, Jin Hanmin, Wang Xuefeng and Yan Yu
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 239(1-3): 25-27, Feb 2002
    9.“Microfabrication of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions Using Al as Bottom Conduction Electrode”
    H. F. Han, F. F. Li, W. N. Wang, S. F. Zhao, Z. L. Peng, Y. D. Yao, W. S. Zhan, B. S. Han
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 39(5): 2794-2796, Part 2, Sep 2003
    10.“Switching Properties and Dynamic Domain Structures in Double-Barrier Magnetic Tunnel Junctions”
    X. F. Han, S. F. Zhao, T. Daibou, H. Kubota, Andrew Yu and T. Miyazaki
    International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Technologies, 2003, Taipei
    11.“Vortex domain structures and dc current dependence of magneto-resistances in magnetictunnel junctions”
    H. X. Wei, Q. F. Lu, S. F. Zhao, X.Q. Zhang, J. F. Feng, and X. F. Han
    Chinese Physics, 13, 1553 (2004)
    12.“Switching properties and dynamic domain structures in double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions”
    X. F. Han, S. F. Zhao, F. F. Li, T. Daibou, H. Kubota, Y. Ando and T. Miyazaki
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 282(November): 225-231, Nov. 2004
    13.“Tunneling Current-Induced Butterfly-Shaped Domains and Magnetization Switching in DBMTJs”
    S.F. Zhao, J. Zhao, Z.M. Zeng, X.F. Han, Y. Ando, and T. Miyazaki
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics;Vol.41,No.10,October 2005
    14. ”Current-Induced Butterfly Shaped Domains and Magnetization Switching in Magnetic Tunnel Junction”
    X.F. Han, S.F. Zhao, Andrew C.C. Yu
    Science and Technology of Advanced Materials,Vol.6,784-788, 2005
    15.“Micro-magnetic simulations of demagnetization curves for single phase nanocrystalline PrFeB magnet”
    X.P. Wang, S.F. Zhao and X.F. Han
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics ?
    16.“Magnetic Reversal Process in Fept Granular Film”
    X. Liu, S.F. Zhao, Z.Y. Chen, T.L. Jia
    International Conference on Magnetism(ICM) 2006
    17. “The effects of refinement throughout magnet on micrmagnetic simulations for single-phase nanocrystalline NdFeB
    magnet ”
    S.F. Zhao, H.M. Jin, X.P. Wang, Z.Y. Chen
    Materials Science Forum, International Conference of Aerospace Materials(ICAM), 2006BIMW

  • 物理系:朱开贵

    姓名: 朱开贵
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1969
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2009
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 1、功能薄膜材料的制备、性能及其应用研究;2、纳米材料和纳米器件;3、聚变堆材料的辐照效应;4、光伏材料及太阳能电池。
    电子信箱: kgzhu@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82316106
    办公地点: 主楼528
    通信地址: 海淀区学院路37号北京航空航天大学物理系


    1998年8月于中国科学院固体物理研究所获得博士学位;1998.9-2000-9,中国科学技术大学博士后;2000.9 -2001.1,香港科技大学电子工程系访问学者;2001.2-2006.6,先后在美国德州理工大学、美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校、美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学从事科研工作;2006年7月北京航空航天大学直评教授。多年来从事薄膜和纳米材料、低维半导体材料、半导体光电器件、等离子刻蚀以及ITER聚变反应堆中第一壁材料等方面的研究,已在Applied Physics Letters、Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells、Solar Energy、Journal of Applied Physics等各类核心期刊上发表论文60余篇,绝大多数为SCI所收录。

    Selected publications:

    1. Aqing Chen, Kaigui Zhu, Huicai Zhong, Qingyi Shao, Guanglu Ge, A new investigation of oxygen flow influence on ITO thin films by magnetron sputtering, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 120(2014)157-162
    2. Fangfang Chen, Kaigui Zhu∗, Aqing Chen, Weijie Huang, Lishuang Feng, Zhen Zhou, Guanglu Ge, A Monte Carlo simulation model for surface evolution by plasma etching, Applied Surface Science 280 (2013) 655–659
    3. Yu-tian Ma, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, K. Zhu, “Effect of helium implantation on mechanical properties of niobium doped tungsten”, Science China-Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 56 (2013)1396-1400
    4. Yu-tian Ma, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, K. Zhu, Zhenhua Zhao, Long Cheng, Bo Wang, Zhong Long, Changan Chen, G-.N. Luo, “The effect of cerium doping on helium implantation behavior in tungsten”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 307 (2013) 55 – 59
    5. Aqing Chen, Kaigui Zhu, Computer simulation of a-Si/c-Si heterojunction solar cell with high conversion efficiency, Sol. Energy, 86 (2012) 393-397
    6. Kaigui Zhu, Wu Wang, Qingyi Shao, Dongning Zhao, Yongfeng Lu, and Natale Ianno, Self-assembled ordered arrays of nanoscale germanium Esaki tunnel diodes, Applied Physics Letters, 98 (2011) 173110
    7. ZHU KaiGui, CHENG JingRan, CHANG MingChao, Wang Wu, WEI WenBo, GE GuangLu, Growth of alumina oxide nanowires in an aluminum anodization process Chinese Science Bulletin, June 2011,Vol.56,No.18: 1947-1950
    8. H. Yang, C. Wang, X. Diao, H. Wang, T. Wang, K. Zhu*, A new all-thin-film electrochromic device using LiBSO as the ion conducting layer,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41 (2008) 115301
    9. H. Yang, C. Wang, K. Zhu, X. Diao, H. Wang, Y. Cui, T. Wang, An all-thin-film electrochrmic device composed of MoO3-LiBSO-NiOx multiplayer structure, Chinese Physics Letters, 25 (2008) 740-742
    10. K. Zhu, D. Johnstone, J. Leach, Y. Fu, H. Morkoç, G. Li, B. Ganguly, High-power photoconductive switches of 4H-SiC with Si3N4 passivation and n+-GaN subcontact, Superlattices and Microstructures, Vol 41, 264-270, April 2007
    11. Y. –T. Moon, J. Xie, C. Liu, Y. Fu, X. Ni, N. Biyikli, K. Zhu, F. Yun, A. Sagar, R. M. Feenstra, A study of the morphology of GaN seed on in situ deposited SixNy and its effect on properties of overgrowth of GaN epilayers, Journal of Crystal Growth, 291 (2006) 301 ~ 308
    12. K. Zhu, G. Li, D. Johnstone, Y. Fu, J. Leach, B. Ganguly, C. W. Litton, H. Morkoç, High power photoconductive switch of 4H SiC with damage-free electrodes by using n+-GaN subcontact layer, Materials Science Forum Vols. 527-529 (2006), pp. 1387-1390
    13. K. Zhu, S. Do?an, Y. T. Moon, J. Leach, F. Yun, D. Johnstone, H. Morkoç, G. Li, B. Ganguly. The effect of n+-GaN subcontact layer on 4H-SiC high-power photoconductive switch Applied Physics Letters, 86 (2005) 261108
    14. K. Zhu, V. Kuryatkov, B. Borisov, G. Kipshidze, S. A. Nikishin, and H. Temkin, M. Holtz, Plasma etching of AlN/AlGaInN superlattices for device fabrication Applied Physics Letters, 81 (2002) 4688 ~ 4690
    15. K. Zhu, V. Kuryatkov, B. Borisov, J. Yun, G. Kipshidze, S. A. Nikishin, H. Temkin, D. Aurongzeb, and M. Holtz, Evolution of Surface roughness of AlN and GaN induced by inductively coupled Cl2/Ar plasma etching. Journal of Applied Physics, 95 (2004) 4635-4641
    16. V. Kuryatkov, K. Zhu, B. Borisov, A. Chandolu, I. Gherasoiu, G. Kipshidze, SNG. Chu, M. Hotlz, Y. Kudryavtsev, R. Asomoza, S. A. Nikishin, and H. Temkin, Electrical properties of p-n junctions based on superlattices of AlN/AlGa(In)N Applied Physics Letters, 83 (2003) 1319 ~ 1321
    17. V. Kuryatkov, A. Chandolu, B. Borisov, G. Kipshidze, K. Zhu, S. A. Nikishin, and H. Temkin, M. Holtz, Solar-blind ultraviolet photodetectors based on superlattices of AlN/AlGa(In)N. Applied Physics Letters, 82 (2003) 1323 ~ 1325
    18. K. Zhu, D. Johnstone, J. Leach, Y. Fu, H. Morkoç, G. Li, B. Ganguly High-power photoconductive switches of 4H-SiC with Si3N4 passivation and n+-GaN subcontact, Superlattices and Microstructures, Vol 41, 264-270, April 2007
    19. G. Kipshidze, V. Kuryatkov, K. Zhu, B. Borisov, M. Holtz, S. A. Nikishin, and H. Temkin, AlN/AlGaInN superlattice light-emitting diodes at 280 nm, Journal of Applied Physics 93 (2003) 1363 ~ 1366

  • 应用物理系:毕篆芳

  • 应用物理系:蔡微

  • 应用物理系:钱建强

    姓名: 钱建强
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1966
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2011
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 光学
    主要研究方向及特色: 1.激光精密测量;2.纳米检测与表征;3.深空显微探测
    电子信箱: qianjq@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 82317936
    办公地点: 主北217


    教学工作: (1)本科教学: 近代物理实验课程负责人,近代物理实验室主任;(2)研究生教学:主讲激光原理、激光测量学、现代光学
    社会兼职:Optics and Lasers in Engineering 、Chinese Physics Letters、光学精密工程等期刊特约审稿人,工业计量杂志技术审查专家。国家科技奖励评审专家、教育部科技奖励评审专家、北京市科技奖励评审专家。江苏省科技厅科技咨询专家. 曾任中国仪器仪表学会青年工作委员会委员,现任中国宇航学会空间遥感专业委员会委员.
    主持国家863专题课题 “火星环境原子力显微镜自主原位测量技术研究”,目前致力于开展深空探测用显微仪器的研究,如:适用于火星、月球、小行星等天体的显微分析仪器研究。
    1. Wang Wei, Qian Jian-Qiang*, Li Ying-Zi, Chen Zhu-Li. Dual-frequency Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging Method and Experiment Based On Commercial AFM Platform, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.30, Nol6, Page. 060702, 2013
    2. 张维然,李英姿,王曦,王伟,钱建强*. 原子力显微镜高次谐波幅度对样品弹性性质表征的研究,物理学报,第62卷,第14期,140704页,2013
    3. 杨海艳,王振宇,李英姿,张维然,钱建强*. 原子力显微镜探针悬臂几何结构变化对高次谐波信息增强的研究,物理学报,第62卷,第20期,200703页,2013
    4. Li Ying-Zi, Qian Jian-Qiang*, Li Xiao-Feng, Li Yuan, Hua Bao-Cheng,Yao Jun-En. Elimination of bistability in constant-phase mode in atomic force Microscopy, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.57, No.5, Page.460-465, 2012
    5. Wu J. ,Hu, Hu H. N.,Cui H. Y., Zheng, M., Qian, J. Q.. Thermal focusing effect in solid-state microchip lasers connected directly with vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodes, Optics Communications, Vol.284, No.16, Page.4038-4044, 2011
    6. 华宝成,钱建强*,王曦,姚骏恩,应用于扫描探针显微镜的石英音叉机械模型研究。物理学报,2011,(4)
    7. Li Yuan, Qian Jian-Qiang*, Li Ying-Zi, Theory of higher harmonics imaging in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy, Chinese Physics B ,2010,5(19), 050701
    8. LI Yuan, QIAN Jian-Qiang*. Higher Harmonics Generation in Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscope, Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26(10), 100703
    9.Wenliang Liu, Jianqiang Qian*, Yuan Li. Image “Auto-zoom” Technology for AFM Automation, Optoelectronics Letters.,2009, 5(2): 143-146.
    10. Qian jian-qiang*, Cui, Yimin, Xuping. The study for measuring rotor speed and direction with quadrant photoelectric detector, Measurement, Volume 41, Issue 6, July 2008, Pages 626-630
    11. Cui, Yimin ; Qian, Jianqiang*。Schottky behavior at Ag/Nb-1.0 wt%-doped SrTiO3 interface, Physica B: Condensed Matter, v 399, n 1, Oct 1, 2007, p 47-49
    12. Cui, Yimin ; Wang, Rongming; Qian, Jianqiang。Investigation of metal contacts to Nb-1.0 wt.%-doped SrTiO3,Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, v 138, n 3, Apr 15, 2007, p 214-218
    13. Cui, Yimin ; Wang, Rongming; Qian, Jianqiang。Effect of cation addition on dielectric properties of TbMnO3,Physica B: Condensed Matter, v 392, n 1-2, Apr 15, 2007, p 147-150
    14. Cui, Yimin ; Li, Yuan; Qian, JianQiang*; Xu, Ping; Wang, Rongming; Yao, Junen; Zhang, Liuwan。Microstructure-dependent dielectric properties of TbMnO3 in Au/TbMnO3/YBa2Cu3O7-x capacitors。 Journal of Applied Physics, v 100, n 3, 2006, p 034101
    15. Yingzi Li, Jianqiang Qian*, Wenliang Liu, Yuan Li, Baocheng Hua, yong yang. An online automatic method for correction of piezoelectric scanner,The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering


  • 应用物理系:李文萍

    姓名: 李文萍
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1976
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2011
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 光学
    主要研究方向及特色: 带电粒子光学、微纳加工和测量
    电子信箱: liwp@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82315951


    [1] 顾文琪, 马向国, 李文萍. 聚焦离子束微纳加工技术[M]. 北京: 北京工业大学出版社, 2006.
    [2] Wenping Li, Lijiang Gui, Jian Wu, Junen Yao and Quanlin Dong. A new practical model of an objective lens with assembling clearance for transmission electron microscope[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Series A , 2011,631:134–137.
    [3] Wenping Li and Li han. N-body Monte Carlo simulation on high contrast biology transmission electron microscope[J]. Journal of Biological Systems, 2010,18(1): 177-186.
    [4]Wenping Li and Li han. Optimization of electrostatic phase plate for biological specimens in transmission electron microscopy[C].Proceeding of International conference on biomedical engineering and computer science, 2010.4.
    [5]Wenping Li, Jian Wu, Lijiang Gui and Li han. Practical integrated design of a condenser-objective lens for transmission electron microscope[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2009(188) 012045.
    [6] Wenping Li, Li han and Wenqi Gu. Optimum design of ExB mass separator on three dimensions[J]. Physics Procedia, 2008 (1): 443–450.
    [7] Wenping Li, Li han and Wenqi Gu. Design of practical deflection field in nanometer scale focused ion beam system[J]. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Series A, 2007, 579(3):937-940.
    [8] Wenping Li, Li han and Wenqi Gu. Three dimension analysis of ExB mass separator[J]. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2007, 25(1): 194-198.
    [9] 李文萍, 顾文琪. 应用于纳米级聚焦离子束系统的静电透镜设计[J]. 光学精密工程,2007, 15(6):829-834.
    [10] 李文萍, 顾文琪. 自动微分法求解粒子光学像差的精度分析[J]. 微细加工技术,2007(4): 30-33.
    [11] 李文萍, 顾文琪. 纳米制造和测量技术产业化的研究[J]. 光电工程,2006,33 (12): 15-18, 22.
    [12] 吴坚, 李文萍, 商广义. 研究型大学理科教学中的开卷考试及实践[J].中国大学教学, 2006, 12.

  • 应用物理系:商广义

    姓名: 商广义
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1959
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2008
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: (1)纳米光学,重点开展近场光学成像理论、实验方法及其应用研究;(2)纳米检测与表征,重点开展扫描探针显微术及锂离子电池电极的原位表征和失效机理研究;(3)微纳结构制备及其性质研究,重点开展微纳结构的原位制备与性质研究。
    电子信箱: gyshang@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82338725
    办公地点: 北京航空航天大学老主楼508号






  • 应用物理系:王三胜

  • 应用物理系:吴坚

    姓名: 吴坚
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1961
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2011
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 光学
    主要研究方向及特色: 激光物理与信息光电子学。主要开展:1、光学精密成像检测新技术的理论和应用研究,发展多时空和多波段的近场显微和远场遥感光学精密成像观测新技术及其理论,当前研究包括数字全息3D观测技术、复杂天气现象的光学检测技术的研究;2、新型半导体和固态激光器的理论与技术研究,发展新一代多波段和高性能的半导体及固态激光器技术和理论,当前研究包括超宽波长调谐半导体激光器技术、新型锁模技术等研究。
    电子信箱: jwu2@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 18610963055
    办公地点: 主楼343






    获奖:荣获国家技术发明二等奖(2007)、国务院政府特殊津贴(1997)、英国威尔士大学物理学BESSIE JOHNS奖(2001)、世界知识产权组织与中国专利局颁发中国发明创造专利金奖(1997)、国家八五科技攻关重大科技成果奖(1996)以及中国科学院科技进步一等奖(1994)等奖项。在国内外重要学术期刊和会议上发表论文多篇,获中国授权专利2项。

    社会兼职:Optics Express和《中国激光》期刊特约审稿人。

    [1]M-L Ma, J Wu*, Y-Q Ning, F Zhou, M Yang, X Zhang, J Zhang, G-Y Shang, “Measurement of gain characteristics of semiconductor lasers by amplified spontaneous emissions from dual facets,” Opt. Express,v21, pp10335-10341, 2013.

    [2]J Wu*, H-Y Cui, M Huang, M-L Ma, “Control of gain and thermal carrier loss profiles for mode optimization in 980nm broad-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, ”Chin. Phys. B. v22, no.12, 2013

    [3]M-L Ma, J Wu*, M Yang, Y-Q Ning, G-Y Shang, “Experimental characterization of polarization gain properties of 808nm semiconductor laser and analysis of energy band based on amplified spontaneous emissions from double facets.” Acta Phys. Sin., v62, pp174209(1-6), 2013.

    [4]M-F Lu, J Wu*, M Zheng, “The production mechanism of image periodicity in digital holography and its application in zero-order noise suppression,” Acta Phys. Sin. v62, no.9, 094207(1-7), 2013.

    [5]M Huang, J Wu*, H-Y Cui, J-Q Qian, Y-Q Ning, “Modeling of resistance characteristics of continuously-graded distributed Bragg reflector in 980 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser,” Chin. Phys. B, v21, pp104207(1-7), 2012.

    [6]M Huang, J Wu*, H-Y Cui, J-Q Qian, “Series Junction Resistance and its Spatial Variation from Graded Barrier Structure of DBR Layers in 980nm VCSELs,” The 4th International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics SOPO 2012

    [7]J Wu*, M-F Lu, Y-C Dong, M Zheng, M Huang, Y-N Wu, “DC Noise Suppression with Various Space-shifting Manipulations of Reconstructed Images in Digital Holography,” Appl. Opt. vol. 50, pp. H56-H61, 2011.

    [8]J Wu*, H-N Hu, H-Y Cui, M Zheng, J-Q Qian, “Thermal focusing effect in solid-state microchip lasers connected directly with vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodes,” Opt. Commun., vol.284, pp4038–4044, 2011.
    [9]W-P Li, L-J Gui, J Wu, L Han, J-E Yao, “A New Practical Model of an Objective Lens with Assembly Gap for Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM),” Nuclear Instru. and Methods in Phys. Res., Series A,vol.631, pp134–137,2011.

    [10]Y Dong,J Wu*, “Space-shifting digital holography with dc term removal,” Opt. Lett., vol.35, pp.1287-1289, 2010.

    [11]J Wu*,H D Summers,“ An efficient approach characterizing and calculating carrier loss from heating and barrier height alteration in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers,” Chin. Phys. B, vol. 19, pp014213 (1-5), 2010

    [12]J Wu*,H D Summers,“ Analytical modeling of end thermal coupling in a solid-state laser longitudinally bonded by a vertical-cavity top-emitting laser diode,” Chin. Phys. B, vol. 18, pp4912-4918, 2009

    [13]W-P Li, J Wu, Z Zhou, L-J Gui, L Han, “Practical integrated design of a condenser-objective lens for transmission electron microscope,” J Phys., Conference Series v188 012045, 2009.

    [14]L-G Cai,J Wu*, “Theoretical Analysis and Characterization of Injection Current Distribution and Influences on Optical Near-field Modes for Gain-guided Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Lasers”, Acta Phys. Sin., vol.57, pp.3531-3537, 2008

    [15]J Wu*, W Xiao, Y-M Lu, “Temperature and wavelength dependence of gain and threshold current detuning with cavity resonance in vertical-cavity surface-emitting Lasers,” IET Optoelectron. vol.1, pp. 206-210, 2007.

    [16]G-X Shen, Y-G Zhang, X-G Cao, J Wu, “Research advances in digital holography particle image velocimetry,” Advances in Mechanics, vol.37,pp.563-574, 2007 (in Chinese).

    [17]J Wu*, “Analytical Thermal Model and Characterization of Lateral Thermal Effects in AlInGaAs Vertical-cavity Top-emitting Lasers,” Acta Phys. Sin., vol.55, pp5848-5854, 2006

  • 应用物理系:肖志松

    姓名: 肖志松
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1973
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2011
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 新型光电材料与器件物理及其在通讯、导航、新光源与新能源中的应用研究
    电子信箱: zsxiao@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 86-10-82316128
    办公地点: 主楼329


    1. 集成光学材料与器件(应用于光电传感和惯性导航等);
    2. 发光材料与器件物理(应用于光通讯和半导体照明等);
    3. 激光或离子束材料表面改性。

    Email: zsxiao@buaa.edu.cn


    Selected publications and patents

    1. Deng Sisheng, Xiao Zhisong, Yan Lu, Huang Anping, Optical loss effect on Sagnac sensitivity of circle-coupled resonator structure, Optics Communications, 2013, 290:76-79.
    2. Sisheng Deng, Zhisong Xiao, Hao Zhang, Long Zhao, Anping Huang, Fast-light enhanced integrated on-chip laser gyroscope for rotation sensing, Advances in Slow and Fast Light VI, edited by Selim Shahriar, Frank A. Narducci, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8636, 86360Q • © 2013 SPIE • CCC code: 0277-786X/13/$18 • doi: 10.1117/12.2002946.
    3. Bo Zhou, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, Jinliang Wang, Improved Infrared Emissions of Er3+-Tm3+ Codoped Al2O3 Thin Films: The Role of Cross Relaxation Among Rare Earth Ions, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11:10673-10676.
    4. Feng Zhang, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Anping Huang, Photoluminescence and Energy Transfer Studies of Er3+ and Dy3+ Co-doped Tellurite Glasses, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11:10904-10907.
    5. X. H. Zheng, A. P. Huang, Z. S. Xiao, M. Wang, X. Y. Liu, Z. W. Wu, and Paul K. Chu, Diffusion behavior of dual capping layers in TiN/LaN/AlN/HfSiOx/Si stack, Applied Physics Letter, 2011, 99: 131914.
    6. Huang An-Ping, Zheng Xiao-Hu, Xiao Zhi-Song, Yang Zhi-Chao, Wang Mei, Paul K. Chu, and Yang Xiao-Dong, Flat-band voltage shift in metal-gate/high-k/Si stacks, Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20 (9): 097303.
    7. Kun Zhong, Guoan Cheng, Xiangqian Cheng, Ruiting Zheng, Zhisong Xiao, Photoluminescence from SiGe NPs: SiO2 Thin Films Co-doped with Al, Journal of Korean Physics Society, 2011, 58 (4): 934-937.
    8. Fang Zhu, Zhisong Xiao, Feng Zhang, Lu Yan, Jinliang Wang, Anping Huang, Donor doping process and white light generation in CaMoO4 powders with multivalence Pr codoping, J. Luminescence, 2011, 131 (1) : 22-24.
    9. Feng Zhang, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Anping Huang, Visible luminescence properties of Er3+- Dy3+ codoped tellurite glasses, Applied Physics A: Materials & Process, 2010, 101: 777-780.
    10. Fang Zhu, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, The influence on intrinsic light emission of calcium tungstate and molybdate powders by multivalence Pr codoping, Applied Physics A: Materials & Process, 2010, 101: 689-693.
    11. X. H. Zheng, A. P. Huang, Z. S. Xiao, Z. C. Yang, M. Wang, X. W. Zhang, W. W. Wang, Paul K. Chu, Origin of flat-band voltage sharp roll-off in metal gate/high-k/ultrathin- SiO2 /Si p-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor stacks, Applied Physics Letter, 2010, 97, 132908.
    12. Z. C. Yang, A. P. Huang, X. H. Zheng, Z. S. Xiao, X. Y. Liu, X. W. Zhang, Paul K. Chu, W. W. Wang, Fermi-Level Pinning at Metal/High-k Interface Influenced by Electron State Density of Metal Gate, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2010, 31(10): 1101-1103.
    13. Fei Xu, Rosalía Serna, Miguel Jiménez de Castro, Jose Maria Fernández Navarro, Zhisong Xiao, Broadband Emission in the 1.4 2.0 μm range from Erbium-Thulium-Codoped Calcium Boroaluminate Glasses, Applied Physics B: Lasers and optics, 2010, 99: 263-270.
    14. Lu Yan, Zhisong Xiao, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, and Anping Huang, Energy transfer processes in Tm3+ doped aluminate glass, Journal of Optical Society of American B, 2010, 27 (3): 452-457.
    15. Zhisong Xiao, Bo Zhou, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, Photoluminescence and energy transfer processes in rare earth ion doped oxide thin films with substrate heating, Physics Letter A, 2010, 374(10): 1297-2300.
    16. Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, Visible luminescence of Tm3+, Er3+ and Yb3+ in calcium aluminoborate glasses, Journal of Korean Physics Society, 2009, 55 (6): 2630-2633.
    17. Feng Zhang, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Anping Huang, Visible Luminescence from Dy3+ Doped Tellurite Glasses, Proceedings of SPIE, 2009. 7518, 751817-1.
    18. Lu Yan, Zhisong Xiao, Xiaoqian Guo, Anping Huang, Circle-Coupled Resonator Waveguide with Enhanced Sagnac Phase-Sensitivity for Rotation Sensing, Applied Physics Letter, 2009, 95(14): 141104.
    19. Zhisong Xiao, Bo Zhou, Fei Xu, Fang Zhu, Lu Yan, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, Energy transfer among rare earth ions induced by annealing process of Tm–Er codoped aluminum oxide thin films, Physics Letter A, 2009, 373: 890-893.
    20. Kun Zhong, Zhisong Xiao, Guo’an Cheng, Xiangqian Cheng, and Ruiting Zheng, Dependency of photoluminescence from SiO2 thin films containing Si1−xGex quantum dots on Ge/Si doping ratio, Chinese Optics Letters, 2009, 7(9):826-829
    21. Fang Zhu, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Feng Zhang, Kun Zhong, Guoan Cheng, Photoluminescence and radiation effect of Er and Pr implanted silicon-rich silicon oxide thin films, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2009. 267, 3100-3103.
    22. Kun Zhong, Zhisong Xiao, Xiangqian Cheng, Fang Zhu, Lu Yan, Feng Zhang, Guoan Cheng, Radiation effect on the photoluminescence properties of Si/SiO2 thin films, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2009. 267: 3114-3117.
    23. Z. C. Yang, A. P. Huang, L. Yan, Z. S. Xiao, X. W. Zhang, Paul K. Chu, W. W. Wang, Role of Interface Dipole in Metal Gate/High-k Effective Work Function Modulation by Aluminum Incorporation, Applied Physics Letter, 2009, 94:252905.
    24. Zhisong Xiao, R. Serna, Fei Xu and C.N. Afonso, Critical separation for efficient Tm3+-Tm3+ energy transfer evidenced in nanostructured Tm3+:Al2O3 thin films, Optics Letters, 2008, 33 (7):608-610.
    25. A. P. Huang, Z. S. Xiao, X. Y. Liu, L. Wang, and Paul K. Chu, Role of fluorine in plasma nitridated ZrO2 thin films under irradiation, Applied Physics Letter, 2008, 93 (12):122907.
    26. Zhou Bo, Xiao Zhisong, Huang Anping, Yan Lu, Zhu Fang, Wang Jinliang, Yin Penggang and Wang Hao. Effect of the Tm-Er Concentration Ratio on the Photoluminescence of Er-Tm: Al2O3 Thin Films Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Progress in Natural Science, 2008, 18: 661-664.
    27. Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Bo Zhou, Fang Zhu, Anping Huang, Jinliang Wang, Optical Properties of Tm-Er Codoped Aluminate Glasses, Journal of Korean Physics Society, 2008, 52: S54-S57.
    28. Hao Wang, Y. Wang, J. Feng, C. Ye, B. Y. Wang, H. B. Wang, Q. Li, Y. Jiang, A. P. Huang, Z. S. Xiao, Structure and electrical properties of HfO2 high-k films prepared by pulsed laser deposition on Si (100), Applied Physics A: Materials & Process, 93 (2008): 681-684.
    29. Zhisong Xiao, Serna R., Afonso C. N., Improving the photoluminescence response of Er-Tm: Al2O3 films by Yb codoping, J. Lumin., 122-123 (2007): 32-35.
    30. Zhisong Xiao, Serna R. and Afonso C. N., Broadband emission in Er-Tm co-doped Al2O3 films: the role of energy transfer from Er to Tm, Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (2007): 033112- 033117.
    31. Zhisong Xiao, R. Serna, C.N. Afonso, I. Vickridge, Broadband infrared emission from Er-Tm: Al2O3 thin films, Applied Physics Letter, 2005, 87 (11):111103-111105.
    32. Zhisong Xiao, R. Serna, C.N. Afonso, I. Vickridge, Tm-Er codoping Al2O3 Thin Films: Activation by Annealing, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 2005, Vol. 866: V5.6.1/FF5.6.1.
    33. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Guoan Cheng, Tonghe Zhang, An upper limit of concentration for erbium photoluminescence from silica-based thin films formed by MEVVA implantation, Physics Letter A, 2004, 327 (4), 332-336.
    34. Z. S. Xiao, R. Serna, C. N. Afonso, I. Vickridge, Broad-band light emission from nanostructured waveguides of Al2O3 co-doped with Er and Tm, Europhysics Conference, Abstracts Volume 28C: Fib-10174, Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug.29-Sep.3, 2004.
    35. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Tonghe Zhang, Guoan Cheng, Lanlan Gu, Xun Wan, A novel method to achieve 1.54 mm light emission from silica thin film, Journal of Luminescence, 2002, 96: 195~200.
    36. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Guoan Cheng, Tonghe Zhang, S. P. Wong, Optimum silicon ion dose for 1540 nm photoluminescence from erbium-doped silica thin films formed by MEVVA implantation, Physics Letter A, 304 (2002): 172-176.
    37. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Tonghe Zhang, Guoan Cheng, Lanlan Gu, Erbium doped optical waveguide materials based on Si nanocrystals formed by MEVVA ion implantation, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14 (2002) 11315-11320.
    38. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Tonghe Zhang, Guoan Cheng, S. P. Wong, Effects of Si and Er concentration on 1.54 mm photoluminescence from silica-based thin films formed by MEVVA implantation. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2002, 16 (28~29): 4242-4245.
    39. Zhisong Xiao, Guoan Cheng, Tonghe Zhang, Fei Xu. Up-conversion luminescence from neodymium ion implantation silicon. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2000, 128-129: 461~464.
    40. Xiao Zhi-song, Xu Fei, Zhang Tong-he, Cheng Guo-an, Xie Da-tao, Gu Lan-lan, Infrared emission from Si implanted with high Er concentration, Chinese Physics, 2001, 10 (7): 650~654.
    41. XIAO Zhi-song, XU Fei, ZHANG Tong-he,YI Zhong-zhen, CHENG Guo-an, XPS investigation of luminescent layers formed by neodymium ion implantation silicon, Chinese Journal of Semiconductor, 2001, 22 (11): 1377-1381.
    42. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Guoan Cheng, Tonghe Zhang, Zhongzhen Yi, Shuifeng Wang, Photoluminescence from neodymium silicide thin films formed by Metal Vapor Vacuum Arc Ion Source, Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2001, 12 (1): 21~25.
    43. P. Chen, S. P. Wong, M. F. Chiah, H. Wang, W. Y. Cheung, N. Ke, Z. S. Xiao, Magnetic properties of (Pr0.17Co0.83)69C31 Nanocomposite films prepared by pulsed filtered vacuum arc deposition, Applied Physics Letter, 81 (2002): 4799-4801.
    44. Lanlan Gu, Zuhong Xiong, Gang Chen, Zhisong Xiao, Daiwei Gong, Xiaoyuan Hou and Xun Wang: Luminescent erbium-doped porous silicon bilayer structures. Advanced materials, 2001, 13: 1402-1405.
    45. Fei Xu, Zhisong Xiao, Guoan Cheng, Zhongzhen Yi, Tonghe Zhang, Lanlan Gu and Xun Wang, Erbium-doped silicon-rich silicon dioxide/silicon thin films fabricated by metal vapour vacuum arc ion source implantation, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14 (2002) L63-L69.
    46. Fei Xu, Zhisong Xiao, Guoan Cheng , Zhongzhen Yi , Tonghe Zhang , Lanlan Gu , Xun Wang, High concentration erbium doping of silicon-rich SiO thin films on silicon, Thin Solid films, 410 (2002): 94-100.
    47. Yanwen Zhang, Tonghe Zhang, Zhisong Xiao, and Harry J. whitlow, Sputtering transients for transition elements during high-fluence MEVVA implantation of Si, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 2001, 173, 427~435.
    48. Zhisong Xiao, Fei Xu, Tonghe Zhang , Guoan Cheng, Lanlan Gu , S. P. Wong, Energy transfer in Er doped silica films containing Si nanocrystals formed by MEVVA ion implantation, The sixth international conference on solid state and integrated-circuit technology proceeding, volume 2 : 1456-1459, 2001.10.22~25, Shanghai. China.
    49. Zhong zhen Yi, Zhisong Xiao, Furong Ma, Tonghe Zhang, Properties of wear resistance in co-implanting V+C into stainless steel. Surface and Coating Technology, 2000, 128-129: 186~191.
    50. Guoan Cheng, Zhisong Xiao, Jinghuan Zhu. Songlan Xu, Dunru Ye, The luminescence of LaSi2-x formed by ion beam synthesis in (111) Silicon wafer. Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 1998, 135: 550~554.
    51. 赵龙,张浩,邓思盛,陈佳阳,张峰,黄安平,肖志松,快光增强型谐振式光学陀螺的研究进展,激光与光电子学进展,2013,50: 030007
    52. 邓思盛,肖志松,燕路,张峰,张浩,赵龙,黄安平,快慢光效应与光补偿对耦合谐振环光波导陀螺的影响,科学通报,2013,58(19): 1802-1808.
    53. 邓思盛,肖志松,燕路,黄安平,集成光学陀螺及相关研究的现状与展望,物理,2012,41(3):179-185.
    54. 盖人荣,肖志松,闫瑞,张峰,黄安平,微片激光器谐振腔表面反射膜研究与展望,材料导报,2012,26(11):17-19.
    55. 闫瑞,肖志松,邓思盛,朱放,黄安平,范恩科,LED光学设计的现状与展望,照明工程学报,2011,22(2):38-42.
    56. 郑晓虎,黄安平,杨智超,肖志松,王玫,程国安,稀土元素掺杂的Hf基栅介质材料研究进展,物理学报,2011, 60 (1): 017702. (SCI)
    57. 苗明川,张淼,肖志松,物理实验双语教学探讨,物理实验(增刊), 2010,30, 33-35.
    58. 杨智超,黄安平,肖志松,pMOS金属栅极材料的研究进展,物理,2010,39(2):113-122.
    59. 燕路,肖志松,张峰,朱放,周博,黄安平,朱永昌, 硅基光子器件研究进展及其在光陀螺与光通讯中的应用, 中国激光,2009,36 (3): 547-553.(EI)
    60. 朱放,肖志松,周博,燕路,张峰,黄安平,β—FeSi2薄膜的制备与发光研究进展,中国光学与应用光学,2009,2(2):119-125.
    61. 张峰,肖志松,燕路,朱放,周博,黄安平,光波导制备的研究进展,光学技术,2009,35:114-117
    62. 周博,肖志松,燕路,朱放,黄安平,王金良,许怀哲,1.4-1.7?µm宽带光放大发光材料的研究进展,应用光学,2008,29 (4): 559-565.

  • 应用物理系:徐则

    姓名: 徐则达
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1963
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2004
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 光学
  • 应用物理系:徐平

    姓名: 徐平
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1965
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2002
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 无线电物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 扫描探针显微术,楼宇自控与安防技术,
    电子信箱: xuping@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 82338592
    办公地点: 1-211






    1) 北京市精品课程,2006,排名第3
    2) 北京高等学校实践教学示范中心,2005,排名第3
    3) 北京市精品教材,2007,排名第3
    4) 北京市优秀教学团队,2007,排名第5

    1) 在“大学物理”、“物理实验”等期刊上以第1作者(含通讯作者)发表教改论文11篇;
    2) 作为第1作者获得“全国高校非物理类专业物理教育学术研讨会”优秀论文奖1篇(2006);
    3) 主持北京市教改课题“法国工程师培养模式的物理实验课程研究与实践”;
    4) 主持校级重点教改项目“工程师培养模式的物理实验课程体系研究”;
    5) 北京市精品教材“基础物理实验”,第3作者;
    6) 国家高等教育十一五规划教材“基础物理实验”第2作者;

    1) 指导本科生获得北京市大学生物理实验竞赛一等奖1项;
    2) 校“冯如杯”课外科技竞赛一等奖1项、二等奖1项、三等奖2项。

    1) 北京航空航天大学本科教学名师,2009
    2) 北京市优秀教学成果二等奖,2008,排名第2
    3) 北京航空航天大学优秀教学成果一等奖,2009,排名第2
    4) 北京航空航天大学优秀教学成果一等奖,2007,排名第2
    5) 北京航空航天大学“成飞奖”二等奖;2009
    6) 北京航空航天大学优秀教学成果二等奖,2009,排名第2
    7) 北京航空航天大学优秀创新团队,2006,排名第2
    8) 北京航空航天大学“冯如杯”优秀指导教师,1997
    9) 北京航空航天大学“长谷集团奖教金”三等奖,1997,排名第2

    (1) 担任北航中法工程师学院基础教学实验中心负责人,借鉴国外高水平国家的先进经验,结合我国实际情况,主持建立了工程师培养模式的基础物理实验课程体系。
    (2) 主持校级精品课程建设项目“工程师培养模式基础物理实验”(2009)。

    三 科研


  • 应用物理系:姚骏恩

    姓名: 姚骏恩
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1932
    职称: 院士
    首次聘任导师时间: 2003
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    聘任在第二学科培养博士生专业名称: 测试计量技术及仪器
    主要研究方向及特色: 应用物理,电子光学,近场光学,测试计量技术及仪器,纳米测控与纳米制造。主要从事电子显微镜、扫描探针显微镜等相关的微纳米测控技术的研究。对电子显微镜、扫描隧道显微镜等的研制发展中的有关理论和应用研究做出了一系列开创性工作。先后获国家科技进步二等奖和部级一、二、三等奖等11项奖和中国电子显微镜学会的“桥本初次郎奖”、“钱临照奖”。目前承担国家自然科学基金重点项目、科技部仪器专项等多项课题。
    电子信箱: yaojen@buaa.edu.cn;yaojen@cae.cn
    办公电话: 010-82315772


  • 应用物理系:赵路

    姓名: 赵路
    性别: 男
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2014
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 光学
    主要研究方向及特色: 慢光图像与信息处理,超材料光子学器件,石墨烯与拓扑绝缘体中的狄拉克电子光学与纳米器件
    电子信箱: zhaol@buaa.edu.cn
  • 应用物理系:张维佳

    姓名: 张维佳
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1957
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2008
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 太阳能电池光伏电池、光电器件及光电材料、凝聚态物理、材料物理与化学、纳米粉未及其溅射靶材、薄膜功能材料
    电子信箱: zwjghx@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82338147
    通信地址: 365娱乐场体育投注应用物理系

    现主讲课程: 现代物理科学前沿讲座(博士生课程),材料物理(研究生课程),薄膜制备与性能分析(研究生课程),基础物理学(本科课程)。

    2. 效率20%以上新型电极结构晶体硅电池产业化成套关键技术及示范生产线(国家高技术研究发展计划即863项目)
    4. 纳米硅薄膜太阳能电池研制

    6. 高纯金属/合金靶材溅射薄膜制备
    7. 纳米硅太阳能电池研制及其界面态的理论研究


    (1).获航空部科技进步二等奖 2004年
    (2).获航空部科技进步三等奖 1997年
    (3).获航空部科技进步三等奖 1996年



  • 核科学与技术系:渡边宽

  • 核科学与技术系:陈华星

    姓名: 陈华星
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1982
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2012
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 粒子物理,理论物理
    电子信箱: hxchen@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 北京航空航天大学主303




    3. 发表学术论文及出版专著情况、获奖情况:
    在PRD,PRC,PLB,EPJA,EPJC等粒子物理与原子核物理领域的著名期刊上发表SCI文章30余篇,第一作者或通讯作者有21篇,被引用200多次。 目前,由100位粒子物理学家组成的Particle Data Group编写的Review of Particle Physics引用了我们研究组的2篇关于轻标量介子的研究工作。

  • 核科学与技术系:耿立升

    姓名: 耿立升
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1978
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2013
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 理论核物理、超标准模型物理、计算物理、量子信息金融物理。详细内容见网站:http://nucl-th.buaa.edu.cn
    电子信箱: lisheng.geng@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 主324
    ? 2001年7月获兰州大学理学学士学位
    ? 2005年9月获日本大阪大学理学博士学位
    ? 2007年7月获北京大学理学博士学位
    ? 2005年7月至2006年3月在中国科学院理论物理研究所作访问学
    ? 2006年4月至2009年10月在西班牙瓦伦西亚大学作博士后研究
    ? 2009年11月至2011年9月在德国慕尼黑工业大学作洪堡学者
    ? 2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划
    ? 2011年7月受聘为365娱乐场体育投注教授

    1. 教学及人才培养情况:
    ? 现讲授研究生《原子核理论》专业课,本科生《原子核物理》必修课,《原子核理论》专业必选课。
    ? 指导硕士生2名,博士生1名。
    ? 拟每年招收1-2名硕士生。欢迎有志从事理论物理、计算物理、金融物理、交叉学科的同学报考。

    2. 发表学术论文及出版专著情况、获奖情况:
    在PRL、PRD、 PRC、 JHEP、NPA、 PTP、EPJA等粒子物理与原子核物理领域的著名期刊上发表SCI文章60余篇,被引用1000多次。
  • 核科学与技术系:乐小云

    姓名: 乐小云
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1963
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2009
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 核物理、核技术及应用、计算物理
    电子信箱: xyle@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82317241-1
    办公地点: 老主楼331
    从事粒子辐照效应理论与实验研究多年,参与多项国家自然科学基金及总装基金项目的研究,相关研究涉及脉冲功率技术、离子/电子加速技术、束流诊断与射线探测、高能密度粒子束辐照物理问题及应用技术等。是“离子束表面改性方法新探索-脉冲化注入研究”、“强脉冲离子束的产生及其表面处理新技术”以及“高温合金热障涂层及抗氧化涂层制备中强脉冲离子束辐照新方法新工艺研究”等自然科学基金项目的主要成员之一;是国家自然科学基金面上项目“强脉冲离子束辐照固体表面热力学过程研究”、“涡轮发动机叶片的清洗与改性的新技术、新工艺及其特性研究” 、国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划专项托卡马克等离子体与壁材料相互作用研究子课题“壁材料等离子体辐照效应及其他相关项目等的项目主持人,目前作为项目主持人负责国家自然科学基金面上项目“强流脉冲离子束辐照金属材料引发表层缺陷的产生机制”的研究,参加国家自然科学基金重点项目“高分辨率探测器系统的研发和一种奇特原子核质量的新型测量方法”的研究;参与了与西北核技术研究所合作进行了若干相关研究任务。先后前往日本、韩国、俄罗斯、法国、德国等国进行学术交流。曾获全国高校第八届物理演示教学仪器评奖中获一等奖、蚌埠市科学技术二等奖等,2009年来发表SCI论文20篇,如下:
    1. Yu Lei, Zhang Gao-Long, I. Tanihata, XY Le, Simulation of effects of incident beam condition in p-p elastic scattering, CHINESE PHYSICS C 2014, Vol.38(2)
    2. Zhang Xiaofu, Shu Xiaowen, Le XiaoYun, High-power, 0.83-GHz-repetition-rate tenth-order harmonic mode-locked GdVO4/Nd:GdVO4 laser under diode direct pumping, LASER PHYSICS 2013, Vol.(23)
    3. Guo, C. L., Zhang, G. L., Le, X. Y., Study of the universal function of nuclear proximity potential from density-dependent nucleon-nucleon interaction, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 2013, Vol.897
    4. Qu Wei-Wei, Zhang Gao-Long, Le Xiao-Yun, Systematic analysis of the fusion barrier heights and positions for alpha projectile using the double folding model, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2012, Vol. 61(15) AUG
    5. Guo Chen-Lei, Zhang Gao-Long, Tanihata, I., Le, XY, Simulation of C-12+C-12 elastic scattering at high energy by using the Monte Carlo method, CHINESE PHYSICS C 2012, Vol.36(3)
    6. Yan, S., Shang, Y. J., Xu, X. F., Yi, X, Le, XY, Improving anti-corrosion property of thermal barrier coatings by intense pulsed ion beam irradiation, NIM B 2012, Vol.272: 450-453
    7. Qu, W. W., Zhang, G. L., Le, X. Y., The parametrization of Coulomb barrier heights and positions using the double folding model, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 2011, Vol.868-69: 1-11
    8. Zhang X-F, Li F-Q, Zong N., Le XY, Cui DF, Xu ZY, 37 W 888-nm-pumped grown-together composite crystal YVO4/Nd:YVO4/YVO4 oscillator at 1342 nm, LASER PHYSICS 2011, Vol.21(8): 1393-1397
    9. Zhang X-F, Li F-Q, Zong N., Le XY, Cui DF, Xu ZY, High-efficiency 17 W, 80 MHz repetition rate, passively mode-locked TEM00 Nd:YAG oscillator pumped at 885 nm, 2011, Vol.21(8): 435-438
    10. Liang Jiachang, Gao Chengyao, Zhang Liping, Le XY, Cui DF, Xu ZY, Studies on distribution of element contents in transient layer at interface between boron-doped diamond film electrode and tantalum substrate, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2011, Vol.257(14): 6063-6067
    11. Zhang, G. L., Le, X. Y., The preformation of cluster radioactivity for heavy nuclei, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 2010, Vol. 848(3-4): 292-298
    13. Zhang YuChao, Xing ZhiGang, Ma ZiGuang, Chen Yao, Ding GuoJian, Xu PeiQiang, Dong ChenMing, Chen Hong, Le XiaoYun,Threading dislocation density comparison between GaN grown on the patterned and conventional sapphire substrate by high resolution X-ray diffraction, SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 2010, Vol. 53(3): 465-468
    14. Zhang G. L., Le X. Y., Zhang H. Q.,Calculation of alpha preformation for nuclei near N=162 and N=184, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 2009, Vol. 80(6)
    15. Mugiraneza Jean de Dieu, Zhang Gaolong, Le Xiaoyun, Influence of velocity difference of correlated particles on the stopping power and vicinage effect, NIM B 2009, Vol.267(18): 3175-3178
    16. Zhang Gao-Long, Le Xiao-Yun, alpha preformation and penetration probability for heavy nuclei, CHINESE PHYSICS B 2009, Vol.18(9): 3810-3814
    17. Zhang G. L., Le X. Y., Zhang H. Q., Determination of alpha preformation for heavy nuclei, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 2009, Vol. 823: 16-25
    18. Zhang Gao-Long, Le Xiao-Yun, Calculation of alpha decay half-lives for superheavy elements using the double folding model, CHINESE PHYSICS C 2009, Vol.33(5): 354-358
    19. Zhang Gao-Long, Liu Hao, Le Xiao-Yun, Calculation of half-lives of heavy cluster emission for heavy nuclei, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 2009, Vol.58(4): 2300-2305
    20. Zhang Gao-Long, Liu Hao, Le Xiao-Yun, Nucleon-nucleon interactions in the double folding model for fusion reactions, CHINESE PHYSICS B 2009, Vol.18(1): 136-141

  • 核科学与技术系:谷畑勇夫

    姓名: Isao Tanihata
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1947
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 1979
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 核物理、核化学、核天体物理、高能重离子碰撞、放射性束装置、高级探测器技术等,世界范围内放射性核束装置的主要推动者、参与者和领导者。
    电子信箱: tanihata@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp
    办公地点: 北京航空航天大学主北楼312
    谷畑勇夫教授利用高能重离子的碎裂反应发明了放射性离子束。这种方法开创了研究短暂的核远离稳定线的可能性。这种新方法的应用提供了更多对核结构的新发现,也进一步开拓了对丰富的细胞中子和质子的研究方法。他探索到了物理界的一个全新的领域,一个关于宇宙核心的物理科学,并从宇宙大爆炸至恒星的进化,衍生到了关于整个宇宙的所有元素综合体的进一步研究及发现。放射性光束也将预计被广泛应用在我们的日常生活中。世界很多国家已经建造了放射性离子束设施,包括加拿大,中国,法国,德国,日本和美国。他提出了最先进的国际放射性离子束设施,在RIKEN建造了放射性离子束工厂。该设施的已经建成使用,并且成为世界上最先进的设施之一。除此之外,谷畑勇夫的多篇文章在国内外都享有盛誉,最近谷畑勇夫教授文章“Recent experimental progress in nuclear halo structure studies”又成为世界 著名杂志“Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics” 2013年5篇排名最高下载量之首。
    Isao Tanihata has invented radioactive ion beams (RI beam) using fragmentation reaction of high-energy heavy ions. This method opened the possibility to study properties of short-lived nuclei far from the stability line. Application of this new method have provided many discoveries of new phenomena in nuclear structure and also opened the way to study very neutron rich and proton rich nuclei. He has initiated a new field of physics, cosmonuclear physics, to study the synthesis of elements in the universe, from the Big Bang to star evolutions. Radioactive beams are also expected to provide many applications for everyday life. The facilities of RI beams have been constructed now all ever the world including Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, and USA. He proposed the most advanced RI beam facility, RI Beam factory in RIKEN. The facility has been constructed and is now operating as one of the leading facilities of its kind in the world.
  • 核科学与技术系:吕广宏

    姓名: 吕广宏
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1969
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2006
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 主要通过不同尺度计算并结合实验开展以先端聚变能源材料为主的结构材料方面的研究工作。 【背景】核聚变能是未来的潜在能源。与裂变能相比,核聚变能在原料和能源的清洁安全方面具有非常大的优势。以2006年11月欧盟、美国、俄罗斯、日本、韩国、印度和中国七方在巴黎正式签署协议启动国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划为标志,核聚变能的研究进入了全球共同合作和研发的重要阶段。核聚变能最终应用的关键是材料问题。聚变堆材料包括面对等离子体材料和支撑结构材料。目前,钨(W)和钼(Mo)被认为是最有前途的面对等离子体材料,而低活化铁素体/马氏体钢被认为是最有前途的结构材料。 【研究方向】面向聚变堆应用的金属材料结构设计与性能预测;聚变等离子体与壁材料相互作用研究;金属、金属间化合物等结构材料的结构与性能研究;先进计算算法和程序开发。
    电子信箱: LGH@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 010-82339917 传真:010-82339917
    办公地点: 北航主楼522房间




    1. Lei Zhang, Chu-Chun Fu*, and Guang-Hong Lu*, Energetic landscape and diffusion of He in α-Fe grain boundaries from first principles, Physical Review B, 87, 134107 (2013).
    2. Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu*, and Feng Liu, Anisotropic Strain Enhanced Hydrogen Solubility in bcc Metals: The Independence on the Sign of Strain, Physical Review Letters 109, 135502 (2012).
    3. Lei Zhang, Ying Zhang, Wen-Tong Geng, and Guang-Hong Lu, Towards theoretical connection between tensile strength of a grain boundary and segregated impurity concentration: Helium in iron as an example, Europhysics Letters 98, 17001 (2012).
    4. Xiao-Chun Li, Xiaolin Shu, Yi-Nan Liu, Yi Yu, F. Gao, Guang-Hong Lu, Analytical W-He and H-He interatomic potentials for a W-H-He system, Journal of Nuclear Materials 426, 31 (2012).
    5. Long Chen, Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, and Guang-Hong Lu, Stability and diffusion properties of self-interstitial atoms in tungsten: a first-principles investigation, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 55, 614 (2012).
    6. Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Yue-Lin Liu, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, and Feng Liu, Stress Tensor: A Quantitative Indicator of Effective Volume and Stability of Helium in Metals, Europhysics Letters 96, 66001 (2011).
    7. Hong-Bo Zhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Chen Duan, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, Fei Gao, Xiaolin Shu, and Guang-Hong Lu, Effect of vacancy on the sliding of an iron grain boundary, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 113512 (2011).
    8. Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, and Guang-Hong Lu, First-principles study of carbon effects on a tungsten grain boundary: site preference, segregation and strengthening, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 54, 2164 (2011).
    9. Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, and Guang-Hong Lu, Effects of hydrogen on a tungsten grain boundary: A first-principles computational tensile test, Progress in Natural Science: Materials international 21, 240 (2011).
    10. Wen-Ying Li, Ying Zhang, Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, and Guang-Hong Lu, Stress effects on stability and diffusion of H in W: A first-principles study, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 269, 1731 (2011).
    11. Shuo Jin, Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Ying Zhang, and Guang-Hong Lu, First-principles investigation on the effect of carbon on hydrogen trapping in tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials 415, S709 (2011).
    12. Jian Luo, Hong-Bo Zhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Li-Jiang Gui, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, and Guang-Hong Lu, Dissolution, diffusion and permeation behavior of hydrogen in vanadium: a first-principles investigation, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 135501 (2011).
    13. Xiao-Chun Li, Xiaolin Shu, Yi-Nan Liu, Fei Gao, and Guang-Hong Lu, Modified analytical interatomic potential for a W-H system with defects, Journal of Nuclear Materials 408, 12 (2011).
    14. Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, and Guang-Hong Lu, Effects of H on the structure and the mechanical properties of W: A first-principles investigation, Chinese Physics Letters 27, 127101 (2010).
    15. Hong-Bo Zhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, Guang-Nan Luo and Guang-Hong Lu, Towards suppressing H blistering by investigating the physical origin of the H-He interaction in W, Nuclear Fusion 50, 115010 (2010).
    16. Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang and Guang-Hong Lu, Dissolution and diffusion properties of carbon in tungsten, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 445504 (2010).
    17. Lei Zhang, Xiao-Lin, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang and Guang-Hong Lu, First-principles study of He effects in a bcc Fe grain boundary: site preference, segregation and theoretical tensile strength, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 375401 (2010).
    18. Chen Duan, Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Ying Zhang, Shuo Jin, Guang-Hong Lu, First-principles study on dissolution and diffusion properties of hydrogen in molybdenum, Journal of Nuclear Materials 404, 119 (2010).
    19. Hong-Bo Zhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, and Guang-Hong Lu, and G.-N. Luo, Investigating behaviors of H in a W grain boundary by first-principles: from dissolution and diffusion to a trapping mechanism, Nuclear Fusion 50, 025016 (2010).
    20. Abdullah Alkhamees, Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Ying Zhang, and Guang-Hong Lu, First-principles investigation on dissolution and diffusion of oxygen in tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 393, 508 (2009).
    21. Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Ying Zhang, Shuo Jin and Guang-Hong Lu, The ideal tensile strength and deformation behavior of a tungsten single crystal, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, 267, 3282 (2009).
    22. Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Ying Zhang, Shuo Jin and Guang-Hong Lu, Effect of He on the structure and bonding properties of W: a first-principles computational tensile test, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, 267, 3193 (2009).
    23. Hong-Bo Zhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Ying Zhang, Shuo Jin and Guang-Hong Lu, First-principles investigation energetics and site preference of He in a W grain boundary, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, 267, 3189 (2009).
    24. Ying Zhang, W.-Q. Feng, Yue-Lin Liu, Guang-Hong Lu, and Tianmin Wang, First-principles study of helium effect in a ferromagnetic iron grain boundary: energetics, site preference, and segregation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, 267, 3200 (2009).
    25. Xiaochun Li, F. Gao, and Guang-Hong Lu, Molecular dynamics simulation of interaction of H with vacancy in W, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, 267, 3199 (2009).
    26. Zhongshi Yang, Q. Xu, Junqi Liao, Guang-Hong Lu, G.-N. Luo, Study on C-W interactions by molecular dynamics simulations, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, 267, 3144 (2009).
    27. G. -N. Luo, K. Umstadter, W. M. Shu, W. Wampler, Guang-Hong Lu, Behavior of tungsten with exposure to deuterium plasmas, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, 267, 3041 (2009).
    28. Yue-Lin Liu, Y. Zhang, H.-B. Zhou, Guang-Hong Lu, Feng Liu, and G.-N. Luo, “Vacancy trapping mechanism for hydrogen bubble formation in metal”, Physical Review B 79, 172103 (2009). (Brief Report)
    29. Zhongshi Yang, Y.M. Yang, Guang-Hong Lu, and G.-N. Luo, Molecular dynamics simulations of atomic carbon on tungsten surface, Journal of Nuclear Materials 390, 136 (2009).
    30. Yue-Lin Liu, Ying Zhang, G.-N. Luo, and Guang-Hong Lu, Structure, stability and diffusion of hydrogen in tungsten, A first-principles study, Journal of Nuclear Materials 390, 1032 (2009).
    31. Yue-Lin Liu, Ying Zhang, Rong-Jie Hong, and Guang-Hong Lu, Study of theoretical tensile strength of Fe by a first-principles computational tensile test, Chinese Physics 18, 1674 (2009).

    Intermetallics/stuctural materails
    1. Ye Wei, Ying Zhang, Hong-Bo Zhou, Guang-Hong Lu, Huibin Xu, First-principles investigation on shear deformation of a TiAl/Ti3Al interface and effects of oxygen, Intermetallics 22, 41 (2012).
    2. Ye Wei, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, Huibin Xu, “First-principles study of site occupancy and interfacial energetics of a H-doped TiAl-Ti3Al alloy”, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 55, 1 (2012).
    3. Ye Wei, Hong-Bo Zhou, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, and Huibin Xu, Effects of O in a binary-phase TiAl-Ti3Al alloy: from site occupancy to interfacial energetics, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 225504 (2011).
    4. Xue-Lan Hu, Li-Hua Liu, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, and Tianmin Wang, Energy investigation of effects of O on mechanical properties of NiAl intermetallics, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 025501 (2011).
    5. Ye Wei, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, Hui-Bin Xu, Site preference and elastic properties of A2-Ti3Al of with oxygen impurity: a first-principles study, International Journal of Modern Physics B 24, 2749 (2010).
    6. Hong-Bo Zhou, Ye Wei, Yue-Lin Liu, Ying Zhang and Guang-Hong Lu, First-principles investigation of site preference and bonding properties of alloying element in TiAl with O impurity, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 18, 015007 (2010).
    7. Xue-Lan Hu, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, and Tianmin Wang, Role of the alloying element on suppressing the negative effect of in NiAl: Cr as an example, Scripta Materialia 61, 189 (2009).
    8. Hong-Bo Zhou, Ying Zhang, Yue-Lin Liu, Xue-Lan Hu, Masanori Kohyama, Peng-Gang Yin, Guang-Hong Lu, First-principles characterization of anisotropy of theoretical strength and stress-strain relation for TiAl intermetallic compound, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 175407 (2009).
    9. Li-Hua Liu, Ying Zhang, Xue-Lan Hu and Guang-Hong Lu, Formation of a coplanar O-Al bonding cluster: the effect of O impurity on a sigma=5 NiAl grain boundary by first-principles, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 015002 (2009).
    10. Xue-Lan Hu, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, Tianmin Wang, Bonding characteristics in a NiAl intermetallics with O impurity: a first-principles computational tensile test, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 025402 (2009).
    11. Xue-Lan Hu, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, Tianmin Wang, Peng-Hao Xiao, Peng-Gang Yin and Huibin Xu, Effect of O impurity on structure and mechanical properties of NiAl intermetallics: a first-principles study, Intermetallics 17, 358 (2009).

    Metal grain boundary
    1. Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, Xue-Lan Hu, Tianmin Wang, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, First-principles computational tensile test on a Na-segregated Al grain boundary with an Si additive and an intergranular embrittlement suppression mechanism, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 456225 (2007).
    2. Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, Shenghua Deng, Tianmin Wang, H. Xu, M. Kohyama, and R. Yamamoto, “Weakening of an aluminum grain boundary induced by sulfur segregation:a first-principles computational tensile test”, Physical Review B 75, 174101 (2007).
    3. Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, H. Zhang, Tianmin Wang, S. Deng, X. Hu, Effect of a Si additive on an Al grain boundary: a first-principles investigation, Materials Science Forum 546, 829 (2007).
    4. Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, Tianmin Wang, S. Deng, M. Kohyama, and R. Yamamoto, Effects of segregated Ga on an Al grain boundary: a first-principles computational tensile test, Materials Transactions 47, 2678 (2006).
    5. Guang-Hong Lu, Ying Zhang, Shenghua Deng, Tianmin Wang, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, Feng Liu, K. Horikawa, and M. Kanno, Origin of Al intergranular Embrittlement by Na and Ca segregation: grain boundary weakening, Physical Review B 73, 224115 (2006).
    6. Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, S. Deng, Tianmin Wang, X. Shu, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, First-principles study of effects of segregated Ga on an Al grain boundary, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, 5121 (2006).
    7. Guang-Hong Lu, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, First principles pseudopotential study on an aluminum grain boundaries containing sulfur atoms, Philosophical Magazine Letters 83, 159 (2003).
    8. Guang-Hong Lu, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, Effects of impurities on an aluminum grain boundary, Materials Transactions 44, 337 (2003).
    9. Guang-Hong Lu, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, Ab initio studies on the effects of Si and S impurities on Al grain boundary, Materials Transactions 42, 2238 (2001).
    10. Guang-Hong Lu, A. Suzuki, A. Ito, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, Ab initio pseudopotential studies on Al sigma 9 grain boundary: effects of Na and Ca impurities, Philosophical Magazine Letters 81, 757 (2001).
    11. Guang-Hong Lu, A. Suzuki, A. Ito, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, Comparison of effects of sodium and silicon impurities on aluminum grain boundary by first principles calculation, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 8, 727 (2000).

    1. Linyun Liang, Y. L. Li, S. Y. Hu, Long-Qing Chen, and Guang-Hong Lu, Piezoelectric anisotropy of a KNbO3 single crystal, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 094111 (2010).
    2. Linyun Liang, Y. L. Li, Long-Qing Chen, S. Y. Hu, and Guang-Hong Lu, Thermodynamics and ferroelectric properties of KNbO3, Journal of Applied Physics 106, 104118 (2009).
    3. Li-Zhi Xu, Yue-Lin Liu, Hong-Bo Zhou, Li-Hua Liu, Ying Zhang, and Guang-Hong Lu, Ideal strengths, structure transitions, and bonding properties of a ZnO single crystal under tension, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 495402 (2009).
    4. Linyun Liang, Y.L. Li, Long-Qing Chen, S.Y. Hu, and Guang-Hong Lu, A thermodynamic free energy function for potassium niobate, Applied Physics Letters 94, 072904 (2009).
    5. Jun Chen, Guang-Hong Lu, Honghong Cao, Tianmin Wang, and Yun Xu, Ferromagnetic mechanism in Ni-doped anatase TiO2, Applied Physics Letters 93, 172504 (2008).
    6. Yue-Lin Liu, Ying Zhang, Hong-Bo Zhou, Guang-Hong Lu, and Masanori Kohyama, Theoretical strength and charge redistribution of fcc Ni in tension and shear, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 335216 (2008).
    7. Guang-Hong Lu, Q. Wang and Feng Liu, The role of vacancy on trapping interstitial O in heavily As-doped Si, Applied Physics Letters 92, 211906 (2008).
    8. Yong Han, Guang-Hong Lu, Byeong-Joo Lee, and Feng Liu, Flat-surface, step-edge, facet-facet, and facet-step diffusion barriers in growth of a Pb mesa, Surface Science 602, 2284 (2008).
    9. Lugang Bai, Decai Yu, Guang-Hong Lu, Feng Liu, Q. Wang, and H. Yilmaz, Confining P diffusion in Si by an As-doped barrier layer, Applied Physics Letters 91, 061926 (2007).
    10. Li Huang, Guang-Hong Lu, Feng Liu, and X.G. Gong, First-principles study of adsorption and diffusion on Ge/Si(001)-(2x8) and Ge/Si(105)-(1x2) surfaces, Surface Science 601, 3067 (2007).
    11. Guang-Hong Lu, Q. Wang, and Feng Liu, First-principles calculation of interaction between interstitial O and As dopant in heavily As-doped Si, Journal of Applied Physics 101, 026104 (2007).
    12. Li Huang, Feng Liu, Guang-Hong Lu, and X.G. Gong, Surface mobility difference between Si and Ge and its effect on growth of SiGe alloy films and islands, Physical Review Letters 96, 016103 (2006).
    13. B. Yan, P. Zhang, D. E. Savage, M.G. Lagally, Guang-Hong Lu, M. Huang, and F. Liu, A novel mechanism for self-organization of semiconductor nanocrystals by selective surface faceting process, Physical Review B 72, 235413 (2005).
    14. Guang-Hong Lu, M. Cuma, and F. Liu, First-principles study of strain stabilization of Ge(105) facet on Si(001), Physical Review B 72, 125415 (2005).
    15. Guang-Hong Lu, M. Huang, M. Cuma and F. Liu, Relative stability of Si surfaces: a first-principles study, Surface Science 588, 61 (2005).
    16. Z.M. Liu, T. Cui, Z. He, W.J. He, C.B. Chen, G.T. Zou, and Guang-Hong Lu, Band structure of a lithium doped hydrogen system, Physica B: Condensed Matter 362, 136 (2005).
    17. Guang-Hong Lu and F. Liu, Towards quantitative understanding of formation and stability of Ge hut island on Si(001), Physical Review Letters 94, 176103 (2005).
    18. T. Tamura, Guang-Hong Lu, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, E’ center in Ge-doped SiO2 glass, Physical Review B 70, 153201 (2004); 71, 089903(E) (2005).
    19. Guang-Hong Lu, S. Deng, Tianmin Wang, M. Kohyama, R. Yamamoto, Theoretical tensile strength of an Al grain boundary, Physical Review B 69, 134106 (2004).
    20. T. Tamura, Guang-Hong Lu, R. Yamamoto, M. Kohyama, S. Tanaka, Y. Tateizumi, MPI parallelication of the first-principles pseudopotential method program with respect to each band, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 12, 945 (2004).
    21. T. Tamura, Guang-Hong Lu, R. Yamamoto, M. Kohyama, First-Principles study of neutral oxygen vacancies in amorphous silica and germania, Physical Review B 69, 195204 (2004).
    22. Y. Yang, Guang-Hong Lu, X. Guo, and R. Yamamoto, Greenness assessment of products in PLCA by DEA approach, Materials Transactions 44, 645 (2003).
    23. J. Xu, M. Kamiko, Y. Zhou, Guang-Hong Lu, R. Yamamoto, L. Yu, I. Kojima, Structure transformations and superhardness effects in V/Ti nanostructured multilayer, Applied Physics Letters 81, 1189 (2002).

  • 核科学与技术系:庞丹阳

    姓名: 庞丹阳
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1979
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2013
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 本人研究方向为直接核反应理论。核反应理论是核物理研究的基本内容之一,本人研究的基础为量子散射理论,研究内容主要为:原子核的系统学光学势、原子核反应的反应机制及其对核结构研究的影响、核天体物理相关的关键核反应等。本人与包括兰州近代物理研究所、中国原子能科学研究院核物理研究所、北京大学核物理与核技术国家重点实验室等国内主要核物理研究机构以及日本理化学研究所、英国萨里大学工程与物理学院,英国公开大学等国外研究机构的研究人员具有紧密的合作关系。
    电子信箱: dypang@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 新主楼 H-1111


    2001/09{2007/07 北京大学物理学院,理学博士,粒子物理与原子核物理专业
    1997/09{2001/07 北京大学技术物理系,理学学士,原子核物理与核技术专业

    2013/07-至今 365娱乐场体育投注,副教授
    2011/09-2013/06 365娱乐场体育投注,讲师
    2009/07-2011/06 北京大学物理学院,博士后
    2007/10-2009/06 法国GANIL 国家实验室

    • 直接核反应理论:核反应机制及其在核天体物理以及核结构上的应用
    • 原子核系统学光学势

    1. Significant features of 8B scattering from 208Pb at 170.3 MeV
    R.S. Mackintosh and D. Y. Pang, Phys. Rev. C 88, 014608 (2013).

    2. Rapid convergence of the Weinberg expansion of the deuteron stripping amplitude
    D. Y. Pang, N.K. Timofeyuk, R.C. Johnson, and J.A. Tostevin, Phys. Rev. C 87, 064613 (2013).

    3. Toward a systematic nucleus-nucleus potential for peripheral collisions
    Y.P. Xu and D. Y. Pang, Phys. Rev. C 87, 044605 (2013).

    4. Elastic scattering of the proton drip-line nucleus 8B off a natPb target at 170.3 MeV
    Y.Y. Yang, J. S. Wang, Q. Wang, D. Y. Pang, J. B. Ma, M. R. Huang, J. L. Han, P. Ma, S. L. Jin, Z.Bai, Q. Hu, L. Jin, J. B. Chen, N. Keeley, K. Rusek, R. Wada, S. Mukherjee, Z.Y. Sun, R.F. Chen, X.Y.Zhang, Z.G. Hu, X.H. Yuan, X.G. Cao, Z.G. Xu, S.W. Xu, C. Zhen, Z.Q. Chen, Z. Chen, S.Z. Chen, C.M. Du, L.M. Duan, F. Fu, B.X. Gou, J. Hu, J.J. He, X.G. Lei, S.L. Li, Y. Li, Q.Y. Lin, L.X. Liu, F.D. Shi, S.W. Tang, G. Xu, X. Xu, L.Y. Zhang, X.H. Zhang, W. Zhang, M.H. Zhao, Z.Y. Guo, Y.H. Zhang,
    H.S. Xu, and G. Q. Xiao, Phys. Rev. C 87, 044613 (2013).

    5. Probing effect of tensor interactions in 16O via (p,d) reaction
    H.J. Ong, I. Tanihata, A. Tamii, T. Myo, K. Ogata, M. Fukuda, K. Hirota, K. Ikeda, D. Ishikawa, T. Kawabata, H. Matsubara, K. Matsuta, M. Mihara, T. Naito, D. Nishimura, Y. Ogawa, H. Okamura, A. Ozawa, D.Y. Pang, H. Sakaguchi, K. Sekiguchi, T. Suzuki, M. Taniguchi, M. Takashina, H. Toki, Y. Yasuda, M. Yosoi, J. Zenihiro, Phys. Lett. B725, 277 (2013).

    6. Increase in |SL| induced by channel coupling: The case of deuteron breakup
    R.S. Mackintosh and D. Y. Pang, Phys. Rev. C 86, 047602 (2012).

    7. Energy-dependent optical model potentials for alpha and deuteron on 12C
    D. Y. Pang, Y. L. Ye, and F. R. Xu, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 39, 095101 (2012).

    8. New determination of the 13C(alpha;n)16O reaction rate and its influence on the s-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars
    B. Guo, Z.H. Li, M. Lugaro, J. Buntain, D. Y. Pang, Y.J. Li, J. Su, S.Q. Yan, X.X. Bai, Y.S. Chen, Q.W. Fan, S.J. Jin, A.I. Karakas, E.T. Li, Z.C. Li, G. Lian, J. C. Liu, X. Liu, J.R. Shi, N.S. Shu, B.X. Wang, Y.B. Wang, S. Zeng, and W.P. Liu, Astrophys. J. 756, 193 (2012).

    9. Spectroscopy of 18Na: Bridging the two-proton radioactivity of 19Mg
    M. Assi_e, F. De Oliveira Santos, T. Davinson, F. De Grancey, L. Achouri, J. Alcantara-Nunez, T. Al Kalanee, J.-C. Ang_elique, C. Borcea, L. Caceres, I. Celikovic, V. Chudoba, D.Y. Pang, C. Ducoin, M. Fallot, O. Kamalou, J. Kiener, Y. Lam, A. Lefebvre-Schuhl, G. Lotay, J. Mrazek, L. Perrot, A.M. Sanchez-Benitez, F. Rotaru, M.-G. Saint-Laurent, Y. Sobolev, N. Smirnova, M. Stanoiu, I. Stefan, K.
    Subotic, P. Ujic, R. Wolski, P. Woods, Phys. Lett. B712, 198 (2012).

    10. Recoil proton tagged knockout reaction for 8He
    Z.X. Cao, Y.L. Ye, J. Xiao, L.H. Lv, D.X. Jiang, T. Zheng, H. Hua, Z.H. Li, X.Q. Li, Y.C. Ge, J.L. Lou, R. Qiao, Q.T. Li, H.B. You, R.J. Chen, D. Y. Pang, H. Sakurai, H. Otsu, M. Nishimura, S. Sakaguchi, H. Baba, Y. Togano, K. Yoneda, C. Li, S. Wang, H. Wang, K.A. Li, T. Nakamura, Y. Nakayama, Y. Kondo, S. Deguchi, Y. Satou, and K. Tshoo, Phys. Lett. B707, 46 (2012).

    11. Dynamic polarization potential due to 6Li breakup on 12C
    D. Y. Pang, and R.S. Mackintosh, Phys. Rev. C 84, 064611 (2011).

    12. Application of the Bruy`eres Jeukenne-Lejeune-Mahaux model potential to composite nuclei with single-folding approach
    D. Y. Pang, Y. L. Ye, and F. R. Xu, Phys. Rev. C 83, 064619 (2011).

    13. Quasi-elastic scattering of 6He from 12C at 82.3 MeV/nucleon
    J.L. Lou, Y.L. Ye, D.Y. Pang, Z.X. Cao, D.X. Jiang, T. Zheng, H. Hua, Z.H. Li, X.Q. Li, Y.C. Ge, Q.T. Li, J. Xiao, L.H. Lv, R. Qiao, H.B. You, R.J. Chen, H. Sakurai, H. Otsu, M. Nishimura, S. Sakaguchi, H. Baba, Y. Togano, K. Yoneda, C. Li, S. Wang, H. Wang, K.A. Li, T. Nakamura, Y. Nakayama, Y. Kondo, S. Deguchi, Y. Satou, and K. H.Tshoo, Phys. Rev. C 83, 034612 (2011).

    14. Global optical model potential for A=3 projectiles
    D.Y. Pang, P. Roussel-Chomaz, H. Savajols, R.L. Varner, and R. Wolski, Phys. Rev. C 79, 024615 (2009).

    15. The 8He and 10He spectra studied in the (t; p) reaction
    M.S. Golovkov, L.V. Grigorenko, G.M. Ter-Akopian, A.S. Fomichev, Yu.Ts. Oganessian, V.A. Gorshkov, S.A. Krupko, A.M. Rodin, S.I. Sidorchuk, R.S. Slepnev, S.V. Stepantsov, R. Wolski, D.Y. Pang, V. Chudoba, A.A. Korsheninnikov, E.A. Kuzmin, E.Yu. Nikolskii, B.G. Novatskii, D.N. Stepanov, P. Roussel-Chomaz, W. Mittig, A. Ninane, F. Hanappe, L. Stuttg_e, A.A. Yukhimchuk, V.V. Perevozchikov,
    Yu.I. Vinogradov, S.K. Grishechkin, S.V. Zlatoustovskiy, Phys. Lett. B672, 22 (2009).

    16. Are spectroscopic factors from transfer reactions consistent with asymptotic normalisation coefficients?
    D.Y. Pang, F.M. Nunes, and A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, Phys. Rev. C 75, 024601 (2007).

    17. Quasielastic scattering of 6He on 9Be at 25 MeV/nucleon
    Y.L. Ye, D.Y. Pang, D.X. Jiang, T. Zheng, Q.J. Wang, Z.H. Li, X.Q. Li, Y.C. Ge, C. Wu, G.L. Zhang, Q.Y. Hu, J. Wang, Z.Q. Chen, A. Ozawa, Y. Yamaguchi, R. Kanungo, and I. Tanihata, Phys. Rev. C71, 014604 (2005).

    • 2013-2016:国家自然科学基金面上项目,80万元
    • 2013-2015:教育博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师类),4万元
    • 2012:第44 批教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2.5万元
    • 2010:第47 批中国博士后基金面上项目二等资助,3万元

  • 核科学与技术系:寺嶋知

  • 核科学与技术系:沈成平

    姓名: 沈成平
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1978
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2013
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 粒子物理实验: 依托大科学装置开展基于加速器的高能物理实验基础研究.
    电子信箱: shencp@ihep.ac.cn
    办公地点: 北京航空航天大学IRC大楼420
    沈成平, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向为高能物理实验。北京谱仪III(BESIII)和日本高能加速器研究机构Belle(俗称B工厂), Belle II(超级B工厂)成员。 Belle粲物理小组物理分析协调人。
    沈成平博士于2001年7月本科毕业于安徽师范大学(物理学教育), 于2004年7月硕士毕业于南京师范大学(理论物理), 并于2007年7月毕业于中国科学院高能物理研究所(粒子物理实验),2007年7月至2011年4月在美国夏威夷大学做博士后研究助理。2011年5月至2013年3月在日本名古屋大学做特任助理教授。 于2012年底被北航聘为卓越百人特聘教授,以及在2013年3月入选中组部第四批青年千人计划。
    沈成平博士的主要研究兴趣是实验上的新强子谱的研究。目前已经在国际物理权威期刊 Phys.Rev.Lett., Phys.Rev.D等发表研究论文三十多篇,包括物理权威期刊<<物理评论快报>>(Physical Review Letters)六篇。研究论文已经被引用超过八百多次。二十多次受邀在国际学术会议上作报告。尤其最近发现的Zc(3900)的新的共振态,被<<物理评论快报>>期刊的编辑选为推荐阅读论文,研究成果也得到《自然》等杂志的热点报道并受到了国内外许多媒体的广泛关注。
    沈成平博士目前正在物理学院发展一个高能物理实验小组,进行BESIII, Belle实验数据物理分析以及将来的超级B工厂上的硬件,软件和物理分析工作。


    欢迎大家报考北航物理学院粒子物理专业,有兴趣的学生可随时和本人联系: Tel: 18501173057
  • 核科学与技术系:孙保华

    姓名: 孙保华
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1981
    职称: 副研究员
    首次聘任导师时间: 2010
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 原子核质量和寿命的高精密测量 高精度、高灵敏实验探测器研制 天体物理中的元素核合成理论和实验研究(快中子、快质子俘获过程等) 原子核多体问题理论研究
    电子信箱: bhsun@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 北京航空航天大学主楼328
    通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路37号 物理科学与核能工程学院 328


    1. 个人情况简介

    副研究员。2003年获兰州大学理学学士学位;2008年获北京大学理学博士学位;2005年至2008年在德国赫姆霍兹GSI研究中心从事合作研究;2008年至2009年,德国重离子物理研究所和Giessen大学博士后;2009年6月通过海外直评方式被聘为北航副研究员。入选2009年度教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。曾获第十二届全国核结构讨论会“第三届青年优秀论文”特别奖、2010年度GENCO(GSI Exotic Nuclei Community)青年科学家奖。主要从事奇特原子核质量和寿命测量的实验研究及相关的核结构、核天体物理研究。近年来发表SCI论文60余篇,并多次在国际、国内学术会议上作邀请报告。

    2. 教学及人才培养情况(含承担教学任务、编写教材、培养研究生等),科研项目情况;
    目前是GENCO协会会员、ILIMA/FAIR国际合作组成员、Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research A 等刊物的审稿人.

    3. 获奖情况
    2010.03: GENCO (GSI exotic nuclei committee) 青年科学家奖2009、GENCO membership;
    2008.05: 第十二届全国核结构讨论会“第三届青年优秀论文”特别奖;

    4. 主持或参加会议情况
    2014.06.01-07: ARIS2014, 海报,日本东京,“Revisiting the level scheme of the proton-emitter 151Lu”.
    2014.01.27-30: First Sino-French workshop on Compact Matter Physics: from Hadrons to Nuclei
    to Stars, Beijing. 口头报告“Towards precision mass measurements of neutron-rich nuclides
    relevant to r-process nucleosynthesis”.
    2014.01.09-10: RIBLL1 collaboration meeting, Shan-Dong University, Wei-Hai. 口头报告“Progress of TOF
    mass measurements and proposal for charge-changing cross section measurements at ETF/IMP”.
    2013.11.10-12: Collaboration Meeting on Nuclear Physics between Beihang University and University
    of Tsukuba, University of Tsukuba, Japan. 口头报告“Towards a new mass measurement technique for neutron-rich nuclei: the TOF-P-DE method”.
    2013.11.10-12:Sino-German Symposium on Precision Experiments with Stored Exotic and Stable
    ions, Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou, P.R. China. Invited talk, ”Towards a new
    mass measurement technique for neutron-rich nuclei: the TOF-P-DE method”.
    2013.09.03-06: Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Oral talk, ”Long-lived nuclear excited states and its impact in heavy element nucleosynthesis”.
    2013.08.14-16: RIBLL1 collaboration meeting, Lanzhou, China. Oral presentation, "Experiments at
    RIBLL2 and detector setup”.
    2013.07.25: Institute of Modern physics, Lanzhou, China. Invited seminar talk, ”Nuclear physics
    of the astrophysical rapid neutron-capture process”.
    2013.05.29-31: Inauguration Symposium and Workshop Center for Nuclear Astrophysics, Shanghai,
    China. Invited talk, ”Nuclear mass measurements for r-process”.
    2013.05.10-14: 9th national conference on nuclear reaction, Shenzhen, China. Oral presentation,
    "Towards precision mass measurements of most neutron-rich nuclei”.
    2012.12.03–07: 2nd China - South Africa Joint Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Stellenbosch, South
    Africa. Invited talk, "Towards precise mass measurements of extreme neutron-rich nuclides”.
    2012.10.22–26: 3rd Lectures on Covariant Density Functional Theory in Nuclear Physics, Anhai University,
    China. Invited talk, ”Nuclear Synthesis processes”.
    2012.09.21–22: HaPhy 2012: Hadron Physics from Nuclei to Stellar Phenomena, APCTP headquarter,
    Pohang, South Korea. Invited talk, "Weighing atomic nuclei – impact on nuclear physics and astrophysics”.
    2012.09.02–07: VIII Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, Lenzkirch-Saig, Germany.
    Invited talk, ”Direct mass measurements of atomic nuclei at FRS-ESR”.
    2012.08.01–06: 2012 BLTP-SKLTP Joint Workshop on Nuclear Physics, Dubna, Russia. Invited talk,
    "Precision mass measurements of atomic nuclei and their impact in nucleosynthesis
    2012.06.11–29: From nucleon structure to nuclear structure and compact astrophysical objects, Kavli
    Institute for Theoretical Physics China at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
    China. Oral presentation, ”Precision mass measurements of ”atomic nuclei” and their
    impact in nucleosynthesis processes”.
    2012.05.18–20 2012: Shanghai Nuclear astrophysics workshop, Shanghai, China. Invited talk, ”Nuclear
    masses and half-lives measurements and nucleosynthesis of heavy elements”.
    2012.04.25: 清华大学, China. Invited seminar, ”Precision measurements of highlycharged
    atoms and their impact in nucleosynthesis”.
    2012.04.12–16:14th conference on nuclear structure physics in China, Hu-Zhou, China. Oral presentation,
    ”Precision measurements of nuclear isomers and their impact in astrophysics”.
    2012.02.17: IONAS Seminar, Justus-Liebig-Universtät Gießen, Germany.
    2011.10: 8th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings, 意大利,Franscati,口头报告(Plenary Session)。
    2011.04: “2011全国核反应大会暨交叉学科研讨会”, 新乡, 河南。口头报告。
    2010.12: 原子核协变密度泛函理论讲习班,北京,组织者;
    2010.04: 国际核磁矩研讨会,北京,组织者;
    2010.03: NuSTAR Annual Meeting 2010, Darmstadt, Germany,
    邀请报告,"Progress on direct mass measurements with FRS-ESR facilities at GSI ".
    2010.03:Open Meeting of the ILIMA Collaboration, Darmstadt, Germany,
    邀请报告,"Direct measurement of the 4.6 MeV isomer in stored bare 133Sb ions".
    邀请报告,"Precise measurement of nuclear isomers in storage rings".
    2009.08:The 10th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus collisions,Beijing,
    口头报告,"Progress on direct mass measurements with FRS-ESR facilities at GSI".
    2009.07:Minischool on the Physics of NUSTAR, University of Surrey, U.K.,
    邀请讲座,"Measurement of masses using Storage Rings".
    2008.09:7th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI’08), Lanzhou,
    口头报告,"Large-scale mass measurements of short-lived nuclides with Isochronous Mass Spectrometry (IMS)".
    2008.05: 第12届全国核结构大会, 重庆,
    口头报告,"Direct mass measurement of short-lived neutron-rich nuclides".

    5. 部分发表文章 @ Research ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-6823-2009



    Title: Discovery of a new long-lived isomeric state in Ce-125
    Author(s): Sun, B.; Litvinov, Y. A.; Walker, P. M.; et al.
    Source: European Physical Journal A Volume: 31 Issue: 3 Pages: 393-394 Published: 2007
    DOI: 10.1140/epja/i2006-10252-0

    Title: Nuclear structure studies of short-lived neutron-rich nuclei with the novel large-scale isochronous mass spectrometry at the FRS-ESR facility
    Author(s): Sun, B.; Knobel, R.; Litvinov, Y. A.; et al.
    Source: Nuclear Physics A Volume: 812 Pages: 1-12 Published: 2008
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.08.013

    Title: Direct measurement of the 4.6 MeV isomer in stored bare Sb-133 ions
    Author(s): Sun, B.; Knobel, R.; Geissel, H.; et al.
    Source: Physics Letters B Volume: 688 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 294-297 Published: 2010
    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.04.020

    Title: Discovery and investigation of heavy neutron-rich isotopes with time-resolved Schottky spectrometry in the element range from thallium to actinium
    Author(s): Chen, L.; Plass, W. R.; Geissel, H.; et al.
    Source: Physics Letters B Volume: 691 Issue: 5 Pages: 234-237 Published: 2010
    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.05.078

    Title: Charge and frequency resolved isochronous mass spectrometry and the mass of 51Co
    Author(s): Shuai, P.; Xu, H.S.;Tu, X. L; Zhang, Y.H.; Sun, B. H.; et al.
    Source: Physics Letters B Volume: 735 Issue: 5 Pages: 327-331 Published: 2014
    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.06.046


    Title: Application of the relativistic mean-field mass model to the r-process and the influence of mass uncertainties
    Author(s): Sun, B.; Montes, F.; Geng, L. S.; et al.
    Source: Physical Review C Volume: 78 Issue: 2 Published: 2008
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.78.025806

    Title: Influence of nuclear physics inputs and astrophysical conditions on the Th/U chronometer
    Author(s): Niu, Z. M.; Sun, B. H.; Meng, J.
    Source: Physical Review C Volume: 80 Issue: 6 Published: 2009
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.065806

    Title: Reexamining the temperature and neutron density conditions for r-process nucleosynthesis with
    augmented nuclear mass models
    Author(s): X. D. Xu,1 B. Sun, Z. M. Niu, Z. Li, Y.-Z. Qian, and J. Meng
    Source: Physical Review C Volume: 87 Issue: 6 Published: 2013
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.015805


    Title: Mass prediction of proton-rich nuclides with the Coulomb displacement energies in the relativistic point-coupling model
    Author(s): Sun, B. H.; Zhao, P. W.; Meng, J.
    Source: Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy Volume: 54 Issue: 2 Pages: 210-214 Published: 2011
    DOI: 10.1007/s11433-010-4222-8

    Title: Effects of triaxial deformation and pairing correlation on the proton emitter Tm-145
    Author(s): Yao, J. M.; Sun, B.; Woods, P. J.; et al.
    Source: Physical Review C Volume: 77 Issue: 2 Published: 2008
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.77.024315

    Title: Calculation of α-decay energies of superheavy nuclei in a hybrid method
    Author(s): Z. Li, B. Sun, C. H. Shen, and W. Zuo
    Source: Physical Review C Volume: 88 Issue: 2 Published: 2013
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.057303

    部分发表中文论文目录(Publications in Chinese):

    原子核质量精密测量的研究进展, 孙保华 孟杰, 物理 39 (10):666-673 2010. 邀请综述.

    天体环境下快中子俘获过程相关的核物理,李竹,孙保华,孟杰,物理 42(07):505-514 2013. 邀请综述.
    DOI: 10.7693/wl20130705

  • 核科学与技术系:宋春艳

    姓名: 宋春艳
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1980
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2011
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 粒子物理与原子核物理,包括 1、奇异性核物理的相对论平均场研究; 2、基于三轴相对论平均场的多重手征带的研究; 3、原子核的低激发谱及相对论量子相变……
    电子信箱: cysong@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 主楼303(内)
    通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路37号北京航空航天大学主楼303



    2003.09-2008.06 南开大学物理科学学院获博士学位

    2008.07-2010.12 北京大学物理学院博士后研究

    2010.12-今 365娱乐场体育投注


    2010.11-2010.12,受中南合作项目资助,访问南非Stellenbosch 大学


    1. 工科大学物理(本科生公共必修课)

    2. 原子核物理(本科生专业必修课)

    3. 核科学前沿概论(本科生专业选修课)


    (一)国家基金 “青年基金”项目
    项目名称:含奇异自由度的密度依赖相对论 Hartree-Fork 理论及其应用(11005004)
    (二)国家基金 国际会议
    (五)北航“蓝天新秀”配套经费 5万


  • 核科学与技术系:王涛峰

    姓名: 王涛峰
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1978
    职称: 讲师
    首次聘任导师时间: 2013
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    电子信箱: tfwang@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 主北314

    1. 与日本东北大学合作在J-PARC进行超核gamma谱的测量,研究ΛN的相互作用,超子的杂质效应等。
    2. 与韩国庆北大学合作在浦项加速器实验室PAL、东京工业大学开展中子共振、俘获反应等核数据实验测量的研究。
    3. 与中国原子能科学研究院合作利用BaF2球进行中子俘获截面测量研究。
    4. 在兰州HIRFL-CSR-RIBLL2和德国GSI进行原子核张量力的研究。
    5. 研究10Be的新的团簇态。
    科研项目: 目前承担一项国家自然科学青年基金。
    (1) Taofeng Wang, Hongyin Han, Qinghua Meng, Liming Wang, Liping Zhu, Haihong Xia, “Measurements of charge distributions of fragments in the low energy fission reaction”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 697, P7-P12 ,2013
    (2) Taofeng Wang, Manwoo Lee, Guinyun Kim, Youngdo Oh, Won Namkung, Tae-Ik Ro, Yeong-Rok Kang, Masayuki Igashira, Tatsuya Katabuchi, “Measurement of keV-neutron capture cross-sections and capture γ-ray spectra of 56Fe and 57Fe”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 268, P440-P449 ,2010
    (3) Taofeng Wang, ManWoo Lee, Kyung-sook Kim, Guinyun Kim, Young Do Oh,Moo-Hyun Cho, In Soo Ko, Won Namkung, “Measurements of neutron total cross-sections and resonance parameters of erbium at the Pohang Neutron Facility”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 268, P106 - P113, 2010
    (4) Taofeng Wang, Guinyun Kim, Man-Woo Lee, Kyung-Sook Kim, Moo-Hyun Cho, Heung-Sik Kang, Won Namkung, “Measurements of neutron total cross-sections and resonance parameters of niobium using pulsed neutrons generated by an electron linac”, J. Radioanal Nuclear Chem 289, P945-P952, 2011
    (5) V. R. Skoy, T. F. Wang, G. N. Kim, Y. D. Oh, M. H. Cho, I. S. Ko, W. Namkung, “Measurement of neutron total cross-section and resonance parameters of xenon”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 267, P2351-P2356, 2009
    (6) T. F. Wang, A. K. M. M. H. Meaze, M. U. Khandaker, M. S. Rahman, G. N. Kim, L. P. Zhu, H. H. Xia, Z. Y. Zhou, Y. D. Oh, H. Kang, M. H. Cho, I. S. Ko and W. Namkung, “Measurement of the total neutron cross-section and resonance parameters of molybdenum using pulsed neutrons generated by an electron linac”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266, P561-P569, 2008
    (7) Youngdo OH, Hengsik KANG, Moo-Hyun CHO, In Soo KO, Won NAMKUNG, Taofeng WANG, Md. Shakilur RAHMAN, Manwoo LEE, and Guinyun KIM, “Measurement of the Neutron Total Cross Sections of Natural Palladium by Using Pulsed Neutrons at Pohang Neutron Facility”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Supplement 5, P590-P593, June 2008
    (8) WANG Taofeng, MENG Qinghau, WANG Liming, ZHU Liping, HAN Hongyin, XIA Haihong, “An Equipment to measure Charge Distributions of Fragments in Low Energy Fission”, 原子能科学技术,, Vol.41, 4, P484-P488, 2007
    (9) WANG Taofeng, ZHU Liping, MENG Qinghua, WANG Liming, HAN Hongyin XIA Haihong. “Grid-ionization chamber and a DE-E particle telescope detection set-up”, 原子核物理评论 , Vol.24, 3, P204-P207, 2007
    (10) HAN Hong-Yin, XIA Hai-Hong, WANG Tao-Feng, MENG Qing-Hua, ZHU Li-Ping, WANG Li-Ming, “Study of Fragment Angular Excitation Mechanism in Low Energy Fission”, Chinese Physics C, Vol. 30, Supp. II Dec., P199-P201, 2006

  • 核科学与技术系:王文玲

  • 核科学与技术系:袁悦

  • 核科学与技术系:张高龙

    姓名: 张高龙
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1975
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2009
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 实验核物理
    电子信箱: zgl@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 主北409


    1.设计了兰州大学强流中子发生器厂房的屏蔽与辐射防护;2. 参加了兰州大学中子研究所的中子治癌和中子水分计的研究工作;3. 进行了甘肃省科技攻关项目金川公司镍精矿成分含量的测量;4. 参与973项目“放射性核束物理与核天体物理”之子课题三“丰中子核结构和反应研究”;5. 参与beta延迟缓发中子的研究以及中子球实验装置闪烁体探测器的测量;6. 参加了在中国原子能科学研究院核物理研究所152Gd谱学的研究;7.参与了双质子晕核29S和17Ne的研究,这是国内首次从实验上对双质子晕核进行研究,也是国际上首次在实验上从动量关联函数来研究双质子晕核的结构;8.利用转移反应抽取出射道奇特核的光学势;9.赴日本东京大学和理化研究所,和CNS-RIKEN开展国际合作,负责研究质子晕核17F+12C在近库伦位垒附近的弹性散射和破裂反应研究;10.在理论计算方面,运用双折叠模型进行原子核质子、alpha衰变和大集团发射的研究;11. 在探测器方面,涉及到多种类型的探测器。有3He计数管,NaI,CsI,LaBr3(Ce)和塑料闪烁体探测器,位置灵敏Si探测器和Si微条探测器,大面积Si探测器,高纯锗探测器以及各种气体探测器。熟悉使用和调试电子学线路以及数据获取系统的结构。
    1.X. P. Yang, G. L. Zhang, H. Q. Zhang, Systematic study of reaction functions of weakly bound nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 87 (2013) 014603.
    2. G. L. Zhang, X. Y. Le, H. Q. Zhang, Calculation of α preformation for nuclei near N = 162 and N = 184, Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 064325.
    3.G. L. Zhang, C. L. Zhang, H. Q. Zhang et al., Quasi-elastic scattering of the proton drip line nucleus 17F on 12C at 60 MeV, Eur. Phys. J. A 48 (2012) 65.
    4. G. L. Zhang, H. B. Zheng, W.W.Qu, Study of the universal function of nuclear proximity potential between α and nuclei from density-dependent nucleon-nucleon interaction, Eur. Phys. J. A 49 (2013) 10.
    5. C. L. Guo, G. L. Zhang, X. Y. Le, Study of the universal function of nuclear proximity potential from density-dependent nucleon–nucleon interaction, Nucl. Phys. A 897 (2013) 54-61.
    6. W. W. Qu, G. L. Zhang, X. Y. Le, The parametrization of Coulomb barrier heights and positions using the double folding model, Nucl. Phys. A 868 (2011) 1.
    7. G. L. Zhang, X. Y. Le, The preformation of cluster radioactivity for heavy nuclei, Nucl. Phys. A 848 (2010) 292.
    8.G. L. Zhang, X. Y. Le, H. Q. Zhang, Determination of α preformation for heavy nuclei, Nucl. Phys. A 823 (2009) 16.
    9. Jean de Dieu Mugiraneza, Gaolong Zhang, Xiaoyun Le *, Liying Wang, Cuihua Rong, Ying Wang, Influence of velocity difference of correlated particles on the stopping power and vicinage effect, Nucl. Instru. Meth. B 267 (2009) 3175.
  • 核科学与技术系:张时声



    2008.7- 副教授 北京航空航天大学理学院物理系 兼本科生班主任

    2006.5-2007.2高等工程学院、中法工程师学院联合直属党支部书记 北京航空航天大学

    2004.6-2006.5讲师 北京航空航天大学理学院物理系 兼研究生班主任


    2000.9-2004.6博士 北京大学理学院粒子物理和原子核物理专业兼博士生联谊会外联部长

    1997.9-2000.7硕士 辽宁大学原子分子物理专业










    2012年9月 参加希腊雅典举办的欧洲国际暑期学校,报告并张贴海报;

    在《Physical Review C》 (第一作者3篇,影响因子> 3)、 《The European Physical Journal A》 (第一作者3篇,影响因子> 2)、 《Modern Physics Letter A》 等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文18篇(第一作者15篇),16篇被SCI收录

    [1]S. S. Zhang, M. S. Smith, G. Arbanas, and R. L. Kozub, Structures of Exotic 131,133Sn Isotopes and effect on r-process nucleosynthesis, Phys. Rev. C 86, 032802(R) (2012).

    [2] S.S.Zhang, U.Lombardo, S.G.Zhou and E.G.Zhao, Isospin-dependent pairing
    interaction from nuclear matter calculations, Phys. Rev. C 81, 044313 (2010).

    [3]S.S.Zhang, J.Meng, S.G.Zhou and G.C.Hillhouse, Analytic Continuation of Single-particle Resonance Energy and Wave Function in Relativistic Mean Field Theory, Phys. Rev. C 70, 034308 (2004).

    [4]S.S.Zhang, E.G.Zhao and S.G.Zhou,Theoretical study of the two-proton halo candidate 17Ne including contributions from resonant continuum and pairing correlations, Eur. Phys. J. A 49, 77 (2013).

    [5]S.S.Zhang,X.D.XuandJ.P.Peng,HintofgianthaloinZrisotopesbyresonantRMF+ACCC+BCS approach, Eur.Phys.J.A 48,40 (2012).



    [8] S. S. Zhang, B. H. Sun, S. G. Zhou, Exploration of pseudospin symmetry in the resonant states, Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 1199 (2007).


















    2012年获得校优秀教学成果三等奖,排名第一. 成果名称“夯实研究型人才理科基础的探索和实践”

  • 核科学与技术系:张小富

  • 核物理与技术系:张玉洁

    姓名: 张玉洁
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1981
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2010
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 研究方向是高能物理与粒子物理。重夸克偶素物理一直是理论物理中的前沿热点课题,在检验和发展标准模型中强相互作用方面具有重要意义,被誉为是强相互作用中的“氢原子”。主要研究内容有重夸克偶素产生和衰变中因子化;重夸克偶素在标准模型中的精确检验以及和新物理相关过程;重夸克偶的产生和衰变;重介子、重夸克产生、衰变等。这些研究对于理解重夸克间的相互作用、微扰和非微扰QCD、检验标准模型和探测新物理模型具有重要意义。
    电子信箱: nophy0@gmail.com


    张玉洁,男,1981年生。 1998.09-2002.06在沈阳工业大学学习,获得学士学位;2002.09-2007.06在北京大学学习,获得理论物理专业博士学位,指导教师赵光达院士。2007.07-2009.09于北京大学从事博士后研究工做,合作导师是赵光达教授院士;2009.09至今于北京航空航天大学从事研究、教学工作。2009年博士论文被评为全国优秀博士学位论文,2013年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。目前已在Physical Review Letters上发表学术论文4篇(其中2篇为第一作者)。




    1. Search for C=+ charmonium and XYZ states in e+e−→γ+H at BESIII
    Yi-Jie Li, Guang-Zhi Xu, Kui-Yong Liu, Yu-Jie Zhang, JHEP 1401 (2014) 022

    2. Relativistic Correction to J/ψ and Υ Pair Production
    Yi-Jie Li, Guang-Zhi Xu, Kui-Yong Liu, Yu-Jie Zhang, JHEP 1307 (2013) 051

    3. Feynman Rules for the Rational Part of One-loop QCD Corrections in the MSSM
    Hua-Sheng Shao, Yu-Jie Zhang, JHEP 1206 (2012) 112

    4. Relativistic Correction to Color Octet J/psi Production at Hadron Colliders
    Guang-Zhi Xu, Yi-Jie Li, Kui-Yong Liu, Yu-Jie Zhang, Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 094017

    5. J/ψ Polarization at Hadron Colliders in Nonrelativistic QCD
    Kuang-Ta Chao, Yan-Qing Ma, Hua-Sheng Shao, Kai Wang, Yu-Jie Zhang, Phys.Rev.Lett. 108 (2012) 242004

    6. Higgs Decay into Two Photons and Reduction Schemes in Cutoff Regularization
    Hua-Sheng Shao, Yu-Jie Zhang, Kuang-Ta Chao, JHEP 1201 (2012) 053

    7. Dijet Invariant Mass Distribution in Top Quark Hadronic Decay with QCD Corrections
    Hua-Sheng Shao, Yu-Jie Zhang, Kuang-Ta Chao, Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 094021

    8. Feynman Rules for the Rational Part of the Standard Model One-loop Amplitudes in the 't Hooft-Veltman γ5 Scheme
    Hua-Sheng Shao, Yu-Jie Zhang, Kuang-Ta Chao, JHEP 1109 (2011) 048

    9. A naive toy model of dark matter: Fermion sea
    Yu-Jie Zhang, Sci.China Phys.Mech.Astron. 54 (2011) 1178

    10. QCD radiative correction to color-octet J/psi inclusive production at B Factories
    Yu-Jie Zhang, Yan-Qing Ma, Kai Wang, Kuang-Ta Chao, Phys.Rev. D81 (2010) 034015

    11. Pair Production of Heavy Quarkonium and B(c)(*) Mesons at Hadron Colliders
    Rong Li, Yu-Jie Zhang, Kuang-Ta Chao, Phys.Rev. D80 (2009) 014020

    12. QCD correction to e+ e- ---> J/psi g g at B Factories
    Yan-Qing Ma, Yu-Jie Zhang, Kuang-Ta Chao, Phys.Rev.Lett. 102 (2009) 162002

    13. Upsilon decay to two-charm quark jets as a Probe of the Color Octet Mechanism
    Yu-Jie Zhang, Kuang-Ta Chao, Phys.Rev. D78 (2008) 094017

    14. Factorization and NLO QCD correction in e+ e- ---> J / psi (psi(2S)) + chi(c0) at B Factories
    Yu-Jie Zhang, Yan-Qing Ma, Kuang-Ta Chao, Phys.Rev. D78 (2008) 054006

    15. Double charm production e+ e- ---> J / psi + c anti-c at B factories with next-to-leading order QCD correction
    Yu-Jie Zhang, Kuang-Ta Chao, Phys.Rev.Lett. 98 (2007) 092003

    16. Radiative decays of charmonium into light mesons
    Ying-Jia Gao, Yu-Jie Zhang, Kuang-Ta Chao, Chin.Phys.Lett. 23 (2006) 2376-2378

    17. Upsilon radiative decays to light quark jets and color octet mechanism
    Ying-Jia Gao, Yu-Jie Zhang, Kuang-Ta Chao, Commun.Theor.Phys. 46 (2006) 1017-1022

    18. Next-to-leading order QCD correction to e+ e- ---> J / psi + eta(c) at s**(1/2) = 10.6-GeV
    Yu-Jie Zhang, Ying-jia Gao, Kuang-Ta Chao, Phys.Rev.Lett. 96 (2006) 092001

    19. Understanding the e+ e- ---> D(*)+ D(*)- processes observed by Belle
    Kui-Yong Liu, Zhi-Guo He, Yu-Jie Zhang, Kuang-Ta Chao, J.Phys. G37 (2010) 045005


  • 核科学与技术系:周洪波

    姓名: 周洪波
    性别: 男
    首次聘任导师时间: 2013
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    邮箱: hbzhou@buaa.edu.cn


    周洪波,讲师,硕士生导师,2011年至今365娱乐场体育投注工作。2012 年获得北航“校级优秀博士论文”,2013年获得北航“蓝天新秀”称号。现主要从事聚变能源材料辐照效应计算模拟方面的研究工作,已在Physical Review Letters、Physical Review B、Nuclear Fusion、Europhysics Letters、Journal of Applied Physics、Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter等杂志上发表SCI 论文30余篇,承担科技部国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)专项子课题2项,北航蓝天新秀人才资助项目1项。
    [1] Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, Feng Liu, Anisotropic Strain Enhanced Hydrogen Solubility in bcc Metals: The Independence on the Sign of Strain, Physical Review Letters 109,135502 (2012).
    [2] Xin Ou, Reinhard Kögler, Hong-Bo Zhou, Wolfgang Anwand, Jörg Grenzer, René Hübner, Matthias Voelskow, Maik Butterling, Shengqiang Zhou, Wolfgang Skorupa, Release of helium from vacancy defects in yttria-stabilized zirconia under irradiation, Physical Review B 86, 224103 (2012).
    [3] Hong-Bo Zhou, Shuo Jin, Yue-Lin Liu, Ying Zhang, Guang-Hong Lu, Feng Liu, Stress Tensor: A Quantitative Indicator of Effective Volume and Stability of Helium in Metals, Europhysics Letters 96, 66001 (2011).
    [4] Hong-Bo Zhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Chen Duan, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, Fei Gao, Xiaolin Shu, Guang-Hong Lu, Effect of vacancy on the sliding of an iron grain boundary, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 113512 (2011).
    [5] Hong-Bo Zhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, G. -N. Luo, Guang-Hong Lu, Towards suppressing H blistering by investigating the physical origin of the H–He interaction in W, Nuclear Fusion 50, 115010 (2010).
    [6] Hong-Bo Zhou, Yue-Lin Liu, Shuo Jin, Ying Zhang, G. -N. Luo, Guang-Hong Lu, Investigating behaviors of H in a W grain boundary by first-principles: from dissolution and diffusion to a trapping mechanism, Nuclear Fusion 50, 025016 (2010).
    [7] Hong-Bo Zhou, Ying Zhang, Yue-Lin Liu, Xue-Lan Hu, Masanori Kohyama, Peng-Gang Yin, Guang-Hong Lu, First-principles characterization of anisotropy of theoretical strength and stress-strain relation for TiAl intermetallic compound, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 175407 (2009).
    [8] Yue-Lin Liu, Ying Zhang, Hong-Bo Zhou, Guang-Hong Lu, Feng Liu, and G.-N. Luo, Vacancy trapping mechanism for hydrogen bubble formation in metal, Physical Review B 79, 172103 (2009).

  • 核科学与技术系:竺礼华

    姓名: 竺礼华
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1965
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2002
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 粒子物理与原子核物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 原子核反应与核结构、放射性核束物理、核探测技术、核技术应用、核能科学与工程
    电子信箱: zhulh@buaa.edu.cn
    办公地点: 北航主楼326



    主要从事原子核反应与核结构、放射性核束物理、核数据测量与核技术等方面的基础研究与应用研究。负责完成国家自然科学基金、科技部973、国防预研专题、第三世界科学基金等多项科研课题,在国内外重要期刊和国际会议上发表的论文被SCI、EI 收录约200余篇。荣获核工业科技进步贰等奖等奖励,被评为国防预先研究先进集体。




    1)“Lifetime measurements and magnetic rotation in 107Ag”, Phy. Rev. C 89, 014327 (2014)
    2)“Signature splitting inversion and backbending in 80Rb”,Phys. Rev. C 87, 034320 (2013)
    3)“Abnormal signature inversion and multiple alignments in doubly odd 126I”,Phys. Rev. C 86, 014320 (2012)
    4)“Band structures in 106Pd”,Phys. Rev. C 86, 047302 (2012)
    5)“Candidate antimagnetic rotational band in 112In”,Phys. Rev. C 86, 057305 (2012)
    6)“Quest for Chirality in 107Ag”, Plasma Sci. Technol. 14, 518 (2012)
    7)“Test of Chirality in Nucleus 130Cs”,Plasma Sci. Technol. 14, 526 (2012)
    8)“Magnetic rotation in 112In”,Phys. Rev. C 83, 024309 (2011)
    9) “Evolution of the X(5) critical - point symmetry in rotating 176Os”,J. Phys. G, 38, 025102, (2011)
    10) “Magnetic Rotation and Chirality and X(5) Critical Symmetry in Nucleus”,AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1235(2010)363-369
    11)“The ?rst candidate for chiral nuclei in the A∼80 mass region-80Br”,Phys. Lett. B, 703, 40 (2011)
    12)“Shape Evolution in Rotating 178Os”,Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 112101 (2011)
    13)“Band structures in 106Ag and systematics of shears mechanism in the A~110 mass region”, Phys. Rev. C 81, 057301 (2010)
    14)“High-spin yrast and yrare structures in 112In”, Eur. Phys. J. A 46, 1-4 (2010)
    15)“New level scheme and magnetic rotation in 112In”, Nucl. Phys. A 834, 84c (2010)
    16)“Lifetimes of High Spin States in an Odd-Proton Nucleus 129Cs”,Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 22101(2010)
    17)“Shell Structures in 91Nb”,Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 102104 (2010)
    18)“High-spin states in 128I”,Chin. Phys. C 33, S1, 179 (2009)
    19)“Band Structures of the Nucleus 129Cs”,Chin. Phys. Lett. 26,092301(2009)
    20)“Lifetime measurements in chiral nucleus 130Cs”,Chin. Phys. C, 33,S1, 173 (2009)

  • 物理教学与实验中心:陈彦

  • 物理教学与实验中心:高红

    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1984
    职称: 实验师
    电子信箱: gaohong@buaa.edu.cn
    通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路37号
    学习经历:2009-2013年 北京航空航天大学 硕博连读
    2005-2009 云南大学 本科
    工作经历: 2013年至今 北京航空航天大学 物理科学与核能工程学院
    目前主要研究方向: 光电功能材料
    [1] Hong Gao, Junying Zhang*, Kejia Liu, Jing’an Yang, Mei Wang, Wenwen Wang, Time-dependent hydrothermal synthesis and self-evolution mechanism of Cu2O microcrystals, Materials Characterization, 71, pp112-119, 2012
    [2] Hong Gao, Junying Zhang*, Min Li, Kejia Liu, Dong Guo, Yue Zhang, Evaluating the electric property of different crystal faces and enhancing the Raman scattering of Cu2O microcrystal by depositing Ag on the surface, Current Applied Physics, 13, pp935-939, 2013
    [3] Hong Gao, Junying Zhang*, Mei Wang. Preparation and growth mechanism of Cu2O solid microsphere, Materials Research Bulletin, 48, pp3431-3437, 2013
    [4] Xiang Lan, Junying Zhang*, Hong Gao, Tianmin Wang, Morphology-controlled hydrothermal synthesis and growth mechanism of microcrystal Cu2O, CrystEngComm, 13, pp633-636, 2011
    [5] Junying Zhang*, Jing’an Yang, Hong Gao, Zhenxia Du, Tianmin Wang. Formation of Cu (0) in Cu(2)O under light irradiation and subsequent accelerated decoloration to MO aqueous solution, Catalysis Communication, 16, pp175-179,2011
    [6] Kejia Liu, Junying Zhang*, Hong Gao, Tengfeng Xie, Dejun Wang, Photocatalytic property of ZnO microrods modified by Cu2O nanocrystals, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 552, pp299-303, 2013
    [7] Lihong Zhu, Junying Zhang*, Ziyu Chen, Kejia Liu, Hong Gao, Effect of Cu2O morphology on photocatalytic hydrogen generation and chemical stability of TiO2/Cu2O composite, 13, pp5104-5108, 2013
  • 物理教学与实验中心:董国波

    姓名: 董国波
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1978
    职称: 高级实验师
    首次聘任导师时间: 2014
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 半导体薄膜与器件 电致变色薄膜材料与器件
    电子信箱: wavedong@buaa.edu.cn


    一 教育背景:
    2004.9- 2010.7 北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院 硕博连读 材料物理与化学专业
    1997.9- 2001.7 郑州大学物理工程学院 本科 应用物理专业
    二 工作经历:
    2010.7-至今 北京航空航天大学 物理科学与核能工程学院
    2001.7-2004.8 河北科技大学 理学院
    三 教学状况:
    四 代表论文:
    1.Tingting Guo, Guobo Dong, Qiang Chen*, Xungang Diao, Fangyuan Gao, First-Principles calculation on P-type conduction of (Sb,N) codoping in ZnO, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75(1):42-47, 2014.
    2.Tingting Guo, Guobo Dong*, Fangyuan Gao, Yu Xiao, Qiang Chen, Xungang Diao. High performance ZnO:Al films deposited on PET substrates using facing target sputtering, Applied Surface Science 282: 467-471, 2013.
    3.Tingting Guo, Guobo Dong*, Qirong Liu, Mei Wang, Fangyuan Gao, Qiang Chen, Hui Yan, Xungang Diao. Optimization of oxygen and pressure of ZnO:Al films deposited on PMMA substrates by facing target sputtering, Superlattices and Microstructures 64:552-562, 2013.
    4.Guobo Dong*, Ming Zhang, Mei Wang, Fang Tang, Hua Li, Anping Huang, and Hui Yan. Synthesis, electrical and optical properties of CuNdO2 compound, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 73 (9):1170-1172, 2012.
    5.Biben Wang, Guobo Dong, and Xingzi Xu. Carbon fractals grown from carbon nanotips by plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition, Applied Surface Science 258(5):1677-1681, 2011.
    6.Guobo Dong, Ming Zhang, Tingxian Li, and Hui Yan. Co-doping effect of Ca and N on the structure and properties of CuAlO2 thin film. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2010, 157: H127~H131.
    7.Guobo Dong, Ming Zhang, Xueping Zhao, Hui Yan, Chunyu Tian, and Yonggang Ren. Improving the electrical conductivity of CuCrO2 thin film by N doping. Applied Surface Science. 2010, 256: 4121~4124
    8.Guobo Dong, Ming Zhang, Xueping Zhao, Yangchao Li, and Hui Yan. Influence of Working Gas Pressure on Structure and Properties of CuAlO2 Films. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2009, 311: 1256~1259

  • 物理教学与实验中心:李华

    姓名: 李华
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1957
    职称: 教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2001
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 无线电物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 光电子与无线电通讯技术、信号测量与计算机控制
    电子信箱: lihua@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 82317936


    李华,男,教授, 北京市教学名师、北京航空航天大学物理教学与实验中心主任、中国电工技术学会电磁发射专业委员会委员、《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》杂志编委。
    获得北京市优秀教学成果一等奖、二等奖各一项,北京市科技进步三等奖一项。曾被北京市总工会授予“爱国立功标兵”、 航空工业总公司授予“做出突出成绩的中国硕士学位获得者”称号。

  • 物理教学与实验中心:李朝荣

    姓名: 李朝荣
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1961
    职称: 高级工程师
    首次聘任导师时间: 2003
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 实验测试技术
    电子信箱: lichaorong@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 82317936
    通信地址: 北京航空航天大学物理实验中心


    承担本科生“基础物理实验”和硕士研究生“近代电磁测量” 课程
    1998 《基础物理实验》 北京航空航天大学出版社
    2001 “物理实验改革的五年” 《物理实验》2001年12期特刊
    2002 《大学物理实验》 高等教育出版社
    2005 《基础物理实验》北京航空航天大学出版社
    2001年“大学物理课程的系列改革与实践” 获北京市教育教学成果(高等教育)二等奖

  • 物理教学与实验中心:李清生

    姓名: 李清生
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1966
    职称: 高级实验师
    首次聘任导师时间: 2003
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 无线电物理
  • 物理教学与实验中心:梁厚蕴

  • 物理教学与实验中心:李英姿

    姓名: 李英姿
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1968
    职称: 高级实验师
    首次聘任导师时间: 2009
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 无线电物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 测试计量技术及仪器、计算机科学与技术
    电子信箱: liyingzi@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 82317936






    1. LI YingZi(李英姿). Elimination of bistability in constant-phase mode in atomic force Microscopy, Chinese Science Bulletin,February 2012 Vol.57 No.5:460-465
    2. 蒋沙汝 李小凤 李英姿. 基于压电陶瓷迟滞特性模型的原子力显微镜仿真平台研究,大学物理,2012.1
    3. Li Yuan Qian Jian-Qiang Li Ying-Zi(李英姿). Theory of higher harmonics imaging in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy, Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(5):050701
    4. 刘明 李英姿. 光纤陀螺寻北仪在测量当地纬度时的一些探讨,大学物理,2010.5
    5. Yingzi Li(李英姿). An online automatic method for correction of piezoelectric scanner,Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering, CiSE 2009,2009.12
    6. Yingzi Li(李英姿). Development of sample wheel control system based on AFM used in deep space exploration,ICEMI 2009 - Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments. Pages:3810-3814. 2009.8
    7. 李英姿. 基于光纤陀螺的教学实验寻北仪,大学物理,2009.3
    8. 金小明 李英姿. 8位机嵌入式TCP通信速度的研究,电子测量技术,2007,30(7),67-70
    9. 李英姿. 关于物理演示走廊的一些思考和实践,大学物理,2001.3
    10.李英姿. 基于单片机实现的智能控制倒立摆,计算机应用研究,2000.7
    11.李英姿. 光纤彩色三维图象实时全光传感器,北航学报,2000.4
    12.李英姿. 智能交通系统中的地理信息系统的研究,中国公路学报,2000.4
    13.李英姿. 基于神经网络的自适应模糊控制,电子技术应用,1999.11
    14.张家骅 李英姿. 从物理学方法论谈非SAGNAC效应光纤陀螺新原理,航空学报,1998.11第6期

  • 物理教学与实验中心:刘玉萍

  • 物理教学与实验中心:刘文艳

  • 物理教学与实验中心:刘湘华

  • 物理教学与实验中心:罗剑兰

  • 物理教学与实验中心:苗明川

    姓名: 苗明川
    性别: 男
    出生年份: 1959
    职称: 高级实验师
    首次聘任导师时间: 2006
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 无线电物理
    主要研究方向及特色: 光电测试技术
    电子信箱: miaomc@buaa.edu.cn
    办公电话: 82317936


    苗明川,男,1959年1月出生。现受聘北京航空航天大学理学院教学责任教授五级岗( 博士学位,副高职 )。
    2003年9月—2003年3月北京航空航天大学 在职博士精密仪器及机械专业。
    2005 年 《等离子体场能量》课题成员。
    《A practical method to compute the largest Lyapunov exponent》2006.11(International Conference :ISICT'2006)
    《Design and analysis of three links rotational inverted pendulum 》2006.12 (International Conference on Informatics and Control Technologies 2006)
    《运用庞加莱截面分析蔡氏电路》2006.7 《物理实验:2006年全国高等学校物理实验论文集》
    《混沌实验数据处理及仿真》2006.2 (大学物理第25卷第2期)
    《热功当量实验数据处理方法讨论》2004.6 《物理与工程》
    《SOS膜片及复合材料双功能温度压力传感器》 1993 ,《传感器》会议论文集
    《计算机软件技术基础》麦中凡 苗明川 (高等教育出版社2007.6)
    《物理学》全程导学(第四版)主编 苗明川 (中国时代经济出版社出版2006.2)
    《微积分》全程导学 主编 苗明川 (中国时代经济出版社出版2006.1)
    《基础物理实验》2005年7月, 参加 北京航空航天大学出版社

  • 物理教学与实验中心:唐芳

    姓名: 唐芳
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1972
    职称: 高级实验师
    首次聘任导师时间: 2009
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 无线电物理
  • 物理教学与实验中心:沈嵘

    姓名: 沈嵘
    性别: 女
    出生年份: 1968
    职称: 副教授
    首次聘任导师时间: 2002
    现聘任导师一级学科名称: 物理学
    现聘任导师二级学科名称: 凝聚态物理
    电子信箱: shenrong@buaa.edu.cn


    1986.9~1993.6华中师范大学物理系物理专业大学本科及凝聚态专业硕士研究生,1993.7~1999.7 为华中师范大学物理系教师。工作期间(1994.9~1998.6)在西北工业大学材料系攻读获博士学位。1999.8调入北京航空航天大学应用物理系。从事凝聚态专业材料物理方面的研究。近几年教学方面先后主讲本科、研究生"固体物理"课程4次,"大学物理"课程4次。现协助指导博士生一人。科研方面近几年来从事了"贝氏体相变理论和应用","全金属量子点单电子存储器"和"新型高分子薄膜材料电开关器件的性能和机理" (中科院有机固体开放实验室基金)等课题的研究。现进行"分子动力学模拟研究碳纳米管及其器件的力学性能"课题研究(中国科学院力学研究所非线性力学国家重点实验室基金)。1998年以来发表论文11篇,其中SCI第一作者二篇,EI三篇,获得实用新型专利一项,参加编写 《大学物理学习指导与提高》一书。

    1. TEM Study of Transformation Units and the Growth Mechanism of Bainite. Science in China, E., 1998,12,Vol41(6), p666 第一作者
    贝氏体相变单元及长大机制的TEM 研究. 中国科学,E辑,1998,12,Vol28(6), p481 第一作者
    2. The Nucleation of Bainite around Grain boundary, J. of Mater. Sci. & Technology,1998,7,Vol 14(4), p380-382 第一作者
    3 .The Pre-bainitic Transformation in Fe-Ni alloy. J. Iron and Steel Research, International, 1998, 10, Vol5(2), p47 . 第一作者
    4. 准贝氏体钢的特性极其工程应用, 兵器材料科学与工程,1998,3, Vol21(2),p60 第二作者
    5. 斗齿新材料准贝氏体铸钢的研制,工程机械,1998,4,Vol29(4),p31 第二作者
    6 .准贝氏体钢渗碳特性及磨损性能研究,材料工程,1998,5,p44 第三作者
    7 .准贝氏体钢渗碳特性及冲击磨损性能,机械工程材料,1998,6,Vol.22(3),p22 第三作者
    8. 23Co14Ni2Cr3钢热滞回线的测量及相变研究,西北工业大学学报,1999,2,Vol.17(1) 第三作者
    9. 贝氏体转变孕育期及初期的类调幅分解,西北工业大学学报,2000,2,Vol.18(1) 第一作者
    10. Fe-Ni合金贝氏体转变热力学研究,全国相变与凝固学术会议,2001,11,第一作者
    11. 贝氏体宏观惯习面形成机制,全国相变与凝固学术会议,2001,11,第一作者
    12. 全金属量子点单电子存储器,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 99 2 37517. 2000,4,第三作者
    13. 《大学物理学习指导与提高》,北京航空航天大学出版社,2001,9

  • 物理教学与实验中心:王菁

  • 物理教学与实验中心:谢晓慧

  • 物理教学与实验中心:王幕冰

  • 物理教学与实验中心:熊畅

  • 物理教学与实验中心:杨彩丽

  • 物理教学与实验中心:严琪琪

  • 物理教学与实验中心:张淼

  • 物理教学与实验中心:郑明

  • 物理教学与实验中心:周晓平

友情链接: 北京航空航天大学
电话:010-82317935 传真:010-82317935 网站维护:bestlxc@gmail.com 地址:北京市朝阳区小营育慧里4号3005室 邮编:100101 京ICP050